Can anyone tell me how to write indicator function for vector input in matlab? - matlab

I am a new user of matlab and stackoverflow. I asked a question about how to write indicator function f, the question was as follow:
"f should be an anonymous function like f=#(t)1[0,0.25)(t). However, the number of intervals for the piecewise constant function is not fixed in general. Instead, the piecewise interval depends on users input."
I am glad that some users answered my question.
The solution answered is as follow:
%defines weight vector. for example: a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4=4,a5=5
A = 1:5;
%defines a range vector
ranges = [0:(1/length(A)):1,inf];
%The padding is for handling cases where t<0 or t>=1
APadded = [0,A,0];
f=#*(t)APadded(find(t < ranges,1,'first'));
f(0.1) = 1, f(0.3) = 2, f(0.5) = 3, f(0.7) = 4, f(0.9) = 5, f(-0.1) = f(1.1) = 0;
I want to extend the codes a little bit. For example, if I define #(X)sun(X), when the input of X is a vector, it gives output to be a vector. However, the above solution for indicator result does not. One can try f([0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9]) which does not give 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
How to solve this problem so that even if the input is a vector, it will give correct result?

Use Matlab's arrayfun function on the created f function:
f2([-0.1, 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,1.1])
ans =
0 1 2 3 4 5 0
Full code example:
%defines weight vector. for example: a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4=4,a5=5
A = 1:5;
%defines a range vector
ranges = [0:(1/length(A)):1,inf];
%The padding is for handling cases where t<0 or t>=1
APadded = [0,A,0];
fTemp=#(t)APadded(find(t < ranges,1,'first'));


Finding the maximum value from an expression using a loop in Matlab

I want to find the maximum value using the second derivative of the the expression when x is between 0 and 1. In other words I am taking the derivative of cox(x^2) twice to get the second derivative resulting in - 2*sin(x^2) - 4*x^2*cos(x^2), then I want to evaluate this second derivative at x = 0 to x = 1, and display the maximum value of the populated values.
I have:
syms x
f = cos(x^2);
secondD = diff(diff(f));
for i = 0:1
y = max(secondD(i))
Can someone help?
You can do it easily by subs and double:
syms x
f = cos(x^2);
secondD = diff(diff(f));
% instead of the for loop
epsilon = 0.01;
specified_range = 0:epsilon:1;
[max_val, max_ind] = max(double(subs(secondD, specified_range)));
Please note that it is a numerical approach to find the maximum and the returned answer is not completely correct all the time. However, by increasing the epsilon, you can expect a better result in general (again in some cases it is not completely correct).

Scipy laplace scaling

I want to check the calculation of the laplace filter from scipy.ndimage and compare it to my own method if differentiation. Below I have a piece of code that I ran
import scipy.ndimage.filters
n = 100
x_range = y_range = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_range, y_range)
f_fun = X ** 2 + Y ** 2
f_fun_laplace = 4 * np.ones(f_fun.shape)
res_laplace = scipy.ndimage.filters.laplace(f_fun, mode='constant')
I expect that the variable res_laplace will have the constant value of 4 over the whole domain (excluding the boundaries for simplicity), since this is what I would get by applying the laplace operator to my function f(x,y) = x^2 + y^2.
However, the value that res_laplace produces is 0.00163 in this case. So my question was.. why is this not equal to 4?
The answer, in this specific case, is that you need to multiply the output of scipy.ndimage.filters.laplace with a factor of (1/delta_x) ** 2. Where delta_x = np.diff(x_range)[0]
I simply assumed that the filter would take care of that, but in hindsight it is of course not able know the value delta_x.
And since we are differentiating twice, we need to square the inverse of this delta_x.

How to resolve MATLAB trapz function error?

