How can I display non-editable view for the bamboo task - plugins

It's possible to create user interface for Bamboo task configuration. According to the documentation, I should provide edit and view template. In order to display a editable view you have to simply edit a task. But where and how can I display a result of a view template?

Task's view mode was deprecated since Bamboo 5.13, so you can just ignore this resource


Views need to be explicit from FuelPHP 1.7?

With no view specificied in FuelPHP 1.6, the default was to load the view located in /views/controller/action but I'm trying FuelPHP 1.7 now and when I don't explicitly forge a view I just get a white output screen. (I checked that is isn't breaking by echoing)
Is this expected behavior? Do views now need to be explicitly called every time?
FuelPHP has never had any code in the default controller classes that loads views automatically based on the controller and action. It sounds like this is custom behaviour that has been added to your application by either yourself or another developer on your project.
You should check what is in the before and after methods of your parent controller as it seems that a minor change in 1.7 has broken your application's logic.
If you get a white output screen, it's actually a normal behavior. You have to forge a view on the methods of your controller.

Set progress message/state from custom action possible?

We wrote a custom action to deploy some artifacts to our glassfish server. Now we wanted to display the names of the artifacts to the message-text of the progess bar. Therefore we want to set the text directly from the custom action instead using a separate set-progress-action. Is this possible? We want to avoid a bunch of custom-action/set-progress-message entries in our configuration although we can recap these inside a action group.
Thanks in advance
context.getProgressInterface().setStatusMessage("Your text");
in your code. The progress interface also has methods for changing the percentage, the indeterminate state and the detail message.

Make baseline on Clearcase based on View, not Stream?

Why does the "make baseline" command on clearcase explorer need the concerned user's view ? (indeed, it asks for the "view context")
I don't see why clearcase expects this because a baseline applies on Stream...not a view.
The cleartool mkbl man page (which is the command behind the "Make Baseline") mentions:
-vie/w view-tag
Specifies the view from which to create baselines. Baselines are created in the stream that the view is attached to.
For example, if you are working in coyne_dev_view, but want to create a baseline from the configuration specified by the view coyne_integration_view, use -view coyne_integration_view.
This option creates a baseline in the project's integration stream that includes all the checked-in versions contained in coyne_integration_view.
If you do not specify view-tag, the current view is used.
In other words, making a baseline is about putting a label on a version of each files of a given component for a given stream.
which Stream? Answer: the one referenced by a view
which version? answer: the one selected by the config spec of the view (ie not necessarily the latest one created on a Stream)
So to know what to label, ClearCase needs a view when making a baseline.

Set View Script in Plugin - Check if Exist?

I'm developing a multi-lingual site.
Some languages uses right-to-left layouts and some left-to-right.
So some of my view scripts have another RTL view script that I want to load automatically.
I wrote a plugin that checks if the user is RTL and if yes it adds '.rtl' to the suffix of the file:
Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper('ViewRenderer')- >setViewSuffix('rtl.phtml');
the problem is that not all of my view scripts have an rtl view script, so I want to check if the file exist....
the problem with that if I do in my controller $this->render('someScript') then I've got no way to check if the .rtl script exist.. as far as I know.
In short: is there some way (event) to hook up after the action finishes but before it renders?
Maybe I should write a custom view renderer?
If the RTL check can only happen after an action has been executed, you could create an action helper, which uses the postDispatch hook to set the viewSuffix via the ViewRenderer and retrieve the path to the view script. Using the view scriptPath and the viewRenderer getViewScript(), you can create the absolute path to the file.
It is not a particularly pretty way to accomplish your goals, though.
It might be an idea to create two scriptPaths, one for the LTR and another for the RTL. When the user uses a RTL language, you can add the RTL scriptPath to the view scriptPath stack. That way, Zend_View will first check the RTL directory and use the LTR directory as a fallback.

JIRA - Step description in transition screen

I want to display a text field with the description of the transition, not only input fields. Where can i configure it?
You might use the JIRA Toolkit plugin to create a message custom field which are used "to add arbitrary HTML to edit and view pages"
Given that it supports velocity, it should be possible to retrieve the description of the transition from the context ...