IBM IoT Real-Time insights chart visualizations - real-time

Within the IBM IoT Real-Time insights we can display charts of data contained with incoming events. Here is an example of such a chart:
What configuration do we have over the visualization? For example:
Can I control the boldness or visibility of division lines?
Can I place labels on the X-Axis?
Can I move the labels on the Y-Axis to the left of the chart?
Can we plot marker points on the graph showing data points?
Can we control the nature of the curve (it appears like some kind of best fit curve by default)?

The current implementation of the charts allows just a few options for customization, such as the color of the graphs and the size and position of the graph window. The other graph attributes mentioned above are not customizable at the moment.


Is it possible to draw tick marks outside of the X-Axis on Google Charts?

I've done quite a bit of research of google charts(specifically combo chart) and I don't think producing this UI is possible:
This is because:
Gridlines in Google Chart only go inward the graph.
"Ticks" are available, but only as labels.
I don't see any other option to create this effects. Any ideas on how to create this effect?

How to increase Chart Title and axis scale values and Title in any chart in Anylogic

In AnyLogic, The Chart title and Axis Scale values & Title are very small, Audience are not able to see in these scale values and title in presentation, We have to again redraw all charts in excel with the data provided by AnyLogic, Its a rework. Please give a feature to increase their font in AnyLogic chart.
Image of Chart in AnyLogic
If you are looking for a way to do this yourself and have full control over the chart you can create the following: The top is custom labels for the axis and the bottom is the standard AnyLogic chart
Start by disabling the Y and X-axis
Unfortunately this also removes the lines so you will need to add these yourself.
Now you are free to create your own text objects, place them where you want to, change the color, font etc.
For dates, you can also use your own date formatter
This is not possible. But you can always reduce the size of your chart (relative to the font size) and then use a view area to zoom into the chart to make the fonts look good. Not ideal but possible.
Alternatively, use the Cloud capabilities with responsive charts.
For feature requests, you should best email to
But given that they will launch AnyLogic 9 with a completely revamped UI soon, this will likely not make it for AL8 :)

Mapbox - Show point of interest markers regardless of zoom level

I'm filtering on the 'poi-label' layer on the default Mapbox Streets V8 data source. What I'd like to have is that certain maki or class labels like 'fitness-centere' to always be visible (both icon and label) regardless of the zoom level.
I see no clear documentation on how to do this using Mapbox studio. Can it be done in that tool?
It is generally not possible to have layers in vector tile sources display at "all zoom levels" because they don't exist at all zoom levels within the vector tile sources.
Generally, the Mapbox tilesets are heavily optimised and only include data at the zoom levels that they are intended to display at in the corresponding Mapbox styles.

DynamicDataDisplay chart tools, programmatically adding (pannable) controls to a chart (using ViewportHostPanel)

Dynamic Data Display is a fantastic library that so far has been very useful for me. Thanks go to Mikhail Brinchuk for developing the library.
This posting gives a great tip for adding controls to DynamicDataDisplay charts using xaml that pan and zoom with the chart content:
This allows the placement of an image, text, or whatever, on the chart that moves with the chart axes. This is all done in xaml.
How do I add these in the cs code such that I can add controls to the chart (markers, images and such) at run-time? I'm trying to plot some GPS data in one chart using Google maps as the source images. In another chart I'd like to add controls that pan with the data. The above link does this, but I am not able to add it at run-time, nor specify the position in my chart data.

How to input data in d3.js AreaChart And what need to code to achieve one chart and individual tootip info

I am trying to implement D3.js charts and using nvd3.js examples for it, I want to show two data set in one area(Means Want to Draw Chart for Sum of Facebook and Twitter positive sentiments with respect to time, in one area chart with respect to time). And want to show one tooltip which shows indvidual contribution of facebook and twiiter and total, As you can see in Attached image. I have done only for facebook or twiter not for both in one chart.
Q: How to input data in d3.js AreaChart And what need to code to achieve these results.
Good Answer will be highly appreciated.
Expected Result Image.