I am working on an assignment that requires me to use the trapz function in MATLAB in order to evaluate an integral. I believe I have written the code correctly, but the program returns answers that are wildly incorrect. I am attempting to find the integral of e^(-x^2) from 0 to 1.
x = linspace(0,1,2000);
y = zeros(1,2000);
for iCnt = 1:2000
y(iCnt) = e.^(-(x(iCnt)^2));
a = trapz(y);
This code currently returns
What am I doing incorrectly?
You need to just specify also the x values:
x = linspace(0,1,2000);
y = exp(-x.^2);
a = trapz(x,y)
a =
More details:
First of all, in MATLAB you can use vectors to avoid for-loops for performing operation on arrays (vectors). So the whole four lines of code
y = zeros(1,2000);
for iCnt = 1:2000
y(iCnt) = exp(-(x(iCnt)^2));
will be translated to one line:
y = exp(-x.^2)
You defined x = linspace(0,1,2000) it means that you need to calculate the integral of the given function in range [0 1]. So there is a mistake in the way you calculate y which returns it to be in range [1 2000] and that is why you got the big number as the result.
In addition, in MATLAB you should use exp there is not function as e in MATLAB.
Also, if you plot the function in the range, you will see that the result makes sense because the whole page has an area of 1x1.

Dice simulation with matlab

I am new on this forum. First of all, I find it very interesting to have such a website were everyone can get help in different domains. Thank you very much.
So I have a problem: I was supposed to resolve the following problem:
Simulate with rand ntrials of rolling a dice.
if rand() in [0, 1/6] then 1 was thrown;
if rand() in (1/6, 2/6] then 2 was thrown
if rand() in (5/6, 1] then 6 was thrown.
Generate with hist an histogramm of the results of ntrials.
This is what I did:
ntrials = 100;
X = abs(rand(1,ntrials)*6) + 1;
Now there is a second exercise that I must do:
two dice are thrown and S is the sum of the 2 dice
Compute the probability that S respectively accept one of the value 2,3,4,5.....12.
Write a Matlab function twoTimesDice that the theoritical result through a simulation of the throw of 2 dice like in the first exercise.
That is what I tryed:
function twoTimesDice
x1 = abs(rand(1,11))*6 + 1;
s1 = floor(x1); % probably result of the first dice
x2 = abs(rand(1,11))*6 +1;
s2 = floor(x2) % probably result of de second dice
S = s1 +s2;
Can you tell me please if I did it well?
Generating a dice roll between 1 and 6 can be done by randi().
So first, use randi() instead of floor() and abs():
X = randi(6,1,ntrials)
which will give you an array of length ntrials with random integers ranging from 1 to 6. (you need the 1 there or it will return a square matrix of size ntrials by ntrials). randi documentation
In the function my personal preference would be to request the number of trials as input.
Your function then becomes:
function twoTimesDice(ntrials)
s1 = randi(6,1,ntrials); % result of the first dice
s2 = randi(6,1,ntrials); % result of the second dice
S = s1 +s2;
For a normalised histogram, you can replace hist(S) by:
numOfBins = 11;
[histFreq, histXout] = hist(S, numOfBins);
bar(histXout, histFreq/sum(histFreq)*100);
(As described in this question)
For the first part, I would use floor instead of abs,
X = floor(rand(1, ntrials)*6) + 1;
as it returns the values you are looking for, or as Daniel commented, use
which returns an integer.
Then you can just run
For the second part, I believe they are asking for two dice rolls, each being 1-6, and not one 2-12.
x = floor(rand(1)*6) + 1;
The distribution will look different. Roll those twice, add the result, that is your twoTimesDice function.
Roll that ntrials times, then do a histogram of that (as you already do).
I am not sure how random rand() really is though.

How can I speed up this call to quantile in Matlab?

