How to add my bnd jars dependencies to my eclipse RCP application? - eclipse

I have some core plugins created in my workspace that are built with BND tools in eclipse. Now I have to reference those core plugins in my eclipse RCP application which is developed with PDE tool in eclipse. But there is no visibility to the BND generated plugins inside the RCP application. May be I can manually copy those plugins to a folder and add the folder to the target. But I want to get rid of such manual task.
Is there any easy way to add the BND generated plugins as dependencies to my RCP application?
Thanks in advance.

I didn't try with recent version of eclipse and bndtools
But you can try my experiment done 4 year ago


I developed an eclipse editor using ecllipse-rcp concepts .My requirement is to build the project using maven

I developed an eclipse editor using eclipse-rcp concepts .My requirement is to build the project using maven.
So i wrote the pom with packaging type=bundle using apache felix concepts.
After building the project, the project jar has the class files,plugin.xml and the manifest file.
Now, I am dropping this jar in plugins folder of eclipse.I want to open files of a certain extension with this editor. But my eclipseis not showing my editor name in the Internal/External editor list, even though the plugin is the plugins folder of eclipse.
Please help.
If you want to build Eclipse plug-ins with Maven, you should use Tycho: It provides specific packaging types for handling Eclipse plugins and features (groups of plugins).

Eclipse 4 RCP - how to create project?

I am using eclipse 4 application platform for building custom ide like app, but i am still not sure what libraries i can use.
For instance i can't find some API which is responsible for maintaining projects.
Is it even possible to create project or this is just part specific for eclipse as IDE and can't be used if i am using e4 rcp?
The org.eclipse.e4.rcp, org.eclipse.emf.core and org.eclipse.emf.ecore Eclipse features list all the plugins that a pure e4 application uses.
The list includes most of the plugins but not the org.eclipse.core.resources plugin which contains the workspace code (things like IFile and IWorkspace).
So if you want projects and workspaces you would have to write you own code for that - which would not be compatible with any other Eclipse 3.x plugins.

Want to use both older and newer version of ant plugin in eclipse for two different projects

I want to use two versions of ant plugin in eclipse for two different projects. Both versions are available in the plugins folder of my Eclipse. But I'm able to see only the latest version of ant plug-in when I'm trying to add it in the plug-in dependencies in Manifest.MF file. Please help me with this.
You can try to import both of ant plug-ins into your Eclipse workspace. Then you can let your projects depend on any version of ant for your development.
For building or releasing process, you can use Tycho to define a target platform to include both of them.

How do I have Maven install and/or configure eclipse plugins automatically

I am new to eclipse and the interaction between eclipse and maven.
Is it possible to have Maven automatically install Eclipse plugins if the eclipse path is known?
Is it possible to configure specific project settings for each installed plugin when the eclipse project is created? Is it easy to update these configuration settings once the eclipse project is created?
How may I go about this using Maven? Or is it not possible/ideal?
To install a plugin, you would have to copy the plugin files to the eclipse/plugins folder as described in the Eclipse wiki
You can use maven to copy the plugin files/folders to the eclipse plugins directory. This question will show how: Best practices for copying files with Maven
However, I would not advise to use maven to configure the IDE and its plugins, you should manage your projects and not your IDEs with maven.

Is there a way to generate the MANIFEST.MF for an Eclipse plug-in project with m2eclipse?

I have a mavenized Eclipse plug-in project and I would like to be able to generate an OSGi-ready manifest for it. Is this supported by m2eclipse?
If you have a maven project, you can use the Maven Bundle Plugin for this.
Indeed maven-bundle-plugin, when using eclipse also have a look at the "Eclipse/PDE integration" chapter to put the MANIFEST.MF in a location eclipse understands.