How to add acustom plug-in to a java project in eclipse - eclipse

I have created a custom plug-in and i want to add to add that dependency to my java program.
How do I do that?


I developed an eclipse editor using ecllipse-rcp concepts .My requirement is to build the project using maven

I developed an eclipse editor using eclipse-rcp concepts .My requirement is to build the project using maven.
So i wrote the pom with packaging type=bundle using apache felix concepts.
After building the project, the project jar has the class files,plugin.xml and the manifest file.
Now, I am dropping this jar in plugins folder of eclipse.I want to open files of a certain extension with this editor. But my eclipseis not showing my editor name in the Internal/External editor list, even though the plugin is the plugins folder of eclipse.
Please help.
If you want to build Eclipse plug-ins with Maven, you should use Tycho: It provides specific packaging types for handling Eclipse plugins and features (groups of plugins).

how can I create maven Gwt project?

Hello friends I have not so much Idea about maven build tool. I just download and install it in my system as I read maven is a build tool and work perfectly with transitive dependency. this is the basic reason to use it
I also configure mavan plugin in Eclipse.
so what is the proper Gwt maven archetype in eclipse and I read so many command in tutorials like maven:gwt run but I dont to where is this command exist in eclipse
I am very new in maven so please help me like a beginner
This is a common approach to get support of maven in existing GWT-Project
Make a gwt project by using the gwt plugin in Eclipse. Now you have
an Eclipse gwt project.
Select the project in Project Explorer , right-click it, then choose
Configure . Then select Convert to Maven Project . Now you get a
gwt-maven project.
Now add necessary dependencies to pom.xml .
if you want to create a gwt maven project directly you need to choose gwt archetype if not exist you can add this have a look in
this video
You should:
Download the gwt plugin in Eclipse and create a gwt project.
In Eclipse select the project, right-click on it, then choose Configure. Then select Convert to Maven Project.
Now you get a gwt-maven project.

How to add my bnd jars dependencies to my eclipse RCP application?

I have some core plugins created in my workspace that are built with BND tools in eclipse. Now I have to reference those core plugins in my eclipse RCP application which is developed with PDE tool in eclipse. But there is no visibility to the BND generated plugins inside the RCP application. May be I can manually copy those plugins to a folder and add the folder to the target. But I want to get rid of such manual task.
Is there any easy way to add the BND generated plugins as dependencies to my RCP application?
Thanks in advance.
I didn't try with recent version of eclipse and bndtools
But you can try my experiment done 4 year ago

How to combine m2e and e(fx)clipse?

I want to create a new project in Eclipse Kepler using the two plugins e(fx)clipse (for JavaFX 2) and m2e. The goal is, to have a Java FX project that I can build with maven from eclipse and that has the folder structure of maven, but I want to use the Java FX SceneBuilder from within Eclipse.
Both plugins have own project types and create different folder structures, so I have to do some stuff manually to combine them. Any ideas?
This is not difficult to do in eclipse. The way I did it was as follows:
1) Create the java project/structure first using a maven archetype (I can not remember the specific one, but a generic java one would do).
2) To use the JavaFX functionality of e(fx)clipse, just make sure the JavaFX libraries are included in the Libraries of you Build Path.
3) To use SceneBuilder, make sure that the executable is configured in Window|Preferences|JavaFX screen.
NB: if you are using a java version that has javaFX already in it (e.g. java 8 or a recent java 7 releaase) then you don't need to add a separate JavaFX library in the build path. This was only necessary when JavaFX was not bundled with the rest of the JDK, which is no longer the case.
Good luck.

How to use Eclipse plugins inside regular Java project?

I have a EMF project with an Ecore model, and I exported it as an Eclipse Plugin. Now I want to reuse this plugin (the plugin exported Java packages) inside a regular Java project (using Eclipse).
I created a Java project, and tried to use the option Build Path > Add Libraries > Plugin Dependencies but it shows an empty plugin list and I cant add entries.
The created Java project have no META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and I have not found a way to create it automatically.
How can I add a dependency to my exported plugin? Do I need to create a special kind of project?
You need to create a Plugin Project. So you can edit your MANIFEST.MF and add the generated plugin as a dependency.
Lars Vogel has a good tutorial that covers how to do it in EMF context.