I have a MATLAB routine with one rather obvious bottleneck. I've profiled the function, with the result that 2/3 of the computing time is used in the function levels:
The function levels takes a matrix of floats and splits each column into nLevels buckets, returning a matrix of the same size as the input, with each entry replaced by the number of the bucket it falls into.
To do this I use the quantile function to get the bucket limits, and a loop to assign the entries to buckets. Here's my implementation:
function [Y q] = levels(X,nLevels)
% "Assign each of the elements of X to an integer-valued level"
p = linspace(0, 1.0, nLevels+1);
q = quantile(X,p);
if isvector(q)
Y = zeros(size(X));
for i = 1:nLevels
% "The variables g and l indicate the entries that are respectively greater than
% or less than the relevant bucket limits. The line Y(g & l) = i is assigning the
% value i to any element that falls in this bucket."
if i ~= nLevels % "The default; doesnt include upper bound"
g = bsxfun(#ge,X,q(i,:));
l = bsxfun(#lt,X,q(i+1,:));
else % "For the final level we include the upper bound"
g = bsxfun(#ge,X,q(i,:));
l = bsxfun(#le,X,q(i+1,:));
Y(g & l) = i;
Is there anything I can do to speed this up? Can the code be vectorized?
If I understand correctly, you want to know how many items fell in each bucket.
n = hist(Y,nbins)
Though I am not sure that it will help in the speedup. It is just cleaner this way.
Edit : Following the comment:
You can use the second output parameter of histc
[n,bin] = histc(...) also returns an index matrix bin. If x is a vector, n(k) = >sum(bin==k). bin is zero for out of range values. If x is an M-by-N matrix, then
How About this
function [Y q] = levels(X,nLevels)
p = linspace(0, 1.0, nLevels+1);
q = quantile(X,p);
Y = zeros(size(X));
for i = 1:numel(q)-1
Y = Y+ X>=q(i);
This results in the following:
>>X = [3 1 4 6 7 2];
>>[Y, q] = levels(X,2)
Y =
1 1 2 2 2 1
q =
1 3.5 7
You could also modify the logic line to ensure values are less than the start of the next bin. However, I don't think it is necessary.
I think you shoud use histc
[~,Y] = histc(X,q)
As you can see in matlab's doc:
n = histc(x,edges) counts the number of values in vector x that fall
between the elements in the edges vector (which must contain
monotonically nondecreasing values). n is a length(edges) vector
containing these counts. No elements of x can be complex.
I made a couple of refinements (including one inspired by Aero Engy in another answer) that have resulted in some improvements. To test them out, I created a random matrix of a million rows and 100 columns to run the improved functions on:
>> x = randn(1000000,100);
First, I ran my unmodified code, with the following results:
Note that of the 40 seconds, around 14 of them are spent computing the quantiles - I can't expect to improve this part of the routine (I assume that Mathworks have already optimized it, though I guess that to assume makes an...)
Next, I modified the routine to the following, which should be faster and has the advantage of being fewer lines as well!
function [Y q] = levels(X,nLevels)
p = linspace(0, 1.0, nLevels+1);
q = quantile(X,p);
if isvector(q), q = transpose(q); end
Y = ones(size(X));
for i = 2:nLevels
Y = Y + bsxfun(#ge,X,q(i,:));
The profiling results with this code are:
So it is 15 seconds faster, which represents a 150% speedup of the portion of code that is mine, rather than MathWorks.
Finally, following a suggestion of Andrey (again in another answer) I modified the code to use the second output of the histc function, which assigns entries to bins. It doesn't treat the columns independently, so I had to loop over the columns manually, but it seems to be performing really well. Here's the code:
function [Y q] = levels(X,nLevels)
p = linspace(0,1,nLevels+1);
q = quantile(X,p);
if isvector(q), q = transpose(q); end
q(end,:) = 2 * q(end,:);
Y = zeros(size(X));
for k = 1:size(X,2)
[junk Y(:,k)] = histc(X(:,k),q(:,k));
And the profiling results:
We now spend only 4.3 seconds in codes outside the quantile function, which is around a 500% speedup over what I wrote originally. I've spent a bit of time writing this answer because I think it's turned into a nice example of how you can use the MATLAB profiler and StackExchange in combination to get much better performance from your code.
I'm happy with this result, although of course I'll continue to be pleased to hear other answers. At this stage the main performance increase will come from increasing the performance of the part of the code that currently calls quantile. I can't see how to do this immediately, but maybe someone else here can. Thanks again!
You can sort the columns and divide+round the inverse indexes:
function Y = levels(X,nLevels)
% "Assign each of the elements of X to an integer-valued level"
Or you can use tiedrank:
function Y = levels(X,nLevels)
% "Assign each of the elements of X to an integer-valued level"
Surprisingly, both these solutions are slightly slower than the quantile+histc solution.