Mapbox - Show point of interest markers regardless of zoom level - mapbox

I'm filtering on the 'poi-label' layer on the default Mapbox Streets V8 data source. What I'd like to have is that certain maki or class labels like 'fitness-centere' to always be visible (both icon and label) regardless of the zoom level.
I see no clear documentation on how to do this using Mapbox studio. Can it be done in that tool?

It is generally not possible to have layers in vector tile sources display at "all zoom levels" because they don't exist at all zoom levels within the vector tile sources.
Generally, the Mapbox tilesets are heavily optimised and only include data at the zoom levels that they are intended to display at in the corresponding Mapbox styles.


How can I configure zoom extent in Mapbox when generating raster tilesets from GeoTIFF?

I'm using Mapbox to generate raster tilesets from raw GeoTIFFs. The GeoTIFFs have a resolution such that a single pixel represents roughly a 5km x 5km square on the map. The generated raster tilesets will be hosted on Mapbox and then displayed in a Mapbox GL JS application.
The issue I'm running into is extreme blurriness at high zoom levels. Below is a section of central Nigeria at about a zoom level of 7 displayed in our Mapbox GL JS app vs. the raw GeoTiff viewed in QGIS. The blurriness is of course worse at even higher zooms.
I created this raster tileset by uploading a sample GeoTIFF into Mapbox Studio (I've also used the Uploads API). The Tileset viewer in Studio displays a footnote that reads:
Zoom Extent
z0 – z5. Data will be overzoomed to z22, but simplified past 5.
I can verify this by looking at the network requests in the dev tools as I zoom in on the map – it actually seems that no new tiles are requested above z4.
Does Mapbox have any way to manually configure the zoom extent (specifically, the max zoom) for which raster tilesets are generated?
I’ve clicked through to the Adjust Tileset Zoom Extent help page, which states:
For raster tilesets, the uploaded image resolution sets the minzoom
and maxzoom levels. Higher resolution images will result in the
tileset rendering at more zoom levels.
Again, the data I'm working with is of fixed resolution so I'm hoping to find a way to have tilesets generated for higher zoom levels regardless of image resolution. Mapbox Tiling Service and Tippecanoe both have custom configuration rules for specifying the max zoom (past which, simplification occurs) when creating vector tilesets. However, neither seems to handle rasters. The Uploads API does handle raster tilesets, but doesn't seem to have any zoom extent configuration options.
I've also tried adjusting various frontend configuration options in the Mapbox GL JS client like the source tileSize and the raster-resampling paint property, but to little avail. I'm definitely open to other suggestions for how to get crisp pixels at higher zoom levels, but mostly hoping there's some simple method I'm missing for getting Mapbox to generate raster tiles past z4/z5. I think even z0-z7 would be sufficient.

Mapbox studio : how to display building at any zoom level

I'm using mapbox studio to customize a map and I haven't found the way to display building-outline layer at any zoom level.
If I'm under of 16 zoom level, this layer disappears... even if I force opacity to 1.
Any idea ?
Thank you in advance
The minimum zoom level for the buildings layer in the current tileset (Mapbox Streets v8) is 13.
This means that if you zoom out further (from 12 to 0) the buildings layer will not be rendered on the map.
See documentation:
The reason for this restriction is that if you requested your browser to fetch and render every building polygon in a wider area (like an entire city or country), this would be more than a reasonable amount of data to render.
If you have your own buildings polygon data and you create a tileset from that, you could choose to include your data across more zoom levels. However, you might waste a lot of computing resources drawing shapes that are too tiny to understand at those further zoom levels.

possible to show road-path-smooth items at lower zoom levels

I'd like for my road-path-smooth elements to show at a lower zoom level than they currently are because my application is for the outdoors and these are more important elements. Is that possible? I can't seem to find out how to adjust this in studio.
If you're talking about displaying layers from the Mapbox Streets tileset, then no, it's probably not possible. The vector tiles are optimised for Mapbox's style (also, confusingly, called Mapbox Streets), and don't contain data that isn't already displayed.
Your need is a common one, but unfortunately the only way to solve it is to find a different set of vector tiles that meets your needs, or create one yourself.

Mapbox show secondary/tertiary roads

I want to show secondary/tertiary roads at a zoom level like 10 or 11. At that zoom level I only see the primary roads, I did try to style it with carto css, but its not working.
Thank you
[class='secondary'][zoom>=11] {
line-color: red;
line-dasharray: 2,1;
line-width: 19.2;
It's not possible.
The mapbox-streets-v6 vector dataset that ships with Mapbox Studio Classic only has certain vector data layers at each zoom level. The waterway data does not appear in this dataset at any zoom lower than 8, which is why you can't style it at any other zoom level.
Fortunately, this data comes from OpenStreetMap, so you can add it as a custom source in Mapbox Studio Classic and style it along with the other data! There is even a guide on grabbing this data from OpenStreetMap with Overpass Turbo.

How do I make the class 'path' show up at higher zoom levels using carto CSS in MapBox Studio?

I am working styling a map in MapBox studio. I am trying to make the road class path show up at a zoom level less than 14. As soon as I go to level 13 or less the paths all disappear. Does anyone know how to make the paths show up at levels 12 and 13?
I have tried this in my css.
[class='path'] {
::path[zoom>=10]['mapnik::geometry_type'=2] {
line-join: round;
line-width: 1.0;
The mapbox-streets-v5 vector dataset that ships with Mapbox Studio only has certain vector data layers at each zoom level. The path data does not appear in this dataset at any zoom lower than 14, which is why you can't style it at any other zoom level.
Fortunately, this data comes from OpenStreetMap, so you can add it as a custom source in Mapbox Studio and style it along with the other data! There is even a guide on grabbing this data from OpenStreetMap with Overpass Turbo.