Dice simulation with matlab - matlab

I am new on this forum. First of all, I find it very interesting to have such a website were everyone can get help in different domains. Thank you very much.
So I have a problem: I was supposed to resolve the following problem:
Simulate with rand ntrials of rolling a dice.
if rand() in [0, 1/6] then 1 was thrown;
if rand() in (1/6, 2/6] then 2 was thrown
if rand() in (5/6, 1] then 6 was thrown.
Generate with hist an histogramm of the results of ntrials.
This is what I did:
ntrials = 100;
X = abs(rand(1,ntrials)*6) + 1;
Now there is a second exercise that I must do:
two dice are thrown and S is the sum of the 2 dice
Compute the probability that S respectively accept one of the value 2,3,4,5.....12.
Write a Matlab function twoTimesDice that the theoritical result through a simulation of the throw of 2 dice like in the first exercise.
That is what I tryed:
function twoTimesDice
x1 = abs(rand(1,11))*6 + 1;
s1 = floor(x1); % probably result of the first dice
x2 = abs(rand(1,11))*6 +1;
s2 = floor(x2) % probably result of de second dice
S = s1 +s2;
Can you tell me please if I did it well?

Generating a dice roll between 1 and 6 can be done by randi().
So first, use randi() instead of floor() and abs():
X = randi(6,1,ntrials)
which will give you an array of length ntrials with random integers ranging from 1 to 6. (you need the 1 there or it will return a square matrix of size ntrials by ntrials). randi documentation
In the function my personal preference would be to request the number of trials as input.
Your function then becomes:
function twoTimesDice(ntrials)
s1 = randi(6,1,ntrials); % result of the first dice
s2 = randi(6,1,ntrials); % result of the second dice
S = s1 +s2;
For a normalised histogram, you can replace hist(S) by:
numOfBins = 11;
[histFreq, histXout] = hist(S, numOfBins);
bar(histXout, histFreq/sum(histFreq)*100);
(As described in this question)

For the first part, I would use floor instead of abs,
X = floor(rand(1, ntrials)*6) + 1;
as it returns the values you are looking for, or as Daniel commented, use
which returns an integer.
Then you can just run
For the second part, I believe they are asking for two dice rolls, each being 1-6, and not one 2-12.
x = floor(rand(1)*6) + 1;
The distribution will look different. Roll those twice, add the result, that is your twoTimesDice function.
Roll that ntrials times, then do a histogram of that (as you already do).
I am not sure how random rand() really is though.


Repeated option pricing with Sobol Sequence (Matlab)

Trying to calculate the variance of a European option using repeated trial (instead of 1 trial). I want to compare the variance using the standard randn function and the sobolset. I'm not quite sure how to draw repeated samples from the latter.
Generating from randn is easy:
num_steps = 100;
num_paths = 10;
z = rand(num_steps, mum_paths); % 100 paths, for 10 trials
Once I have this, I can loop through all the 10 columns of the z matrix, and can also repeat the experiment many times, as the randn function will provide a new random variable set everytime.
for exp_num = 1: 20
for col = 1: 10
price_vec = z(:, col);
I'm not quite sure how to do this with the sobolset. I understand I can create a matrix of dimensions to start with (say 100* 10). I can loop through as above through all the columns for the first experiment. However, when I try the next experiment (#2), the loop starts from the beginning and all the numbers are the same. Meaning I don't get any variation in my pricing. It seems I will need to find a way to randomize the column selection at the start of every experiment number. Is there a better way to do this??
data1 = sobolset(1000, 'Skip', 1000, 'Leap', 100)
data2 = net(test1, 10)
for exp_num = 1: 20
% how do I change the start of the column selection here, so that the next data3 is different from %the one in the previous exp_num?
for col = 1:10
data3(:, col) = data(2:, col)
% perform calculations
I hope this is making sense....
Thanks for the help!
Update: 8/21
I tried the following:
num_runs = 100
num_samples = 1000
for j = 1: num_runs
for i = 1 : num_samples
sobol_set = sobolset(num_samples,'Skip',j*50,'Leap',1e2);
sobol_set = net(sobol_set, 5);
sobol_seq = sobol_set(:, i)';
z_uncorr = norminv(sobol_seq, 0, 1)
% do pricing with z_uncorr through some function F
After generating 100 prices (through some function F, mentioned above), I find that the variance of the 100 prices is higher than that I get from the standard pseudo random numbers. This should not be the case. I think I'm still not sampling correctly from the sobolset. Any advice would be appreciated.

