Is Comcast TV API open to public? [closed] - television

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am thinking the build my own home system that can do basic tuning channels or view lineup for my Comcast cable TV, like xfinity TV App does.
I am wondering if someone know Comcast open their API? or is there a way that can do it?

Most likely, you'll have to program against a 3rd party system that uses a CableCard.
To my knowledge the only way you can do something like this is to write a plug-in for Media Center on Windows with a CableCARD. Take a look at the Windows Media Center SDK Overview and see if it has the functionality you're looking for.

Nope, everything I've seen suggests that it's a private API. Which makes sense, they probably want you to have to use their services instead of creating your own.


Swift app that allows two users to see a live updates drawing canvas [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to build a swift app that would allow a user on one side to draw an image that will be updated in nearly real time on the other user's device, somewhat as if they were drawing on a whiteboard in person.
Anyone have any tips or places where I should start? I'm relatively new to swift. Thanks for your help.
This requires a persistent line of communication between your mobile device(s) and your server. Websockets allow this type of communication. I haven't implemented them myself so I can't provide implementation details, but there are plenty of resources available online.
Sockets with Swift
Websockets Tutorial
I think Realm is exactly what you are looking for.
Real time collaboration in as little as 10 lines of code

is it possible to code my own application with medical material? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently doing an internship in a medical laboratory
They want to buy Ipad and medical device connected to it
example: diabet tester
blood pressure monitoring system
I'm wondering if I can code my own application that gets the data from the medical device and then handle it?
thks for your answers
I think they're some step to success it .
At first you need a Hardware solution like said "Mundi".
You need to grab data from device and store them somewhere accessible (like in a BDD with online acces).
And then the iPad application just have to connecte to the data-Source and play with it
The short answer is YES.
There are many ways to get the data into the app via a network. If you would like to read from the device directly, you would have to additionally find a hardware solution.
I'm not sure this applies, but I've seen some really cool medical apps written using Harvard's SMART project. They provide a simple but effective framework, which is independent of the Hospital Information System (like Cerner, Epic, VistA).

Can I trust DragonFireSDK? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Watching their video and browsing their site, it looks like I have to do some kind of mouse olympics to publish an app. I want to publish an app to the App Store for as little money as possible, without using "hacks". Is there any way to do this, and does Apple allow it?
They seem to have posted the names of several apps using their SDK, and apps in the App store are required to include developer contact info. Write a few of the developers of recent apps using their toolchain, and see if any of their replies give you enough confidence.

Collecting custom end user feedback for Mobile Apps? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have a few iphone and andriod apps and would like to collect better and more targeted user feedback for them. The feedback from the App stores is pretty generic and doesn't add much value at most times.
Any framework or website that I could use to help here? Kind of like Get Satisfaction for Mobile Apps.
If you are developing for Android, you can take a look on LetThemVote.
It's a free feedback collector service which provides an API+Client UI.
Disclaimer: I'm the developer of LTV
You might want to take a look at Promobe. They are a service for mobile app developers that provides a rich user feedback mechanism - you can define custom feedback forms for each of your apps, track that feedback, publish promotion codes, etc.
It's a new service that just went into beta but looks pretty interesting.

Looking for Attractive Forum to Add to My Application [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Looking for an attractive, highly customizable forum plugin to implement. Don't want to build one myself, but don't want to settle for usual crap. Something Ajax-y?
Was leaning towards Community Server but would love to see what others had to reccomend.
EDIT: This is an ASP.NET/C#/SQL application
Lussumo's Vanilla
Simple Machines
Attractive is subjective, so you'll need to look around.
If you don't already have authentication or anything running, you might check out Active Forums that runs within DotNetNuke. I've been using it and I'm very happy thus far, ajax paging for users, standard paging for bots, social bookmarking built in, and many other nice items.
YetAnotherForum is ASP.NET/C#/SQL like your application and it looks very nice. I'm not sure about AJAX though.
It can run in DotNetNuke, Rainbow, or stand-alone.