LibreOffice --convert-to pdf - libreoffice

After upgrade LibreOffice to version: LibreOffice 20m0(Build:1), i have next error. After converting xlsx file to pdf with command
soffice --headless --convert-to pdf:calc_pdf_Export test.xlsx
Generated PDF file not contain any calculated values, why?? Version LibreOffice 10m0(Build:2) works fine. In original xlsx file all formulas calculated fine.
I'am try change (in my test machine) Tools->Options->LibreOffice Calc->Formula->Recalculation on file load to "Always" and then run convert, works fine, but if selected "Newer/Ask User", formulas not calculated in pdf. How i can change this values without GUI on server? ..


How to pass variables to pandoc for use in HTML template?

I use pandoc in VSCode to generate HTML files from Markdown files.
I use the following htmlOptString in VSCode:
"pandoc.htmlOptString": "-s -f gfm -t html5 --template=pandoc-template.html"
I don't want to have to change that line every time I render a document.
I do not understand how I can use metadata to pass information like author, title or more, from the MD file.
For example the following does not create the $title$ variable:
title: test
In my template the title element id rendered as empty
How do I create variables from the markdown file?
I also tried using a YAML metadata file to no effect.
MacOS Sierra
Pandoc 2.1.1
Latest VSCode
I tried specifying the yaml_metadata_block extension in the pandoc command
My new htmlOptString is:
"pandoc.htmlOptString": "-s --from=gfm+yaml_metadata_block -t html5 --template=pandoc-template.html"
When I run the command from a terminal the result is the same, i.e. the title block is rendered in HTML and no $title$ variable is generated.
Pandoc added support for this in version 2.13 (released on 2021-03-21). Nowadays, it should be enough to update to the latest version for this to work.

LibreOffice Headless

I am trying to convert .docx file to .pdf using the pdfgear as described in This component defaults to libre-office-headless. I installed LibreOffice5 in my computer at
C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 5
with its binary lying at
C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 5\program.
Then in my Controller method i have:
$pdf = Gears\Pdf::convert($temp_filename);
shell_exec('libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf $temp_filename');
The first statement is resulting to the error:
An uncaught Exception was encountered
Type: RuntimeException
Message: The libreoffice command ("/usr/bin/libreoffice") was not
found or is not executable by the current user!
While the next line is resulting to nothing (no error and no pdf document)!
How can i install libre-office-headless to ensure that the first line of code runs successfully? I hope you understand my question. Thank you.
Looking through the pdfgear source code there are a number of locations hard coded that you might need to adapt. They seem to be written with a normal Linux distro installation of LibreOffice in mind.
One case that seems related to your problem is

JasperReport exporting to xlsx format works fine with java code but not with jasperserver

I am working on a complex report structure with jasper report studio. Everything was fine until I publish the report on jasper server. I am not getting the same output when exporting to xlsx format.
This is the xlsx format generated by JRXlsxExporter class
And this what i am getting from jasper server export to xlsx format
After setting the property collapseRowSpan to false of the bean xlsExportParameters declared in the /jasperreports-server-cp-6.3.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INFapplicationContext.xml file the xlsx export works fine just like expected.

How to export jasper report to an existing excel file

I have an jasper report that I can easily export as an .xls (using preview function in jasper). However I want Jasper to export to an existing excel file (say in my desktop "~/Desktop/output.xls )
I think its something related to Interface XlsExporterConfiguration but I am not sure how or what to do. I'd like to do something like:
Start Jaspersoft Studio IDE.
Open JRXML file.
Run JRXML file to generate (preview) a report.
Click File >> Export >> Append to append report to an existing spreadsheet.
The File >> Export >> Append isn't how to do this from within the IDE. Is there a way?

iReport CSV preview - where does the CSV get saved?

I'm running iReport on ubuntu. When I choose the CSV preview from the Build menu and choose Build -> execute (with active connection) a message is displayed in the console saying "Exporting Report". But nothing happens afterwards. Where does the CSV file get saved?
PS:- When choosing JRViewer preview things work fine
The files were in the bin directory of the root iReport directory.