Has SourceTree fixed the alert window bug? - atlassian-sourcetree

I have been using a pretty new SourceTree version (1.9.4.x) and had observed a reoccurring bug stating that a log file no longer cannot be reached. Whenever I selected a change set, if the bug occurred for some reason, then the program did not show any changes, just in the case of closing and reopening it. This flaw was so annoying that I had to close the program 10 days a day sometimes just to reopen it. A friend installed an older, stable version. My question is: can someone confirm that the bug has been fixed? I have installed version a few hours ago and did not encounter the problem with it so far.

Yes, the bug was fixed by version


Unity 2021.3.10f1 - Ctrl+Z causing the UNITY to crash always

any advice how to eliminate this problem on this version? or any other advice?
Thank you.
Sometimes when I'm in the zone.. I forgot to remind myself not to ctrl+z while in the editor view of unity and worst case is every time it crashes it doesn't save my changes or update in the past 40mins-1hr work.
additional info: I am required to use the stated version.
update: as of the moment(12/4/2022), this issue is gone. I don't know how or why. I can do ctrl+z now in the editor mode.
This seems like a very isolated issue. I looked up crash reports and can only find it for older versions. I think that a clean reinstall would be your best bet but I 'am guessing you already tried that. Here are the only bug reports I found:
it is only on versions: (2017.2.0b3, 2017.1.0p1, 5.6.2p4, 5.5.4p2)

Continuing issue with location simulator - non responsive to location change input

I have been having a running problem with the location simulator for the last couple of weeks.
When I enter updates of Latitude and Longitude, I note that they do not have any effect on the actual location. Similarly, when I try to drag the map to a new location, I don't see any response either. The hand cursor is no longer shown when the mouse cursor is over the map. An I-Beam cursor appears, instead.
Also, the zoom buttons are no longer shown so it's not clear how to zoom in and out on the map.
I had filed this issue in a different Stack Overflow question. I got some responses, which turned out to not be sufficient to solve the problem.
Unfortunately, I then had to deal with an unrelated issue and was away for a couple of weeks. When I returned, I downloaded the latest build and tried the simulator.
I noticed that several changes were in place in the location simulator, including being able to enter a new latitude, longitude, velocity, etc. Also, the Update button was no longer present. However, the same issue was present where none of the changes had any effect on the actual location shown in the simulator.
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if there is still a bug in CN1.
Since I don't hear a lot of other people grousing about this issue, I'm guessing it's some configuration or installation problem on my system. However, I have not had any response to my comments or questions on Stack Overflow.
I wonder if there is a particular version of Java now needed to run CN1 on eclipse Mars? I updated Java to version SDK 1.8.0_77, which appears to be the most current version according to java.com. I restarted eclipse and found that it and CN1 seem to run okay. In the location simulator, I see no change to the behavior at issue. Location UI still does not accept user input
Since I have a Professional CN1 license, this is the only help/support available. I can't afford the Enterprise license. The turnaround time on any questions/responses appears to be about a day, due to the time difference (Tel Aviv vs Minneapolis).
I added a reply several days ago now on my previous thread on this issue and never got a reply. So I am starting a new thread. Hopefully that will get some attention.
This issue is becoming a real roadblock to my getting work completed. I note you talk about how your updates are making CN1 easier to use. So far this has nothing but frustration - end of vent... :-)
Essential Stats:
IDE: Eclipse Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2)
Desktop OS: Windows 8.1
Using Simulator
Thank you,
-Craig Lang,
Horizon Technologies
I wasn't able to reproduce the exception you got but I think we do need to put out a warning when running under JDK 7. We'll look into that.

SourceTree: Setup Assistant Frozen

After updating to the newest version SourceTree application become unusable.
I tried several times to delete application and reinstall it, but result is always the same.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?
This should be fixed in the current version.

Eclipse Code Corrupted after Crash

I closed Eclipse because I had a feeling my PC was gonna crash (been acting funny today), and it said it saved my workspace and closed normally.
But when I went back in after reboot, my workspace wasn't loading - even after selecting the right one my projects wouldn't show and the layout was reverted to default....not such a big deal, just re-imported.
But... One of the source files I was working on seems to have been corrupted, replaced with one continuous line of squares, which is kind of a big deal :/
Any thoughts on what caused this? I know there's probably no chance of getting that file back, but if anyone has had a similar experience or knows what the jaysus happened that'd be cool! Ideally I'd like if this never happened again...
Problem was related to my SSD: Weird bug where after 5184 hours of use it would shutdown.
Firmware update fixes the problem.
More here: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Crucial-m4-Firmware-BSOD,14544.html

Undo history broken in Eclipse?

Is Eclipse's undo history broken? I have been using 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and now 3.4 versions for the last few years and was always able to undo only about 20-25 changes back in history.
This nonsense has cost me some lost modifications countless times when trying to revert some recent changes (if you reply with "you should commit to svn every 25 changes", I'm going to unleash dragons on you).
There's a setting in Preferences->Editors->Text Editors->Undo history size and I set it to 1000 but it didn't help anything.
I'm mostly using Eclipse with the Perl E.P.I.C. in the Perl Perspective, if it matters.
So guys, what's the problem and how do I fix it?
I'm experienceing the same problems and I am also using Eclipse with EPIC.
It seems this is a known issue with EPIC, see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1728227&group_id=75859&atid=545274
Reported in 2007, so I'm surprised it hasn't been fixed :(
Edit: Yay! This is now fixed in EPIC version 0.6.37
Testing show that for low values of the property it does indeed work - I'm using the Java Editor.
Perhaps you can try and see if the Java Editor respects those settings - I'm too lazy to make > 50 changes and undo, and if it does file a bug against E.P.I.C.?
Not a direct answer, but Eclipse maintains a local history of edited files (Context menu -> Restore from local history). Maybe that would be a better way than going back 25 steps in the undo-history.