JIRA - Step description in transition screen - workflow

I want to display a text field with the description of the transition, not only input fields. Where can i configure it?

You might use the JIRA Toolkit plugin to create a message custom field which are used "to add arbitrary HTML to edit and view pages"
Given that it supports velocity, it should be possible to retrieve the description of the transition from the context ...


Zabbix web monitor template custom Items add macros tag

I have a web monitoe template. the template have some macros setting as default. I can use the macros in web test cases and triggers also create items.
enter image description here
I also want tag the items I created with the macros, like below image, but it does not work. the macro is not recognized. can you help me setting this? Thank you!
enter image description here
enter image description here
I also try 'Inherited and item tags', seems not working
enter image description here

is there a possibility to create an editable checkbox column?

I'm looking for a way to show a boolean value as a clickable checkbox in the table.
In my current example, I have a value called "charged". Currently this is shown as a check. It would be great to have it as a checkbox in order to update the value really quick, instead of clicking on edit on the specific row and update it there.
Example screenshot
Would appreciate any recommendations.
The Backpack team has something in the works for this - a package they call "editable columns". But it will probably be launched in Feb-March 2022.
Until then, you can
(A) create a custom column type that will make an AJAX call. For the javascript, take a look at the delete button for inspiration.
(B) Send an email to hello#backpackforlaravel.com for beta access to that package (includes editable_checkbox, editable_switch and editable_text column types right now.

How can i display a static Block in Product Description in Magento 2

How can i display a static Block in Product Description in Magento 2?
I can display on cms Page or in phtml on Pruduct Description in Backend this not Works.
does the block need to be "inbetween" your description elements or is it pre-/appended to the text content? In the 2nd case, a workaround could be extending your description. The easiest way to do that is to extend vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/templates/product/view/description.phtml in your theme. You could even build in some logic when to display the additional info and when to hide it.
If you need a more dynamic solution, you could use a custom text attribute and display it after the description output. In case this attribute would be empty, only the description is shown.

Ionic 2: create a custom picker

In my project, I've got a list of countries from a database. In Ionic 2, the select option is alert (popup). I don't need that, so my question:
How can I create a custom picker for countries list?
I just build a similar component here, base on the low-level picker component.
Chinese City Picker
But its performance could depend on your data volume.
Fengjun Chen thanks for designing the custom Picker control.
Can you post the source for the source for the Advance usage example that you hosted on - https://raychenfj.github.io/ion-multi-picker/
Also it will help if you can post an example of how to access the events and how to style the control.

Howto add validation in listview in sugarcrm7?

I need to add validation for field:Phone to prevent adding text into phone field in SugarCRM 7.5
is it possible?
You can achieve this functionality by different solutions:
Include JQuery Mask plugin and apply validation on all phone type fields.
Create custom field type for phone and apply validation.
Sugar has provided field validation for record view you can also get help from it link.
Here is related link to your question
Thanks Saad,
I did it by following solution:
Create a new custom field
Add my own mask input into _render() and initialize function
I added keypress event into custom field controller to prevent press invalid characters (symbols,....)
I added mustache files to showing proper values in edit,list view,...