I developed an eclipse editor using ecllipse-rcp concepts .My requirement is to build the project using maven - eclipse-rcp

I developed an eclipse editor using eclipse-rcp concepts .My requirement is to build the project using maven.
So i wrote the pom with packaging type=bundle using apache felix concepts.
After building the project, the project jar has the class files,plugin.xml and the manifest file.
Now, I am dropping this jar in plugins folder of eclipse.I want to open files of a certain extension with this editor. But my eclipseis not showing my editor name in the Internal/External editor list, even though the plugin is the plugins folder of eclipse.
Please help.

If you want to build Eclipse plug-ins with Maven, you should use Tycho: https://www.eclipse.org/tycho/. It provides specific packaging types for handling Eclipse plugins and features (groups of plugins).


How to add my bnd jars dependencies to my eclipse RCP application?

I have some core plugins created in my workspace that are built with BND tools in eclipse. Now I have to reference those core plugins in my eclipse RCP application which is developed with PDE tool in eclipse. But there is no visibility to the BND generated plugins inside the RCP application. May be I can manually copy those plugins to a folder and add the folder to the target. But I want to get rid of such manual task.
Is there any easy way to add the BND generated plugins as dependencies to my RCP application?
Thanks in advance.
I didn't try with recent version of eclipse and bndtools
But you can try my experiment done 4 year ago

Using maven generated sources in Eclipse

I have an application made up of a number of maven projects. I work on it in Eclipse. Some of the projects use Maven plugins to generate stub classes for web services etc.
When i import the projects into a new workspace I have to issue a maven generate sources command followed by attach source folders to build path on each project. The application i work on has more than 5-6 projects which require these steps.
Is there a plugin I can install in Eclipse to pick up the generated sources, or even one that generates the sources and updates the build path to save the manual steps?
I'm pretty sure the m2e plugin takes care of this automatically. m2e is included in the primary Java and Java EE packages of recent Eclipse versions, so you probably already have it. If you right-click on your project, and there is a Maven submenu, then the project is already managed by m2e. Otherwise, right-click and choose Configure > Convert to Maven project.
Well, it depends on exact maven plugin you are using.
generate sources
Before I considered that m2e connector would be needed for any non common plugin, like generator. But I came recently on some plugins (1), that do it without special m2e connector.
attach source folders to build path
For this part check build-helper-maven-plugin and answer to M2E and having maven generated source folders as eclipse source folders

Eclipse RCP Plugin does not work outside Eclipse

I am learning the basics of E4 RCP development. I followed the tutorial below to create a basic application and a plugin.
The plugin is included in the dependencies of the .product file.
When I right-click the .product file and run as eclipse application, I can see the application and the plugin, which just adds a new menu item labelled "plugin" to the application.
But when I export the application using Eclipse Product Export Wizard, the exported eclipse.exe only launches the main rcp application without the plugin (because the "plugin" menu item is not present in the GUI). The plugin is available as a .jar file in the plugins folder and it is also included in the osgi.bundles section of the config.ini file.
Why is the exported application not able to find the plugin?
Be sure to include the fragment.e4xmi file in the build.properties file.
When you run within Eclipse everything in the plugin project is available, but when you export a RCP only things listed in the build.properties are available.

How to add Eclipse-Plugin Jars comfortably to a project?

After installing a Eclipse Plugin (namely Zest), I was wondering how to add the Jar's libraries to my Java project.
Of course, I can add them under my built path settings with "add external JARs" and search my program directories for the plugin folder and the Jar's.
But isn't there a more comfortable way ? I was thinking of some project menu in Eclipse to say "add all libraries from plugin XYZ" ?
You could use maven to manage libraries (very comfortable)

How to use Eclipse plugins inside regular Java project?

I have a EMF project with an Ecore model, and I exported it as an Eclipse Plugin. Now I want to reuse this plugin (the plugin exported Java packages) inside a regular Java project (using Eclipse).
I created a Java project, and tried to use the option Build Path > Add Libraries > Plugin Dependencies but it shows an empty plugin list and I cant add entries.
The created Java project have no META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and I have not found a way to create it automatically.
How can I add a dependency to my exported plugin? Do I need to create a special kind of project?
You need to create a Plugin Project. So you can edit your MANIFEST.MF and add the generated plugin as a dependency.
Lars Vogel has a good tutorial that covers how to do it in EMF context.