iReport CSV preview - where does the CSV get saved? - jasper-reports

I'm running iReport on ubuntu. When I choose the CSV preview from the Build menu and choose Build -> execute (with active connection) a message is displayed in the console saying "Exporting Report". But nothing happens afterwards. Where does the CSV file get saved?
PS:- When choosing JRViewer preview things work fine

The files were in the bin directory of the root iReport directory.


How to save zip file into Blob field with Oracle Sql Developer

I am using Oracle SQL Developer on MacOS and I am trying to save zip file into Blob field. I know how to load any other file type by clicking "Load" button and then selecting the file.
The problem is that when I select the zip file and click on Open, it does not select that file, but shows the me the content of zip file and then I can select only one file from that zip. This is not what I want, because I want to upload the whole zip.
Is there any setting in Oracle SQL Developer or any other way?
I do not have such problem on same table when using PLSQL Developer on Windows machine.
I have found out that when I have a zip file in a folder, then Oracle Sql Developer automatically shows also folders for this file, even if does not exist in reality on disk. The name of the folder and the file is the same including extension. Different is only the icon. If you select archive then loading to blob works ok. This is the behaviour on MacOS. I did not test it on other systems. On bottom picture is the example of folder containing only 2 zip files and how it looks when you try selecting file from that folder.

Jaspersoft Server V5.5 Catalogue Import Creates Directories in Repository But No Reports, Import Controls, Or Queries Are Imported

I have a zip file created using the Export function in Jaspersoft Server V5.5. This zip file contains a catalogue of all reports, input controls, and queries from a development server.
When I try to import the catalogue to V5.5 on my production server by logging in as superuser and going to "Manage > Server Settings > Import", selecting the zip file, and clicking Submit, I receive an "Import Succeeded" message.
When I check the repository however, most of the directories have been created (but not the input control or queries folders) but none of the actual reports, input controls or queries have been imported.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to modify any of the files within the zip file?

Unable to attach certain file types to MoinMoin page?

I configured a a local MoinMoin server and am trying to attach an excel file to a page. Upload for cpp, ods and txt files works fine but pdf, exe, doc, xls and xlsx files DON'T get attached. Once I click the 'upload' button, I get redirected back to the wiki page. When I go back to the Attachments sections I don't see the file attached to the page.
(Running MoinMoin 1.9.3 + Apache2.2 on Windows XP.)
It seems to be an issue only when moin python scripts are called as CGI scripts. I switched to using WSGI in Apache (following instructions from and am able to upload any file.

how to create duplicate report on a same server

My manager asked me to update the .rdl file from prod to dev. But before doing that I have to keep that old report as it is and have to create a duplicate report on same server and that too be I am working on browser.
I have downloaded the the .rdl file and renamed the report as *_old also. But I am not able to understand how to create another same report with same datasources and everything.
I can see an option update next to edit button. I am assuming that if I get a duplicate report on the same server I can update the .rdl file with that update button.
Please help me with this problem.
- Download the report RDL file from the report manager.
- Rename the rdl file eg. MyReport1_old.rdl
- Upload the report rdl file from the report manager.
Now you will have the original report (MyReport1) and the copy of it(MyReport1_old).

How to get the Log File Viewer working in install4j?

I'm trying to use the log file viewer in my install4j installation, and no matter what I do the text box is empty. The log file doesn't exist when the form is shown. When the user clicks next, a batch executable runs that calls a java process and that creates and writes out to this log file. I've successfully redirected stdout to a variable, and used the text display to show the updating variable contents but I can't get the log viewer to work for the actual log file.
I've tried several combinations of pointing to the file. No errors are ever present in the installation log.
I've used
c:\program files\my app\logs\logfile.log
The problem was that relative files in the log file viewer form component were not resolved relative to the installation directory. This will be fixed in 8.0.3. In the meantime, you can prepend
to the "Log file" property or the "Log file viewer" form component, then it will work.