SourceTree: Setup Assistant Frozen - atlassian-sourcetree

After updating to the newest version SourceTree application become unusable.
I tried several times to delete application and reinstall it, but result is always the same.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?

This should be fixed in the current version.


Unity 2021.3.10f1 - Ctrl+Z causing the UNITY to crash always

any advice how to eliminate this problem on this version? or any other advice?
Thank you.
Sometimes when I'm in the zone.. I forgot to remind myself not to ctrl+z while in the editor view of unity and worst case is every time it crashes it doesn't save my changes or update in the past 40mins-1hr work.
additional info: I am required to use the stated version.
update: as of the moment(12/4/2022), this issue is gone. I don't know how or why. I can do ctrl+z now in the editor mode.
This seems like a very isolated issue. I looked up crash reports and can only find it for older versions. I think that a clean reinstall would be your best bet but I 'am guessing you already tried that. Here are the only bug reports I found:
it is only on versions: (2017.2.0b3, 2017.1.0p1, 5.6.2p4, 5.5.4p2)

Facing problem while committing from Xcode

I have to upgrade one of my SDK while doing so after replacing SDK with new upgraded files it is working fine but when trying to push the same on remote that time I am facing the problem. In commit, it is taking only modified files only and some files are showing out of source control. Also, don't know what is the meaning of the (!) symbol. Can someone help with this? Please forgive me for bad English. Thanks in advance.

Source control not working in Xcode 8

I have updated Xcode in order to program for iOS 10 and for some reason Source Control has stopped working.
Im using Git connected to visual studio data repo, since at least Xcode 6 with no problem at all.
I have checked the URL, User and Password and everything looks ok, I can use the Git with the console with no problem.
But in Xcode 8 Im not able to do anything related with the Source Control, I can't commit, Add files to track or even see the states besides the files (M, A, ?), but if I change something the Git keeps track of the change but Xcode does not.
As you can see in the pictures everything looks ok.
Does anyone is having the same problem??
Does anyone have a clue on what I have to do??
Dos anyone have an idea on what to check or configure in order to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I experienced this very same problem, and also verified that everything was setup correctly. I found that Xcode 8.1 GM seed just became available, downloaded and installed it and I am now able to commit my project without problems.

Problems with PyDev & Eclipse Juno on osX10.8

I have had this problems for a couple of times but usually could solve it by an update. However, this fix does not work for me anymore.
Actually, two problems here:
The minor one: I have osX 10.8.3 and Eclipse Juno (M20130204-1200) installed. Since a good amount of time, it takes eclipse ~ 4-5 minutes to start up for the first time after the system start. Once it was closed and is re-opend again, it starts up quick. I think this problem came since apple started to mess around with the JRE? Does anybody also experienced this delay? Could it be that one of the installed plugins checks for updates and causes the delay?
The major one: after eclipse is fully up & running, I can not open .py files anymore. When I open my pydev project (btw. pydev 2.7.3), eclipse freezes and I need to kill the whole thing and restart. -> I can not use it for python coding anymore, which is my primary task...
Suggestions? Re-install eclipse maybe?
Thank you for suggestions,
Can't really comment on #1, but for #2, can you try attaching jvisualvm to see what's going on there? (and create a thread-dump and post it somewhere so that I can take a look at it).
I'd ask you to create a bug-report for that, but the new tracker is still not up (I hope I'm able to put it up right after the funding at is finished).
The problem was resolved by following these steps. They essentially disable one

Subclipse is no help. Has anyone gotten this error?

I am trying to compare my svn branch with its working copy in SVN, using Subclipse. When I launch the compare, I get this dialog box with nothing in it (I blurred out the names of my projects to protect my company).
Has anyone else come across this error that knows how to fix it? Is this a known bug?
Are you using a really old version? Current version is 1.8.6, but a version like 1.6.17 would also be relatively current. I recall this problem back in 2005 but it was fixed. That said, I also recall the issue with the empty error dialog had something to with Eclipse whenever an exception happened inside the compare process. So most likely we tracked down the exceptions and fixed them. I imagine if there is some new way to get an exception that could cause the same behavior.
I would start by making sure you are current.