Verify Law of Large Numbers in MATLAB

The problem:
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,...N i.e. the expected value of one die. For example, the expected value of a 6-sided die is 3.5.
Given N, simulate 1e8 N-sided dice rolls by creating a vector of 1e8 uniformly distributed random integers. Return the difference between the mean of this vector and the mean of integers from 1 to N.
My code:
function dice_diff = loln(N)
% the mean of integer from 1 to N
A = 1:N
meanN = sum(A)/N;
% I do not have any idea what I am doing here!
V = randi(1e8);
meanvector = V/1e8;
dice_diff = meanvector - meanN;
First of all, make sure everytime you ask a question that it is as clear as possible, to make it easier for other users to read.
If you check how randi works, you can see this:
R = randi(IMAX,N) returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom
integer values drawn from the discrete uniform distribution on 1:IMAX.
randi(IMAX,M,N) or randi(IMAX,[M,N]) returns an M-by-N matrix.
randi(IMAX,M,N,P,...) or randi(IMAX,[M,N,P,...]) returns an
M-by-N-by-P-by-... array. randi(IMAX) returns a scalar.
randi(IMAX,SIZE(A)) returns an array the same size as A.
So, if you want to use randi in your problem, you have to use it like this:
V=randi(N, 1e8,1);
and you need some more changes:
function dice_diff = loln(N)
%the mean of integer from 1 to N
A = 1:N;
meanN = mean(A);
V = randi(N, 1e8,1);
meanvector = mean(V);
dice_diff = meanvector - meanN;
For future problems, try using the command
help randi
And matlab will explain how the function randi (or other function) works.
Make sure to check if the code above gives the desired result
As pointed out, take a closer look at the use of randi(). From the general case
X = randi([LowerInt,UpperInt],NumRows,NumColumns); % UpperInt > LowerInt
you can adapt to dice rolling by
Rolls = randi([1 NumSides],NumRolls,NumSamplePaths);
as an example. Exchanging NumRolls and NumSamplePaths will yield Rolls.', or transpose(Rolls).
According to the Law of Large Numbers, the updated sample average after each roll should converge to the true mean, ExpVal (short for expected value), as the number of rolls (trials) increases. Notice that as NumRolls gets larger, the sample mean converges to the true mean. The image below shows this for two sample paths.
To get the sample mean for each number of dice rolls, I used arrayfun() with
CumulativeAvg1 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,1)),[1:NumRolls]);
which is equivalent to using the cumulative sum, cumsum(), to get the same result.
CumulativeAvg1 = (cumsum(Rolls(:,1))./(1:NumRolls).'); % equivalent
% MATLAB R2019a
% Create Dice
NumSides = 6; % positive nonzero integer
NumRolls = 200;
NumSamplePaths = 2;
% Roll Dice
Rolls = randi([1 NumSides],NumRolls,NumSamplePaths);
% Output Statistics
ExpVal = mean(1:NumSides);
CumulativeAvg1 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,1)),[1:NumRolls]);
CumulativeAvgError1 = CumulativeAvg1 - ExpVal;
CumulativeAvg2 = arrayfun(#(jj)mean(Rolls(1:jj,2)),[1:NumRolls]);
CumulativeAvgError2 = CumulativeAvg2 - ExpVal;
% Plot
subplot(2,1,1), hold on, box on
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvg1,'b--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 1')
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvg2,'r--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 2')
xlabel('Number of Trials')
ylim([1 NumSides])
subplot(2,1,2), hold on, box on
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvgError1,'b--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 1')
plot(1:NumRolls,CumulativeAvgError2,'r--','LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName','Sample Path 2')
xlabel('Number of Trials')

