bluemix delivery pipeline fails with server error - ibm-cloud

I created a new application in a new (empty) space and when I try to deploy it, it fails with this error:
Server error, status code: 400, error code: 210003, message: The host
is taken: IoT-DEMO-POC

You need to use a different route because the host is taken. See
You can get a random route if you run the push command with --random-route
cf push --random-route
You can also open the manifest.yml file and change the host parameter if there is one or the application name. The route needs to be unique.


Weather robot on Facebook using Bluemix results in 404 error

I created a weather robot on Facebook, but it showed the following error message:
404 Not Found: Requested route ('') does not exist.
It sounds like you are not binding your server to the port specified in thePORT environment variable, or your app is crashing before starting the server.
To bind to the port environment variable, use app.set('port', process.env.PORT)

Bluemix dashboard: Unable to update route (BXNUI0030E)

This error seems like a Bluemix internal error to me.
I try to add another route using the new Bluemix dashboard to one of my liberty apps and the error message I get is:
BXNUI0030E: The '' route wasn't mapped to
the 'xxxxx-arya' app because a problem occurred contacting Cloud
Foundry. Try again later. If you see this message again, go to the
Bluemix status page to check whether a service or component has an
issue. If the problem continues, click the Account and Support icon in
the top menu bar, click Get help, and search for help or get support.
The error message is not clear to identify cause of the problem. The message just tells Cloud Foundry command behind Web interface failed to create map-route, but it didn't tell what exactly happen. Please run below commands to know what happened during creating map-route and fix the problem;
Login into the space by cfcli;
cf login -a -u -p -o -s
List all routes in the space and make sure the app or the map-route are there;
cf routes
Create map-route by command;
cf map-route APPNAME --hostname NEW-HOSTNAME
Check error message and fix the problem
*) Most common problem is duplicate map-route name if the hostname used in in other spaces. Please contact Bluemix Support with your new hostname if you cannot find the hostname in your organizations.

deploying a liberty war file to bluemix liberty gives error 400

After creating a WAR file using maven successfully, I tried uploading the WAR file to Liberty on Bluemix. I used the following command:
cf push wallet -p ./wallet-service/target/wallet-service-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war
Creating app wallet in org / space jax-rs as
Got following response:
Creating route
Server error, status code: 400, error code: 210003, message: The host is taken: wallet"
What does that mean and more importantly, how do you fix it?
The above error message means the hostname wallet is taken. You are assigned a hostname on a shared domain of You can fix this issue by choosing a unique name. You can keep the name of the app to be wallet but choose a unique hostname with the following command.
cf push wallet -n somethingunique -p ./wallet-service/target/wallet-service-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war
The -n argument allows to give a hostname to the app.
Additionally, you can point your own domain to Bluemix and use that with your app.

SQLDB status code 500

I received a FAILED Server error, status code: 500, error code: 10001,
message: Service broker error : {"description"=>"Service Broker provisioned at this url state is not operational 10002"} message, when trying to create a new SQLDB service instance.
What is the issue?
I was able to confirm that there was a brief issue earlier with the "Free" plan but it has since been resolved.
I was able to create a service successfully from the CF command line:
$ cf create-service sqldb sqldb_free randalstTestSQLDB515
Creating service randalstTestSQLDB515 in org /
space dev as
Try to create the service from the command line using the following syntax:
$ cf create-service sqldb sqldb_small mySQLDB
The first attribute sqldb is the service name.
The second attribute is the plan, either sqldb_small, sqldb_free, or sqldb_premium.
The last attribute mySQLDB is the unique name that you are giving to this service instance.

"no such host" mesage while site is deployed on domain

I have done a sample project based on to test the moovweb solution.
After testing it on on local system I deployed the project on moovweb cloud. I have learnt that one need to own the domain to be able to access it from internet. However, as per documentation, it is still available within domain.
While I am trying to access my site through domain I get moovweb warning page as below
Warning: the webpage you are attempting to access is a Moovweb
Remixed™ version of Should
you choose to continue, Moovweb is not responsible for the contents of
this webpage.
[Agree and continue] [Decline]
However, on chossing [Agree and continue] I get following message instead of site page
Failed to establish a connection with upstream (dial tcp: lookup
[muser1234] no such host)
please help me what is wrong here?
It looks like you have a misconfigured config.json file in your project.
On the right-hand side of the first "host_map" value, you will need to put the upstream domain ''. You currently have it set to [muser1234] This domain does not exist; that is why you are getting the "dial tcp: lookup ... no such host" error.
The correct setting should look like:
"host_map": [
"$ =>"
Hope that helps.