Is it possible to draw tick marks outside of the X-Axis on Google Charts? - charts

I've done quite a bit of research of google charts(specifically combo chart) and I don't think producing this UI is possible:
This is because:
Gridlines in Google Chart only go inward the graph.
"Ticks" are available, but only as labels.
I don't see any other option to create this effects. Any ideas on how to create this effect?


Vertical zoom on individual series or Y-axis in Echarts

Is it possible to zoom on individual series in Echarts? By that I mean selecting a series and then applying vertical zoom on that series while the other series remain unchanged.
I have looked at the examples and documentation, but can´t find it.
Yes! It is possible and supported. The way I did it was by setting zoomOnMouseWheel on idividual series through setOption.
Selecting a series by clicking on it seems a little brittle though. The selections don´t always seem to go through. I used the selectchanged event.

How to increase Chart Title and axis scale values and Title in any chart in Anylogic

In AnyLogic, The Chart title and Axis Scale values & Title are very small, Audience are not able to see in these scale values and title in presentation, We have to again redraw all charts in excel with the data provided by AnyLogic, Its a rework. Please give a feature to increase their font in AnyLogic chart.
Image of Chart in AnyLogic
If you are looking for a way to do this yourself and have full control over the chart you can create the following: The top is custom labels for the axis and the bottom is the standard AnyLogic chart
Start by disabling the Y and X-axis
Unfortunately this also removes the lines so you will need to add these yourself.
Now you are free to create your own text objects, place them where you want to, change the color, font etc.
For dates, you can also use your own date formatter
This is not possible. But you can always reduce the size of your chart (relative to the font size) and then use a view area to zoom into the chart to make the fonts look good. Not ideal but possible.
Alternatively, use the Cloud capabilities with responsive charts.
For feature requests, you should best email to
But given that they will launch AnyLogic 9 with a completely revamped UI soon, this will likely not make it for AL8 :)

How do I anchor the legend to floating chart in Tableau?

As of right now, if I'm floating the chart, the legend will not float with it. I would like to anchor that legend along side(or maybe even inside) the chart. This way when Im draging my chart into positon, I won't have to do the same with the legend. Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance.
Each object on the dashboard is independent, and only relevant to the top left corner of the dashboard when floating. You can create containers and move the entire container as per this article:
I know anchoring to an object has been an asked for feature in the past going back as far as 2016, that I could find, but I do not know the current in progress status.

IBM IoT Real-Time insights chart visualizations

Within the IBM IoT Real-Time insights we can display charts of data contained with incoming events. Here is an example of such a chart:
What configuration do we have over the visualization? For example:
Can I control the boldness or visibility of division lines?
Can I place labels on the X-Axis?
Can I move the labels on the Y-Axis to the left of the chart?
Can we plot marker points on the graph showing data points?
Can we control the nature of the curve (it appears like some kind of best fit curve by default)?
The current implementation of the charts allows just a few options for customization, such as the color of the graphs and the size and position of the graph window. The other graph attributes mentioned above are not customizable at the moment.

Graph combining HorizontalBarChart & CubicLineChart?

Is it possible to draw a graph combining a HorizontalBarChart with a CubicLineChart with iOS-charts? The CubicLineChart would be drawn from top to bottom, following the horizontal bars rather than left to right.
If not, can anyone recommend a graph library that would support this please?
Currently, No. But technically, you could, but you need to do a lot of decent study on the framework and rewrite a bunch of methods to get it work.
Check out how combined chart is carried out, and make sure you understand how the ChartTransformer get setup and work. Then you are good to go.
The other way is, use vertical bar chart and normal line chart to get what you want, like a combined chart, and rotate it 90 degree, and customize the axis labels maybe easier for you?
BTW, you need to know that chart is making data easy to understand, I'm not sure would a chart like you said make it easier?