Weather robot on Facebook using Bluemix results in 404 error - ibm-cloud

I created a weather robot on Facebook, but it showed the following error message:
404 Not Found: Requested route ('') does not exist.

It sounds like you are not binding your server to the port specified in thePORT environment variable, or your app is crashing before starting the server.
To bind to the port environment variable, use app.set('port', process.env.PORT)


bluemix delivery pipeline fails with server error

I created a new application in a new (empty) space and when I try to deploy it, it fails with this error:
Server error, status code: 400, error code: 210003, message: The host
is taken: IoT-DEMO-POC
You need to use a different route because the host is taken. See
You can get a random route if you run the push command with --random-route
cf push --random-route
You can also open the manifest.yml file and change the host parameter if there is one or the application name. The route needs to be unique.

A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /appname has not been defined

I get the following error message when I try to open up my application from the web (using 'appname' as my application name, the root name of my application - the error displays my app's actual name): handleRequest SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /appname has not been defined.
As far as I can tell, my application was installed correctly and is running on our Websphere server (WAS 8.5).
I'm at a loss for what to pursue in order to resolve this issue - what possible issue could my application be having?
Map your web module to /appname in the administration console, or use whatever context-root is specified for the web module.

Archiva REST-API

I'm trying to get the latest version of an artifact.
going to http://archiva:8080/restServices shows me the Available RESTful services: clicking on http://archiva:8080/restServices/archivaServices?_wadl leads to an empty(all white) page fore me. Opening the Development tools in my browser I get this output in the javascript-console
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
GET http://archiva:8080/restServices/archivaServices?_wadl 404 (Not Found)
I also read here that there should be a application.wadl but for me there isn't!
I use the latest(2.2.1) Standalone version from here
the request for a certain artifact looks like that
Maybe you miss the contextPath in the url. For example, if you want to access the ping service. The url could be:
Please notice that maybe you will get 403 due to by default archiva does not allow csrf access.
The configruation detail is:

"no such host" mesage while site is deployed on domain

I have done a sample project based on to test the moovweb solution.
After testing it on on local system I deployed the project on moovweb cloud. I have learnt that one need to own the domain to be able to access it from internet. However, as per documentation, it is still available within domain.
While I am trying to access my site through domain I get moovweb warning page as below
Warning: the webpage you are attempting to access is a Moovweb
Remixed™ version of Should
you choose to continue, Moovweb is not responsible for the contents of
this webpage.
[Agree and continue] [Decline]
However, on chossing [Agree and continue] I get following message instead of site page
Failed to establish a connection with upstream (dial tcp: lookup
[muser1234] no such host)
please help me what is wrong here?
It looks like you have a misconfigured config.json file in your project.
On the right-hand side of the first "host_map" value, you will need to put the upstream domain ''. You currently have it set to [muser1234] This domain does not exist; that is why you are getting the "dial tcp: lookup ... no such host" error.
The correct setting should look like:
"host_map": [
"$ =>"
Hope that helps.

Getting ERROR bad Request-Line

I have a Canvas Facebook App which has a developer version(for test & dev purpose) accessed through localhost and a staging version deployed to Heroku. Whenever I try to access the developer version through localhost, I get the following error:
[2013-02-24 17:43:40] ERROR bad Request-Line `\x16\x03\x01\x00│\x01\x00\x00»\x03
[2013-02-24 17:43:40] ERROR bad Request-Line `\x16\x03\x01\x00│\x01\x00\x00»\x03
[2013-02-24 17:43:40] ERROR bad URI `!]è"!┼I\x00\x00H└'.
[2013-02-24 17:43:40] ERROR bad Request-Line `\x16\x03\x00\x00U\x01\x00\x00Q\x03
\x00Q*Ѽ╦▐σ\x12╥N\x7Fi+∩£\x1Dcúë[1/°╡½ñV é₧·Y\x00\x00*\x00 \x00ê\x00ç\x009\x008\
3■ \x00'.
I have no problem accessing the staging version in heroku. To make things more interesting, my co developer does not have this problem when he tries to access the app through localhost. We are using the same environment(Windows OS and webrick server). I am suspecting the problem is with my account, but I have no idea how to verify/fix it.
Try accessing clearing the cache.
I was getting the same error while accessing api using https having config.force_ssl = true, but its working fine with http request.