Views need to be explicit from FuelPHP 1.7? - fuelphp

With no view specificied in FuelPHP 1.6, the default was to load the view located in /views/controller/action but I'm trying FuelPHP 1.7 now and when I don't explicitly forge a view I just get a white output screen. (I checked that is isn't breaking by echoing)
Is this expected behavior? Do views now need to be explicitly called every time?

FuelPHP has never had any code in the default controller classes that loads views automatically based on the controller and action. It sounds like this is custom behaviour that has been added to your application by either yourself or another developer on your project.
You should check what is in the before and after methods of your parent controller as it seems that a minor change in 1.7 has broken your application's logic.

If you get a white output screen, it's actually a normal behavior. You have to forge a view on the methods of your controller.


How to clean up "old" views using sap.m.routing.Router

With routing/routes defined in the manifest.json and using Router.navTo() to change the hash and the content of the target App control, I noticed that the "old" views and controllers are still hanging around and listening to events (e.g. performing binding updates for controls that are no longer visible on the stage).
I (wrongly) assumed that the router would clean these views/controls up for me - what is the recommended way doing so?
You are correct. Before calling oRouter.navTo(...) you can call unbind. To give you an example you could check here. There you can find the following line of code inside the onNavBack handler:
unbindElement() is called because previously bindElement(...) was called in the same controller. So just make sure to use bind/unbind combination before oRouter.navTo()...

How to Dynamically load EXTERNAL MVVM and NON MVVM controls using Caliburn Micro

I am loading controls dynamically from the web server from separate XAP files. After creating an instance I want to show them in tab Pages. The controls can be MMVM controls using CM but also non MVVM standard controls.
Before trying the tab I tested to simply show a control dynamically on the page by using:
<ContentControl Name="TestControl" />
Test control is a property of Type UserControl which is set via creating a new Instance of a dynamically loaded control. Now this gives me an error that it can't find the view. In case of non MVVM controls there is of course no view, so how do I load a non MVVM control?
I tried to make the test control a MVVM control, but still get the cannot load view error. Makes sense as such instance is not created. If I create an instance of the dynamically loaded view besides the view model, how do I "Add" this so that CM finds it?
Last but not least, how do I bind this to a tab control in Silverlight? The idea is to have a collection of user controls (plugins) which each is rendered in its separate tab page.
Thanks for any help.
(I got this done in no time NOT using MVVM, still not sure if MVVM is worth all the complexity)
There's no such thing as "mvvm control". MVVM is just a pattern not a control type. Basically, in Caliburn you don't need to work vith UserControls or Views directly, but if you pick the ViewModel first approach, Caliburn framework should be able to find the matching view for you. In your case since you're loading XAP files dynamically, you need to add them to the list of assemblies Caliburn looks to find a View/ViewModel (and bind them together) and this is done through IAssemblySource interface. According to the documentation here:
So, what is AssemblySoure.Instance? This is the place that
Caliburn.Micro looks for Views. You can add assemblies to this at any
time during your application to make them available to the framework,
but there is also a special place to do it in the Bootstrapper.

Show annotation in custom views

First off - I'm not using MapKit. I'm using my own controls for something entirely different. But the annotation view is something I'd like to mimmic. I've seen other applications with similar views to indicate state or actions on other controls. However, scanning through the class library I can't find a view already in the SDK. Do I have to create my own custom view that mimics this look and behavior or does the iPhone provide a standard way of showing these annotations?
You have to create your own (or find an open source implementation). The annotation views are actually drawn by the map view so they don't work outside of a map.
Well I couldn't find an open source solution so I built my own. To save anyone else the trouble, the source can be found at

iOS project not showing Interface elements built from Interface Builder in my view

I am working on a project which includes many UI components on one view(being built in Interface Builder). I have found that after saving and moving my project directory, the interface which should include all of these elements, is empty(there are no visible UI components in the view).
There are actually 2 projects. 1 is a framework project, the other is the iphone project which i build & run on the device - everything is contained within a folder which i may move frequently as other members in my team work on it.
the view which is not properly showing elements, is an XIB file which can be modified through either the iphone project or framework project.
Why is this happening and how can i troubleshoot this problem further? I am not sure how to fix it.
Many components will not show if they're not been connected to a property, and some will not show if their datasource or delegate is not connected.
Have you wired everything up, making all of your connections?
Could you check the view hierarchy in the -(void)viewDidLoad ? As Matthew said, if those components are not connected to properties, they won't be shown. And, if they are not add onto proper view, then they won't be shown too.
You can check the view hierarchy of viewController by browsing the property subViews of self.view.

iPhone: Is there a pre-made UISettingsView?

On startup, if the user hasn't done any setting of NSUserDefaults, I want my main view to do a flipside view that brings up the same stuff that shows up in the Settings app.
Is there an API for instantiating the same controller that Settings uses, or will I have to reimplement a table view and controller myself?
This website hosts the 'MySettings' API which is a nice toolkit that encapsulates various Settings features (switches, choices, etc) all in a declarative (plist-based) API.
You have to code the ui elements yourself if you wish to make the perferences available within your app. The utility template in xcode gives you a starting point by making a flipview available.
Check out Craig Hockenberry's Generic Table Views, which make it really easy to set up a Settings-like table view.