Smartface 4.5 Missing Table Icon -

Smartface 4.5 missing table icon and the filter icon.
4.4 icons :
4.5 icons :
Is this a bug?

I found out that Smartface 4.5 will allow you to use any SQL Lite Manager to create/Modify your database by access the db file in our project folder.


What is the best way to update the Admob plugin in Unity?

error code pictureI have an old project on an old version of Unity (2018.4.36f LTS) with an even older Google Admob plugin in it. I would like to update the Google Admob SDK to have all the latest features, like the App Open Ad. But I don't know how to do it (PC running Windows 11) Thank you for your help!
You can download the latest sdk from here
It makes no difference what version of Windows you have. After downloading the sdk, open the Unity editor in the project you want and then drag or double click the downloaded file into Unity.

JASidePanels Slide Menu iOS Native Library Crash only on device

I tried to use JASidePanel, but its crashes on device. I thought that is a problem in the link configuration, so, I changed it but the problem was not solved.
I flowed this example to create my project, but I using Xib file to create the login design screen:
I using:
Xamarin.iOS: 10.3.1,
Xcode: 8.2,
MvvmCross: 4.4.0,
MvvmCross.iOS.Support: 4.4.0
MvvmCross.iOS.Support.JASidePanels: 4.4.0
The exception:
The exception

Web Platform Installer : 0MB -- Azure SDK 2.5.1 install issues

Using Visual Studio 2013 Professional, using the web platform installer I select Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2013) - 2.5.1.
I add and click install.
The next screen tells me what it's installing, showing 0MB in terms of size.
![enter image description here][1]
The operation finishes, however I create the new project I see the sdk listed with 0MB for file size.
If I install and let it finish, when I go back to the web platform installer, it indicated 2.5.1 sdk was not installed.
I tried doing a manual install from here which didn't work:
Additionally, all other items I'm trying to install through web platform installer show 0 MB.

MobileFirst QA for Bluemix component does not appear to work

I am using MobileFirst Platform 6.3 with Eclipse Luna. I have downloaded the MobileFirst QA for Bluemix component (MQA-1.9.19-saas.wlc) file and confirmed that in Eclipse the Download Folder for the Templates and Components is /User/KenAtIBM/IBM/Templates and that indeed the SDK is in that folder.
When I attempt to Add/Remove Application Components I get the following in the console:
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Component = MQA-1.9.19-saas.wlc
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Found component.wcp
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] Found Image
[2014-12-17 10:59:48] imagePath
The problem is that there is no component listed (see attached screen shot).
I have been following the instructions with no success as of yet. So my question is, what am I missing?
I have tried rename the file to have a zip extension, same out come as above.
I have tried un-archiving the zip, no success.
I have restarted eclipse numerous times and even went so far as to reboot, still nothing.
Is the SDK that is downloaded from here compatible with MobileFirst Platform?
Update: you should play with the column resizer rather than the window size. After doing that, the entry will appear.
I see you are using Eclipse Luna on Mac OS X 10.10.x Yosemite.
There is an OS X bug that does something wrong with tables - try to play with the size of the window containing the table and then scroll in it, the component should probably then show up.
On a Mac, the first row of the Add Component is hidden in the table. Simply scroll down and you will see it.
For me, I have 4 templates, but I can only see 3 of them when the dialog starts. I have to scroll down inside that table to see the first row.
And I have tested the MQA on BlueMix with MFP 6.3. It works fine. I can submit my screenshot to the bluemix cloud.
Just to clarify things, MobileFirst Quality Assurance for Bluemix does work together with MobileFirst Platform Foundation 6.3
I was able to successfully instrument a hybrid app with the JavaScript SDK, and start sessions in both pre-production and production modes. I've used the following configuration:
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
IBM MobileFirst Platform
Javascript SDK for Worklight 1.9.19
Windows 7 64-bit SP1
It seems that the problem here is with the 'JavaScript SDK' not showing up in the table to 'add/remove application components' when MFP 6.3 is running on Mac OS X Yosemite

facebook c# SDK in Windows Store app LoginButton will not render in Designer

I am using VS2013 following the tutorial facebooksdk login-ui-control once I get to step 9 my Design view does not render and if I hover over facebookControls:LoginButton in the XAML I show an error "ResourceMap not found"
I am using
Facebook C# SDK Version:
Facebook SDK for Windows & Windows Phone Version:
I've had the same problem.
Facebook SDK version 6.4.2
Facebook.Client version 0.8.5-alpha
targetFramework win81
but after first F5 the control starts working OK. Seems *.PRI files did not load correctly. see