How to build a service on ifttt? - triggers

I'm a newbie when it comes to IFTTT, I want to create a service on ifttt but I'm a little bit confused. I found that I need to have an IFTTT service URL(api), but I still don't know what kind of url! is ifttt has an sdk like alexa and google actions? or how ifttt can understand my api response?

Yes IFTTT provides connect SDK for andoid and IOS which used integrate the API into your mobile apps. Before handling the connect sdk code you need to create a service(path to create a service is= -> add service).Fill all the required service details. u need to have a server to expose your service and its endpoints over internet.


How to use flutter with hyperledger fabric

Is there any sdk or code out there that is example of directly connecting to the hyperledger fabric node with flutter.
I can use my flutter app with nodejs server and api's but it will depend on the api's so if it goes down then I can't access my app. So I'm trying to find is there any way that flutter can directly communicate with the hyperledger fabric node (peers) like there is nodejs, go and java sdks. is there any sdk out there for flutter or any other way to connect to the peer.
I tried finding sdk on github and google but i can't seem to find any. there is one out there but it is already deprecated.
No there is no SDK that will integrate directly with flutter. You need to build API's that will talk to Hyperledger fabric and You need to call those api's via flutter

How to authenticate IOT devices to Google Cloud Services

I have a Raspberry Pi3 device which has Android Things dev preview 0.6.1 installed. On completing certain operations, the device needs to send data to Google Cloud Storage. To do so it must have an API key to authenticate itself.
In Android devices it could be done easily using by integrating Google Sign in Option but since my Android Thing device doesn't have any interface, Google Sign In could not be implemented in it.
I have gone through github project Android Things Weather Station Sample which is using Google Service Account to publish data to PubSub. To do so, it generates and imports a credential.json file into the project and somehow generates credentials from it.
So my question stands is, without user consent, can we use Google Service Accounts to authenticate with Google Cloud Storage? If yes, how can we generate access token from it ? If no, is there any other method to authenticate with GCS?
The simplest and most secure way to authenticate your IoT devices with Google Cloud is using Cloud IoT Core to publish data over MQTT or HTTP into Cloud Pub/Sub. Cloud IoT Core is a bridge designed to securely manage large fleets of devices and authenticate them with your cloud project.
Take a look at the SensorHub sample app on GitHub, which is similar to the weather station, but uses Cloud IoT Core to authenticate and publish instead.
As Shubham stated, using a service account is one way to authenticate devices. Otherwise you'd need to build a mobile companion app which you use to authenticate the user. Then you would have to transfer that token to the IoT device.
In case anyone faces the same issue, I found this document which has explained the way to authenticate devices with Google Cloud without the consent of a user.

What is the difference between Azure App Services API Apps and the Custom API of App Services Mobile Apps?

Azure App Services Mobile Apps can provide a Custom API hosting service which looks very similar to API Apps.
What is the real difference between the two?
Is it possible to consume Mobile Services from API Apps Node Backend ? Is there any Mobile Apps SDK available for NodeJS ?
Azure API Apps is for hosting APIs that will be consumed from a variety of clients, and where it is acceptable to codegen a client, or make direct REST calls.
Azure Mobile Apps defines a client and server SDK with a protocol for communication that adds additional functionality for things such as offline sync. Offline sync is not possible with API apps, because there is no actual client SDK, just tools for generating one for different platforms.

How to send push notification to ionic app from java server using MFP8.0?

I have my sample ionic application which is using service from REST web service. Now, I want to send push notification from my REST web service to ionic application using MFP 8.0.
Is there any Documentaion for this requirement. I searched, but I unable found how to do this through web service.
Anyone help will be Appreciated!!!
I'm not convinced you've searched... Here is where sending notifications via REST is mentioned in the Sending Push Notifications tutorial:
You did not specify if your application requires authentication or not, so it is best that you will review the entire Notifications category of tutorials.

Create a REST API from a Web Service Operation with IBM API Connect

I would like to create a REST API from a Web Service Operation with IBM API Connect.
On IBM API Management 4 we can create a REST API and assemble a Web Service Invoke Operation by wsdl.
We can connect, discover, define, configure and review operation into "Assemble" tab in API Manager console.
How can we do same thing with IBM API Connect? I have tried to create a REST API but I can't find the same functionality.
Thank you in advance.
This feature is still available in API manager in APIConnect
In the latest release there is now the option to do this in the developer environment too