defining the X values for a code

I have this task to create a script that acts similarly to normcdf on matlab.
x=linspace(-5,5,1000); %values for x
p= 1/sqrt(2*pi) * exp((-x.^2)/2); % THE PDF for the standard normal
t=cumtrapz(x,p); % the CDF for the standard normal distribution
plot(x,t); %shows the graph of the CDF
The problem is when the t values are assigned to 1:1000 instead of -5:5 in increments. I want to know how to assign the correct x values, that is -5:5,1000 to the t values output? such as when I do t(n) I get the same result as normcdf(n).
Just to clarify: the problem is I cannot simply say t(-5) and get result =1 as I would in normcdf(1) because the cumtrapz calculated values are assigned to x=1:1000 instead of -5 to 5.
Updated answer
Ok, having read your comment; here is how to do what you want:
x = linspace(-5,5,1000);
p = 1/sqrt(2*pi) * exp((-x.^2)/2);
cdf = cumtrapz(x,p);
q = 3; % Query point
disp(normcdf(q)) % For reference
[~,I] = min(abs(x-q)); % Find closest index
disp(cdf(I)) % Show the value
Sadly, there is no matlab syntax which will do this nicely in one line, but if you abstract finding the closest index into a different function, you can do this:
function I = findClosest(x,q)
if q>max(x) || q<min(x)
warning('q outside the range of x');
[~,I] = min(abs(x-q));
Also; if you are certain that the exact value of the query point q exists in x, you can just do
But beware of floating point errors though. You may think that a certain range outght to contain a certain value, but little did you know it was different by a tiny roundoff erorr. You can see that in action for example here:
x1 = linspace(0,1,1000); % Range
x2 = asin(sin(x1)); % Ought to be the same thing
plot((x1-x2)/eps); grid on; % But they differ by rougly 1 unit of machine precision
Old answer
As far as I can tell, running your code does reproduce the result of normcdf(x) well... If you want to do exactly what normcdf does them use erfc.
close all; clear; clc;
x = linspace(-5,5,1000);
cdf = normcdf(x); % Result of normcdf for comparison
%% 1 Trapezoidal integration of normal pd
p = 1/sqrt(2*pi) * exp((-x.^2)/2);
cdf1 = cumtrapz(x,p);
%% 2 But error function IS the integral of the normal pd
cdf2 = (1+erf(x/sqrt(2)))/2;
%% 3 Or, even better, use the error function complement (works better for large negative x)
cdf3 = erfc(-x/sqrt(2))/2;
fprintf('1: Mean error = %.2d\n',mean(abs(cdf1-cdf)));
fprintf('2: Mean error = %.2d\n',mean(abs(cdf2-cdf)));
fprintf('3: Mean error = %.2d\n',mean(abs(cdf3-cdf)));
This gives me
1: Mean error = 7.83e-07
2: Mean error = 1.41e-17
3: Mean error = 00 <- Because that is literally what normcdf is doing
If your goal is not not to use predefined matlab funcitons, but instead to calculate the result numerically (i.e. calculate the error function) then it's an interesting challange which you can read about for example here or in this stats stackexchange post. Just as an example, the following piece of code calculates the error function by implementing eq. 2 form the first link:
nerf = #(x,n) (-1)^n*2/sqrt(pi)*x.^(2*n+1)./factorial(n)/(2*n+1);
figure(1); hold on;
temp = zeros(size(x)); p =[];
for n = 0:20
temp = temp + nerf(x/sqrt(2),n);
p(end+1) = plot(x,(1+temp)/2);
title('\Sigma_{n=0}^{inf} ( 2/sqrt(pi) ) \times ( (-1)^n x^{2*n+1} ) \div ( n! (2*n+1) )');
p(end+1) = plot(x,cdf,'k--');
legend(p,'n = 0','\Sigma_{n} 0->3','\Sigma_{n} 0->6','\Sigma_{n} 0->9',...
'\Sigma_{n} 0->12','\Sigma_{n} 0->15','\Sigma_{n} 0->18','normcdf(x)',...
grid on; box on;
xlabel('x'); ylabel('norm. cdf approximations');
Marcin's answer suggests a way to find the nearest sample point. It is easier, IMO, to interpolate. Given x and t as defined in the question,
returns the estimated value of the CDF at x==n, for whatever value of n. But note that, for values outside the computed range, it will extrapolate and produce unreliable values.
You can define an anonymous function that works like normcdf:
my_normcdf = #(n)interp1(x,t,n);
Try replacing x with 0.01 when you call cumtrapz. You can either use a vector or a scalar spacing for cumtrapz (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/cumtrapz.html), and this might solve your problem. Also, have you checked the original x-values? Is the problem with linspace (i.e. you are not getting the correct x vector), or with cumtrapz?

