Migrate an existing Jersey rest webapp to Atmosphere and adding push notification - rest

I have a restful Jersey API server(client is mobile app). Now I need to add client online/offline detection and push notification features to the application. Is Atmosphere framework the right tool for my problem? If it is, how can I migrate the existing Jersey rest server to Atmosphere and add push notification?


Notifications on Flutter from a Django Server

I am developing a Flutter Application with Django Backend.
Our app has a feature to send notifications to user, which will be sent from the server.
I understood we need to build a stream for this.
But do we need external services to build our stream like getstream.io?
Or we can build our own stream using Django?

How can I use wso2 to publish remote SOAP wsdl to REST APIs

I hava a romote soap webservices wsdl and I need to consume it to publish as a rest api (json). I am using ubuntu 18. what do I have to downlaod and How can I use wso2 to publish remote SOAP wsdl to REST APIs?
You could probably solve the problem with either API Manager or Enterprise Integrator. However if you are just exposing one API to your mobile app, both of these products would probably be serious overkill.

Using REST api to build a web app

What happens when we do not use REST api to build a web application? And also please tell how to build a web service using REST api in PHP.
What happens when we do not use REST api to build a web application?
Nothing, you can do your project with or without REST API. Assume you are running a restaurant and you want to attach with online food service like Foodpanda,zomato you need to provide an API to interact your data without any user interface which can be done easily using REST.
Why do we need RESTful web services?
REST should be used if it is very important for you to minimize the coupling between client and server components in a distributed application. [read more]
How to build a web service using REST api in PHP?
There are many resources available in internet. Here I found something related to PHP
PHP RESTful Web Service

How to send push notification to ionic app from java server using MFP8.0?

I have my sample ionic application which is using service from REST web service. Now, I want to send push notification from my REST web service to ionic application using MFP 8.0.
Is there any Documentaion for this requirement. I searched, but I unable found how to do this through web service.
Anyone help will be Appreciated!!!
I'm not convinced you've searched... Here is where sending notifications via REST is mentioned in the Sending Push Notifications tutorial: https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/tutorials/en/foundation/8.0/notifications/sending-push-notifications/#rest-apis
You did not specify if your application requires authentication or not, so it is best that you will review the entire Notifications category of tutorials.

Standalone ServiceStack service for Web & Native Mobile App

Our architecture consists of several backend (non-ServiceStack) services and applications that send data to our system via ServiceStack service hosted in asp.net - this is currently a standalone ServiceProject project containing our required Services/Repository/DTOs following the structure of all the provided ServiceStack samples.
With our backend complete we're now designing our two front-end requirements consisting of a web application and native mobile application. For the web application I'd really like to continue leveraging ServiceStack by using the Razor plugin to create the application's layout/views from our existing DTOs, for our mobile app we will only rely on the ServiceStack service for authentication and data - as it is native it's layout/views will come from it's own SDK.
Can I leave my standalone ServiceStack service as is and:
Create a separate web application project that authenticates
against our existing standalone ServiceStack service and uses the
Razor view plugin?
Have our native mobile app clients
authenticate against the same standalone ServiceStack service?
Most of the examples ie. RazorRockstars I've seen have the services embedded in the web project so I'm not sure if this distributed type of setup is supported. Any guidance or feedback on this is greatly appreciated!
It is very much possible. You can consume the web service from both, web and native mobile application. I worked in a ASP.NET MVC web application which used to make call to Web API service hosted at different server. The Web API service was shared among multiple applications. We were consuming it by making AJAX calls from client.
Something similar to your scenario is done at below link but they are using cloud to host service:
If you have opportunity to make a web app for mobile instead of native app, then in a single solution both mobile and desktop app can be created. The exemplary solution can be found here: http://nopcommerce.codeplex.com/
Thanks and free free to discuss more in case of further questions.