JasperReport exporting to xlsx format works fine with java code but not with jasperserver - jasper-reports

I am working on a complex report structure with jasper report studio. Everything was fine until I publish the report on jasper server. I am not getting the same output when exporting to xlsx format.
This is the xlsx format generated by JRXlsxExporter class
And this what i am getting from jasper server export to xlsx format

After setting the property collapseRowSpan to false of the bean xlsExportParameters declared in the /jasperreports-server-cp-6.3.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INFapplicationContext.xml file the xlsx export works fine just like expected.


LibreOffice --convert-to pdf

After upgrade LibreOffice to version: LibreOffice 20m0(Build:1), i have next error. After converting xlsx file to pdf with command
soffice --headless --convert-to pdf:calc_pdf_Export test.xlsx
Generated PDF file not contain any calculated values, why?? Version LibreOffice 10m0(Build:2) works fine. In original xlsx file all formulas calculated fine.
I'am try change (in my test machine) Tools->Options->LibreOffice Calc->Formula->Recalculation on file load to "Always" and then run convert, works fine, but if selected "Newer/Ask User", formulas not calculated in pdf. How i can change this values without GUI on server? ..

How to export jasper report to an existing excel file

I have an jasper report that I can easily export as an .xls (using preview function in jasper). However I want Jasper to export to an existing excel file (say in my desktop "~/Desktop/output.xls )
I think its something related to Interface XlsExporterConfiguration but I am not sure how or what to do. I'd like to do something like:
Start Jaspersoft Studio IDE.
Open JRXML file.
Run JRXML file to generate (preview) a report.
Click File >> Export >> Append to append report to an existing spreadsheet.
The File >> Export >> Append isn't how to do this from within the IDE. Is there a way?

JasperSoft Studio 5.6.1 Excel Macro Merge Template

I am attempting to merge an excel exported file from Jaspersoft Studio 5.6.1 with a macro-enabled excel file. However, when I use the "Add JasperReports Server Resource", other file types are not permitted. What is the proper procedure for uploading macro.xls?
Is the macro file needed in the local studio folder structure and get compiled together with the .jrxml OR does it exist on the JasperServer as a resource that is retrieved when the report is executed? This is a requirement for us in order to produce a file with grouped/collapsed columns which is not supported by the native API's.
When I place the macro file on the JasperReports Server and provide the path in the properties of the report, I receive an error message:
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Input stream not found at : /Folder/Resources/macro.xlt

modify encoding for database deploy script

Is there a way to change the encoding for the deploy script generated by Sql Server Data Tools from UTF-8 to ANSI?
The problem that I have is that I have a string in a function that contains the caracter "รจ" and in the generated deploy script a box appears instead of this character.
EDIT: I'm using SSDT with Visual studio 2013 and 2015.
You should change encoding of all files in your project to UTF-8 and deploy script will be correct.

iReport CSV preview - where does the CSV get saved?

I'm running iReport on ubuntu. When I choose the CSV preview from the Build menu and choose Build -> execute (with active connection) a message is displayed in the console saying "Exporting Report". But nothing happens afterwards. Where does the CSV file get saved?
PS:- When choosing JRViewer preview things work fine
The files were in the bin directory of the root iReport directory.