Integration via trapezoidal sums in MATLAB

I need help finding an integral of a function using trapezoidal sums.
The program should take successive trapezoidal sums with n = 1, 2, 3, ...
subintervals until there are two neighouring values of n that differ by less than a given tolerance. I want at least one FOR loop within a WHILE loop and I don't want to use the trapz function. The program takes four inputs:
f: A function handle for a function of x.
a: A real number.
b: A real number larger than a.
tolerance: A real number that is positive and very small
The problem I have is trying to implement the formula for trapezoidal sums which is
Δx/2[y0 + 2y1 + 2y2 + … + 2yn-1 + yn]
Here is my code, and the area I'm stuck in is the "sum" part within the FOR loop. I'm trying to sum up 2y2 + 2y3....2yn-1 since I already accounted for 2y1. I get an answer, but it isn't as accurate as it should be. For example, I get 6.071717974723753 instead of 6.101605982576467.
Thanks for any help!
function t=trapintegral(f,a,b,tol)
format compact; format long;
syms x;
oldtrap = ((b-a)/2)*(f(a)+f(b));
n = 2;
h = (b-a)/n;
newtrap = (h/2)*(f(a)+(2*f(a+h))+f(b));
while (abs(newtrap-oldtrap)>=tol)
oldtrap = newtrap;
for i=[3:n]
dx = (b-a)/n;
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(x) + (2*sum(f(a+(3:n-1))))+f(b));
newtrap = trapezoidsum;
t = newtrap;
The reason why this code isn't working is because there are two slight errors in your summation for the trapezoidal rule. What I am precisely referring to is this statement:
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(x) + (2*sum(f(a+(3:n-1))))+f(b));
Recall the equation for the trapezoidal integration rule:
Source: Wikipedia
For the first error, f(x) should be f(a) as you are including the starting point, and shouldn't be left as symbolic. In fact, you should simply get rid of the syms x statement as it is not useful in your script. a corresponds to x1 by consulting the above equation.
The next error is the second term. You actually need to multiply your index values (3:n-1) by dx. Also, this should actually go from (1:n-1) and I'll explain later. The equation above goes from 2 to N, but for our purposes, we are going to go from 1 to N-1 as you have your code set up like that.
Remember, in the trapezoidal rule, you are subdividing the finite interval into n pieces. The ith piece is defined as:
x_i = a + dx*i; ,
where i goes from 1 up to N-1. Note that this starts at 1 and not 3. The reason why is because the first piece is already taken into account by f(a), and we only count up to N-1 as piece N is accounted by f(b). For the equation, this goes from 2 to N and by modifying the code this way, this is precisely what we are doing in the end.
Therefore, your statement actually needs to be:
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(a) + (2*sum(f(a+dx*(1:n-1))))+f(b));
Try this and let me know if you get the right answer. FWIW, MATLAB already implements trapezoidal integration by doing trapz as #ADonda already pointed out. However, you need to properly structure what your x and y values are before you set this up. In other words, you would need to set up your dx before hand, then calculate your x points using the x_i equation that I specified above, then use these to generate your y values. You then use trapz to calculate the area. In other words:
dx = (b-a) / n;
x = a + dx*(0:n);
y = f(x);
trapezoidsum = trapz(x,y);
