how can I create maven Gwt project? - eclipse

Hello friends I have not so much Idea about maven build tool. I just download and install it in my system as I read maven is a build tool and work perfectly with transitive dependency. this is the basic reason to use it
I also configure mavan plugin in Eclipse.
so what is the proper Gwt maven archetype in eclipse and I read so many command in tutorials like maven:gwt run but I dont to where is this command exist in eclipse
I am very new in maven so please help me like a beginner

This is a common approach to get support of maven in existing GWT-Project
Make a gwt project by using the gwt plugin in Eclipse. Now you have
an Eclipse gwt project.
Select the project in Project Explorer , right-click it, then choose
Configure . Then select Convert to Maven Project . Now you get a
gwt-maven project.
Now add necessary dependencies to pom.xml .
if you want to create a gwt maven project directly you need to choose gwt archetype if not exist you can add this have a look in
this video

You should:
Download the gwt plugin in Eclipse and create a gwt project.
In Eclipse select the project, right-click on it, then choose Configure. Then select Convert to Maven Project.
Now you get a gwt-maven project.


I need to get maven folder while creating project

I have downloaded maven 3.x successfully but when I am opening eclipse ide File > New > Project and need to select maven project then I am not able to view the maven folder itself .I dont know whether I need m2e plugin or what as I am new to this .Please guide me on this.
Open Help - Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse and then enter m2e or maven plugin. It depends on your eclipse version, what to install.
But there are also a lot of eclipse bundles, which already include the maven plugin like the Java EE version.

How do I mavenize a JSF 2.0 project in eclipse?

I have a JSF 2.0 project on my eclipse. I would like to mavenize the same preferably from Eclipse itself. I tried doing it from outside the eclipse manually. There are quite a few steps and I don't like the manual nature of that approach. Could someone help?
Make sure that you have the standard folder structure as recommended by Maven for web projects. Follow this link.
Now, install maven plugin in eclipse (am not sure if it is available by default or we have to download it manually). Simply right click on the project, select Configure and Convert to Maven Project. This should automatically do all that steps to takes to mavenize your current project. This will create a pom.xml file and you can modify it going forward as per your requirements. By the way, I use Eclipse Juno.

Can i use the google app engine eclipse plugin with a maven gae project?

I migrated a GAE project to a Maven project with the official way ( but I don't want to use Maven to deploy/use devserver.
When I'm using the GAE Eclipse plugin I get an error:
Could not locate /path/to/project/target/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml
Is it possible to use the GAE eclipse plugin or must I use Maven for deploying/local server?
I found the current process to do this a bit tricky, but it is possible. And it works pretty well after fiddling with it... I've been happy to have Maven manage the dependencies and I've found myself using it to test/deploy too. The key to getting it to work can be found in the GWT docs: In particular, you need to use a "dynamic web project" in Eclipse, rather than the normal (to me) GAE project.
Create the Eclipse Dynamic Web Project as in the link above, including changing the source folders to the proper maven-like location, and changing the web module location to the maven location.
Copy your source files in the right places.
Add the pom.xml file to the directory. At this point, you should be able to go to the command-line and run mvn appengine:devserver
Back in Eclipse, go to the project properties and turn on Google -> App Engine: Use GAE, and use HRD.
To be able to use m2eclipse to manage Maven dependencies and take Maven actions in Eclipse, you need to convert the project to a Maven project, as per this StackOverflow question
You might need to shutdown Eclipse, rebuild via Maven, restart/refresh Eclipse. At this point, you should be able to build/debug/deploy via Eclipse or via Maven!

how to convert an existing gwt application in eclipse to maven project

is there any reference website or tutorial? I see some website for migrate java project to maven project, some website for new gwt application using maven, but no website for migrate existing gwt application in eclipse project to maven project.
Try this.
Right click on the project.
Focus on Configure in menu.
Select option Convert to Maven Project.
And if that doesn't work for you. I suggest you to create new maven project and then move all your code there step by step.
Hope this helps you.

Creating a new project in Eclipse using Maven as build tool for Google App Engine project

I'm creating GAE projects and I would like to use Maven as build tool. I have found project that provides ability to use GAE with Maven, but I didn't understand how I can create a new project with this configuration?
First of all you have to have m2eclipse plugin installed to effectively use Maven in Eclipse. Once you have it:
Create a new Maven project with File->New->Project...
Make sure "Create simple project.." checkbox is not checked
Select appropriate archetype from kindleit
Give your project an id and a group
After that it will be generated with proper structure and dependecies