How to send push notification to ionic app from java server using MFP8.0? - rest

I have my sample ionic application which is using service from REST web service. Now, I want to send push notification from my REST web service to ionic application using MFP 8.0.
Is there any Documentaion for this requirement. I searched, but I unable found how to do this through web service.
Anyone help will be Appreciated!!!

I'm not convinced you've searched... Here is where sending notifications via REST is mentioned in the Sending Push Notifications tutorial:
You did not specify if your application requires authentication or not, so it is best that you will review the entire Notifications category of tutorials.


Isolation of Ionic Apps

We are building an Ionic App with Capacitor. As far as I understand the architecture this starts a webserver in the app to serve the web resources (Angular) so they can be loaded in the webview.
My question is: How does isolation work, when running multiple Ionic Apps? Is the webserver only accessible for the app? Why are there no port conflicts?
Is there any detailed documentation for such topics?
I received the following answer on the github page of capacitor:
It’s not a real web server, so there is no conflict with other apps. In the past iOS had a real web server and it had conflicts, so we removed it.
It uses WKURLScheme handler instead that intercepts requests to custom schemes

How to build a service on ifttt?

I'm a newbie when it comes to IFTTT, I want to create a service on ifttt but I'm a little bit confused. I found that I need to have an IFTTT service URL(api), but I still don't know what kind of url! is ifttt has an sdk like alexa and google actions? or how ifttt can understand my api response?
Yes IFTTT provides connect SDK for andoid and IOS which used integrate the API into your mobile apps. Before handling the connect sdk code you need to create a service(path to create a service is= -> add service).Fill all the required service details. u need to have a server to expose your service and its endpoints over internet.

Notifications on Flutter from a Django Server

I am developing a Flutter Application with Django Backend.
Our app has a feature to send notifications to user, which will be sent from the server.
I understood we need to build a stream for this.
But do we need external services to build our stream like
Or we can build our own stream using Django?

Migrate an existing Jersey rest webapp to Atmosphere and adding push notification

I have a restful Jersey API server(client is mobile app). Now I need to add client online/offline detection and push notification features to the application. Is Atmosphere framework the right tool for my problem? If it is, how can I migrate the existing Jersey rest server to Atmosphere and add push notification?

Smartface google push notifications is not clear{access_token}.
How can i use it ? can you publish a example please ?How we will send a notificiation from a php script to all users.
Smartface App Studio offers you push notification services at client side.
You should use a push notification server to send notifications.{access_token}
is our test server which is outdated.
For more information about client side processes please read