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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can an augmented reality DESKTOP application be made on Unity or any other 3D engine using a webcam.? if yes, then what other extra tools and softwares are required?
Yes you can create AR apps using Unity. I prefer using ARToolKit as it is open source. Have a look here for necessary downloads: (scroll down to the "Download Unity Section")
Here you can find the documentation for using Unity with ARToolKit:
Vuforia does not support desktop for now. But artoolkit support.
And easyar supports.
Of course it can be done using Unity, take a look at ARToolkit, there are also a dozen of other tools.
Here you can find an old post about the subject.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am making a game for school with my friend, and we want to make it VR. Our school has no VR set but is willing to buy one for our project. We are also planning to upload our game onto Steam (I don't know if that changes anything).
I have seen how I can make a Unity game VR using VIVE and using Oculus, but I haven't seen any tutorials with both. So I was wondering if/how I can make it so that my game can use Oculus and VIVE, without having to make two different games for it.
I hope that by knowing this I can tell my school to buy the right VR set.
Its possible, the most common way would be to use SteamVR (aka OpenVR), it primarily targets Vive but works fine with Oculus (at least on the PC, I am not sure about Quest - its likely not supported).
Alternative is to to write your own wrappers to individual API's that would have implementation depending on the actual hardware platform. This should be possible to achieve wihtin a single ebinary but is a bit easier if you allow differen builds for each platform
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Closed 8 years ago.
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All I wanna know is, "Can I develop high quality games for Android/iOS using libGDX or game engines like Unity3D would be needed?"
Unity3D is much more than a library (like libGDX). You get a very good editor, that allows you to see your game objects and make debugging a dream compared to building something without a visual aid.
Unity3D has another major advantage in its asset store. Whenever I want to do something new, I look into the asset store first, and usually someone else has done it, with much better quality than what I'd achieve in a small time frame.
I did this game in Unity3D: and while I could have done it in many other engines, it would have taken me much longer.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am thinking the build my own home system that can do basic tuning channels or view lineup for my Comcast cable TV, like xfinity TV App does.
I am wondering if someone know Comcast open their API? or is there a way that can do it?
Most likely, you'll have to program against a 3rd party system that uses a CableCard.
To my knowledge the only way you can do something like this is to write a plug-in for Media Center on Windows with a CableCARD. Take a look at the Windows Media Center SDK Overview and see if it has the functionality you're looking for.
Nope, everything I've seen suggests that it's a private API. Which makes sense, they probably want you to have to use their services instead of creating your own.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently I am working on Social Game for iPhone. I want to integrate ScoreLoop inside this games. If anybody know use of scoreloop. Please tell me How to use this ?
Check inside your Scoreloop SDK Folder (the one you downloaded), there will be a Documentation folder, where you can navigate to the ScoreloopCSE documentation PDF file, where all the steps are listed to get Scoreloop integrated into your application.
Refer to this link. I got on how to implement it from answer in this link:
781 can not integrate scoreloop in cocos2d iphone
Hope this helps you.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was wondering how I would go about keeping Apple's SDK 3.2.1 installed, while also installing the new beta. I am sure this is simple, but wanted to ask before creating a potential problem. Also SKD 2.0 is it possible to get back, like from the Apple site or not?
I am wondering what most programmers are doing to test multiple versions of devices because I hear the iPod crowd is still mostly running 2.0.
It's pretty standard (and recommended even) to install the entire Xcode tool set with the new SDK in a different root directory. I use /Developer_SDK3.2 for example.