You can use the above code as a reference to see if you are implementing the trapezoidal rule correctly. Your implementation and using the above code should generate the same results. All you have to do is change the value of n, then run this code to generate the approximation of the area for different subdivisions underneath your curve.
Edit - August 17th, 2014
I figured out why your code isn't working. Here are the reasons why:
The for loop is unnecessary. Take a look at the for loop iteration. You have a loop going from i = [3:n] yet you don't reference the i variable at all in your loop. As such, you don't need this at all.
You are not computing successive intervals properly. What you need to do is when you compute the trapezoidal sum for the nth subinterval, you then increment this value of n, then compute the trapezoidal rule again. This value is not being incremented properly in your while loop, which is why your area is never improving.
You need to save the previous area inside the while loop, then when you compute the next area, that's when you determine whether or not the difference between the areas is less than the tolerance. We can also get rid of that code at the beginning that tries and compute the area for n = 2. That's not needed, as we can place this inside your while loop. As such, this is what your code should look like:
function t=trapintegral(f,a,b,tol)
format long; %// Got rid of format compact. Useless
%// n starts at 2 - Also removed syms x - Useless statement
n = 2;
newtrap = ((b-a)/2)*(f(a) + f(b)); %// Initialize
oldtrap = 0; %// Initialize to 0
while (abs(newtrap-oldtrap)>=tol)
oldtrap = newtrap; %//Save the old area from the previous iteration
dx = (b-a)/n; %//Compute width
%//Determine sum
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(a) + (2*sum(f(a+dx*(1:n-1))))+f(b));
newtrap = trapezoidsum; % //This is the new sum
n = n + 1; % //Go to the next value of n
t = newtrap;
By running your code, this is what I get:
trapezoidsum = trapintegral(#(x) (x+x.^2).^(1/3),1,4,0.00001)
trapezoidsum =
Look at the way I defined your function. You must use element-by-element operations as the sum command inside the loop will be vectorized. Take a look at the ^ operations specifically. You need to prepend a dot to the operations. Once you do this, I get the right answer.
Edit #2 - August 18th, 2014
You said you want at least one for loop. This is highly inefficient, and whoever specified having one for loop in the code really doesn't know how MATLAB works. Nevertheless, you can use the for loop to accumulate the sum term. As such:
function t=trapintegral(f,a,b,tol)
format long; %// Got rid of format compact. Useless
%// n starts at 3 - Also removed syms x - Useless statement
n = 3;
%// Compute for n = 2 first, then proceed if we don't get a better
%// difference tolerance
newtrap = ((b-a)/2)*(f(a) + f(b)); %// Initialize
oldtrap = 0; %// Initialize to 0
while (abs(newtrap-oldtrap)>=tol)
oldtrap = newtrap; %//Save the old area from the previous iteration
dx = (b-a)/n; %//Compute width
%//Determine sum
%// Initialize
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(a) + f(b));
%// Accumulate sum terms
%// Note that we multiply each term by (dx/2), but because of the
%// factor of 2 for each of these terms, these cancel and we thus have dx
for n2 = 1 : n-1
trapezoidsum = trapezoidsum + dx*f(a + dx*n2);
newtrap = trapezoidsum; % //This is the new sum
n = n + 1; % //Go to the next value of n
t = newtrap;
Good luck!

