PayPal getting DPRP_DISABLED - How to enable DPRP - paypal

As I try to create an Agreement I'm currently getting:
response-code: 400 details: name: DPRP_DISABLED message: DPRP is disabled for this merchant. details: null debug-id: *********** information-link:
at com.paypal.api.payments.Agreement.create(
I know I need to upgrade my sandbox account to pro but in contrary as stated in the sandbox account documentation:
On the Profile page of the Business account, click the Account type: Upgrade to Pro link.
there is no such thing to click:
So how can I activate DPRP?

Please kindly reach the PayPal MTS team to help you enable the DPRP access for your sandbox account.


PayFlow integration using transparent redirect. Invalid Merchant or Merchant doesn't exist

I have a similar question like PayPal PayFlow Pro with Transparent Redirect - User Authentication Failed Issues / Documentation
Problem occurs on step 5
Secure token request for the transparent redirect (
So it seems like the account authenticates correctly.
Next I send post to with params
Error: Invalid Merchant or Merchant doesn't exist!
What can cause this problem?
PayPal Manager settings are:
Service Summary:
Hosted Checkout Pages Test
Payflow SDK/API (Full Access) Test
Transaction Process Mode: Test
Enable Secure Token: Yes

PayPal sandbox account not accepted by Easy Digital Downloads

I am using the Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin, with the PayPal plugin. I am testing with my sandbox account. I have been investigating an issue where entry of valid credit card results in an error:
"Error: Invalid Configuration This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration."
Obviously my first reaction was that this was an issue with my setup. But having spent a considerable amount of time with EDD support, it turns out that is just a misleading error. The reason I say this is because if I use a different account (the only thing that changes is the sandbox account credentials) then everything works juts fine.
I am grabbing the credentials from and copy/pasting from Sandbox -> Accounts -> API Credentials. I have double-checked (and triple checked) I have copied all the information to EDD OK.
Any suggestions for how to troubleshoot this. EDD support has indicated that this is an PayPal account issue.
This error generally comes when the account you are trying to accept the payments in is not a pro account .
You need to upgrade your sandbox account to pro . To do that , just login to the developer portal --> dashboard --> sandbox accounts . Select your sandbox account email address , click on profile -- > upgrade to pro -- > Enable .

how to create a paypal sandbox account

I am trying to create a PayPal sandbox account but not having any luck.
I'm following the instructions on creating sandbox test accounts
I go to Dashboard \ sandbox \ accounts as it says to do
Then it says to click the "Create Account button". But I don't see one.
Never mind. You have to have a PayPal account before you can create a sandbox account.

PayPal API adaptive pay Authentication failed. API credentials are incorrect

I'm trying to make test payment with PayPal API, but response is following:
{ responseEnvelope:
{ timestamp: '2013-08-12T03:28:07.503-07:00',
ack: 'Failure',
correlationId: '960a8b60a602e',
build: '6941298' },
[ { errorId: '520003',
domain: 'PLATFORM',
subdomain: 'Application',
severity: 'Error',
category: 'Application',
message: 'Authentication failed. API credentials are incorrect.' } ],
httpStatusCode: 200 }
I created sandbox business account and make request with account credentials, but have failure.
I was using the sandbox account, client ID and signature under the REST API. The correct sandbox account is as follows:
Log in to
Select Application from the top menu.
Click on sand box accounts from the left menu.
Here you can create sand box accounts for testing and in these accounts you can have profile. In the profile under the api credentials tab you will find the correct credentials.
I have attached a Screen capture.
Hope it helps.
This answer was provided by Abhisheik at wpmudev.
Note : My account is in state "Approved Conditionally" which I though was the issue. Sandbox development can, in fact, continue even in this state.
Big thanks to Abhisheik. If you read the thread, he want way above and beyond.
I try to use credentials from, not from and everything is working properly now

paypal integration error code 10002

I am using paypal directpayment, my account in paypal is already paypal pro. I already requested api username,password and signature and used it in my code but there is an error during execution. Please see below
TIMESTAMP: 2012-06-12T14:33:04Z
CORRELATIONID: 26e967f0870e1
ACK: Failure
BUILD: 2945183
L_SHORTMESSAGE0: Authentication/Authorization Failed
L_LONGMESSAGE0: You do not have permissions to make this API call
I am using this settings in live $API_Endpoint = '';
Does any one could help me to solve this problem?
This is a common error that you might get if you are using Paypal Express Checkout, or Paypal Website Payments Pro. This means that there is something wrong with your login information that you are using to authenticate the connection with Paypal.