Notifications on Flutter from a Django Server - flutter

I am developing a Flutter Application with Django Backend.
Our app has a feature to send notifications to user, which will be sent from the server.
I understood we need to build a stream for this.
But do we need external services to build our stream like
Or we can build our own stream using Django?


How to make my Ionic app backend work on android?

I'm creating an app that uses Ionic and VueJS for the front-end, and for the back-end, Express and Mongoose.
When I run the file containing the express app, it creates a localhost on port 3000 and can handle POST & GET requests. The front-end make a http POST call on localhost:3000, using axios, to send data to the database.
On my PC it works well but when I deploy the app on android it does nothing.

How to Generate Server Token in Flutter Production Application for Agora

How can I generate an Agora server token for my Flutter application in a production app?
I was following the post from here and managed to run on the local server to generate the server token. However, if I were to make it a production app, I won't be able to use the local server.
How you would go about deploying a server to get server token for a production app?
You can find many resources online on how to deploy a go lang server to a platform of your choice. You can also have a look at this blog from Agora which discusses how to deploy a token server on Heroku with just a single click and integrate it into your Flutter application.

How to send data from an electron app using a socket to a flask app on heroku

I want to send data from my electron app using to a website I created using flask and hosted on heroku. I want to know how to send data to an external website using

Flutter Socket-Io is not connecting to server?

I'm new to Flutter and I'm trying to create simple chat chat app with Nodejs and Flutter. I'm using Socketio for real time communication.
When I try react client to connect my server, it is working but Flutter is not working. I used this package .
I had same issue before. It is version issue. According to developer of that package, it is working with socket io version 2 so you should use older version of socket io on server-side.
You can see Why my Flutter app does not connect to my local nodejs server?

How to send push notification to ionic app from java server using MFP8.0?

I have my sample ionic application which is using service from REST web service. Now, I want to send push notification from my REST web service to ionic application using MFP 8.0.
Is there any Documentaion for this requirement. I searched, but I unable found how to do this through web service.
Anyone help will be Appreciated!!!
I'm not convinced you've searched... Here is where sending notifications via REST is mentioned in the Sending Push Notifications tutorial:
You did not specify if your application requires authentication or not, so it is best that you will review the entire Notifications category of tutorials.