modify encoding for database deploy script - encoding

Is there a way to change the encoding for the deploy script generated by Sql Server Data Tools from UTF-8 to ANSI?
The problem that I have is that I have a string in a function that contains the caracter "è" and in the generated deploy script a box appears instead of this character.
EDIT: I'm using SSDT with Visual studio 2013 and 2015.

You should change encoding of all files in your project to UTF-8 and deploy script will be correct.


Building .car ColdFusion Archive from command-line

The current way I'm packaging my application is to deploy it on a running ColdFusion server, and export is as a .car (Coldfusion ARchive) through the admin console, but this manual process is usually prone to errors.
That's why I'm looking for a tool (or any solution) to build this final .car from the command line (so without requiring a ColdFusion server up and running).
Note: because of the complexity and the size of this legacy application, I cannot work with .war files, and I'm not aware of any other packaging format than .war or .car for ColdFusion applications.
Hi unfortunately Coldfusion is not built to use in this way but you can use API or the admin console.
I invite you to read this page : for more details.
From coldfusion 9 servers, CAR files are zip files. You can unzip them, edit the files, and zip them back up and deploy them on coldfusion10 servers. The zip contains a folder called "{WorkingDir}" with curly brackets.
Structure looks like

Import excel spreadsheet into Oracle using sdcli command line tool

I'm attempting to into import oracle 11gR2 using the command line tool for SqlDeveloper 4.0. The ultimate reason is we are attempting to import a lot of freetext fields that need to preserve the exact formatting. CR LF, etc for legal reasons. End users need to edit these in Excel.
SQLLoader baulks at the CR LF's, You can achieve this in SqlDeveloper by switching the formatting to UTF-8 for import / export. We are now trying to build up some scripts after discovering how to do this in the command line runtime sdcli64... BUT there doesn't appear to be an option to import from a flat file or .xlsx in that utility??
Any pointers or are we missing an obvious parameter?
(we are using the latest version of SqlDeveloper we can find, 4.03)
New version of Oracle developer 4.1 was released as an Early adopter today. You can run the sdcli or sdcli64 command line version with the new parameters. This will import excel files as possible in the sqlDeveloper GUI and it will preserve the formatting using the new [-utility] switch.
You can then use the scripting tool/method of choice to build scripts to do all files in a directory, etc.
With new SQL Developer 4.1 you may import XLSX file (and other formats too) via command line:
Use sdcli utility import.
You will need a config XML file. To create one, start the import in the UI, configure the columns, etc, and at the last step click the button 'Save State'. It will create an XML file you may re-use in command line.

nuget encodes the blank spaces in names of files

I created a nuget package using the pack command:
everything works fine; the only issue that I have is related to the fact that I'm trying to install a certificate through a powershell script. The name of this certificate is something like "CompanyName Ltd.pfx" (note the blank space) but in the nuget package it is encoded as "CompanyName%20Ltd.pfx" and therefore my installation script fails for this certificate. Now, this is a minor issue as I can modify the certificate name removing the blank space, but anyway I'm wondering if there is a method that prevents (or controls) this type of encoding (as I haven't found anything in the nuget documentation).
I had the exact same problem. Unzipping the file does seem to encode the file names no matter what utility you use.
I solved this by opening the .nupkg in the NuGet Package Explorer and using Export from the File-menu.

How to set the encoding of a SSIS "Script task" file of a Visual Studio 2008 SSIS project

In My SSIS script task I need to refer to ressources (eg. database tables) that contain special european characters. How do I force my script file (C# code) to be stored using another encoding such as UTF-8.
At the moment I have to escaping the characters using \uXXX which is near unreadable.
While I'm waiting on a repro, how I think you would accomplish this is the same manner you would use to save any file out with encoding in VS/SSMS
I added some arabic looking text in there, assuming that would qualify as UTF-8
Closing and re-opening the script task retains the script.

Zend Studio for eclipse - Switch character encoding for all files in a project

I'm using Zend Studio for Eclipise on Mac, and it seems to keep setting all files to have and encoding of 'Mac Roman'. This becomes problematic when I save the files, as they all need to be UTF-8.
I know how to change the encoding to UTF-8 on a file by file basis, but I was wondering if I could set this project wide?
Eclipse-Wide: Window->Preferences->Appearence->Workspace
Project-Wide: Rightclick on Project->Properties
Filewide: Rightclick on File->Properties
On my Eclipse for PHP Helios SR 2 for Mac:
Eclipse-Wide: Eclipse->Preferences->General->Workspace
The others are the same as #SkaveRat
On a Zend Studio 8.x,for Mac osx 10.5.8 I changed it like this:
Top menu chose: Edit->Set encoding->Other: UTF-8,. By default it is set Mac Roman.
And then apply.
Just remember, php does not actually support utf-8 encoded sourcefiles.
When creating strings in a utf-8 encoded file, php will just see 2 static bytes per character.
Try running the following with either utf-8 or ISO-8859-1 enconding.
strlen() will report different lengths depending on encoding.
$string = "äüö";
echo (strlen($string));