How can I speed up this call to quantile in Matlab?

I have a MATLAB routine with one rather obvious bottleneck. I've profiled the function, with the result that 2/3 of the computing time is used in the function levels:
The function levels takes a matrix of floats and splits each column into nLevels buckets, returning a matrix of the same size as the input, with each entry replaced by the number of the bucket it falls into.
To do this I use the quantile function to get the bucket limits, and a loop to assign the entries to buckets. Here's my implementation:
function [Y q] = levels(X,nLevels)
% "Assign each of the elements of X to an integer-valued level"
p = linspace(0, 1.0, nLevels+1);
q = quantile(X,p);
if isvector(q)
Y = zeros(size(X));
for i = 1:nLevels
% "The variables g and l indicate the entries that are respectively greater than
% or less than the relevant bucket limits. The line Y(g & l) = i is assigning the
% value i to any element that falls in this bucket."
if i ~= nLevels % "The default; doesnt include upper bound"
g = bsxfun(#ge,X,q(i,:));
l = bsxfun(#lt,X,q(i+1,:));
else % "For the final level we include the upper bound"
g = bsxfun(#ge,X,q(i,:));
l = bsxfun(#le,X,q(i+1,:));
Y(g & l) = i;
Is there anything I can do to speed this up? Can the code be vectorized?
If I understand correctly, you want to know how many items fell in each bucket.
n = hist(Y,nbins)
Though I am not sure that it will help in the speedup. It is just cleaner this way.
Edit : Following the comment:
You can use the second output parameter of histc
[n,bin] = histc(...) also returns an index matrix bin. If x is a vector, n(k) = >sum(bin==k). bin is zero for out of range values. If x is an M-by-N matrix, then
How About this
function [Y q] = levels(X,nLevels)
p = linspace(0, 1.0, nLevels+1);
q = quantile(X,p);
Y = zeros(size(X));
for i = 1:numel(q)-1
Y = Y+ X>=q(i);
This results in the following:
>>X = [3 1 4 6 7 2];
>>[Y, q] = levels(X,2)
Y =
1 1 2 2 2 1
q =
1 3.5 7
You could also modify the logic line to ensure values are less than the start of the next bin. However, I don't think it is necessary.
I think you shoud use histc
[~,Y] = histc(X,q)
As you can see in matlab's doc:
n = histc(x,edges) counts the number of values in vector x that fall
between the elements in the edges vector (which must contain
monotonically nondecreasing values). n is a length(edges) vector
containing these counts. No elements of x can be complex.
I made a couple of refinements (including one inspired by Aero Engy in another answer) that have resulted in some improvements. To test them out, I created a random matrix of a million rows and 100 columns to run the improved functions on:
>> x = randn(1000000,100);
First, I ran my unmodified code, with the following results:
Note that of the 40 seconds, around 14 of them are spent computing the quantiles - I can't expect to improve this part of the routine (I assume that Mathworks have already optimized it, though I guess that to assume makes an...)
Next, I modified the routine to the following, which should be faster and has the advantage of being fewer lines as well!
function [Y q] = levels(X,nLevels)
p = linspace(0, 1.0, nLevels+1);
q = quantile(X,p);
if isvector(q), q = transpose(q); end
Y = ones(size(X));
for i = 2:nLevels
Y = Y + bsxfun(#ge,X,q(i,:));
The profiling results with this code are:
So it is 15 seconds faster, which represents a 150% speedup of the portion of code that is mine, rather than MathWorks.
Finally, following a suggestion of Andrey (again in another answer) I modified the code to use the second output of the histc function, which assigns entries to bins. It doesn't treat the columns independently, so I had to loop over the columns manually, but it seems to be performing really well. Here's the code:
function [Y q] = levels(X,nLevels)
p = linspace(0,1,nLevels+1);
q = quantile(X,p);
if isvector(q), q = transpose(q); end
q(end,:) = 2 * q(end,:);
Y = zeros(size(X));
for k = 1:size(X,2)
[junk Y(:,k)] = histc(X(:,k),q(:,k));
And the profiling results:
We now spend only 4.3 seconds in codes outside the quantile function, which is around a 500% speedup over what I wrote originally. I've spent a bit of time writing this answer because I think it's turned into a nice example of how you can use the MATLAB profiler and StackExchange in combination to get much better performance from your code.
I'm happy with this result, although of course I'll continue to be pleased to hear other answers. At this stage the main performance increase will come from increasing the performance of the part of the code that currently calls quantile. I can't see how to do this immediately, but maybe someone else here can. Thanks again!
You can sort the columns and divide+round the inverse indexes:
function Y = levels(X,nLevels)
% "Assign each of the elements of X to an integer-valued level"
Or you can use tiedrank:
function Y = levels(X,nLevels)
% "Assign each of the elements of X to an integer-valued level"
Surprisingly, both these solutions are slightly slower than the quantile+histc solution.