Paypal - woocommerce - sandbox working by intermitence - paypal

we have a strange problem here on our paypal payment gateway on woocommerce.
The paypal stopped working and all orders gets cancelled. We upgraded everything (woocommerce, plugins, etc). Nothing worked as before.
So we tryed to debug via the sandbox. And here there is a strange behaviour. When we make an order and click on checkout with paypal, the first time we have a error 500 from the paypal server. Then if we click on back from the browser and try again it works perfectly.
Anyone has already faced this issue ?
Thank you for your help,

Cookies and cache from the browser, then it works.


Having trouble completing paypal payin3 transaction

I have integrated paypal payin3 (paylater) option on my website. I am testing it on sandbox when I try to complete the process at the end it shows an error which I am not able to fix despite I spent many hours to fix it. Anyone has an idea how to fix it. see the below image
Appears to be a sandbox problem. If the PayPal page is opening normally and regular PayPal payments work (not selecting Pay in 3), then there's nothing more you need to do.

paypal sandbox not receiving $_POST["txn_id"]

I am using a PayPal SandBox for testing purposes. All was working fine, but all of a sudden I stopped receiving the txn_id. I am using
to check whether it is a request or a response. Help Please.
I just realized that it is not about $_POST["tex_id"], the "notify_url" is not working in the PayPal response. It was working up till yesterday, not sure what went wrong. Any Suggestions?

Paypal Express Checkout: Missing Login Form and Payment Button in Sandbox

I was successfully checking out orders before on Paypal's Sandbox. Today, the login form and the button to complete the payment suddenly fail to display. Anybody encountered this?
Looks like one of the many random browser cookie issues that PayPal's servers tend to have. I'd suggest logging out of any sandbox or live PayPal accounts you might be in, then completely close your browser out, open it up and try again.

Paypal Express Checkout for Digital Goods hangs when login is popup

I have been testing Paypal integration - on Sandbox - for a number of days and have found that, when the Paypal login is presented in a browser, everything is fine; However when the login environment changes to a popup/lightbox, the browser hangs and remains on 'loading' after a successful test payment has gone through.
I used PayPal integration wizard to generate the code and then amended it accordingly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as it's doing my head in!
I have seen this issue occur several times lately, as well as reported by a few of my customers. While I can't provide a definitive solution, I have had success with one or more of the following:
Clear the browser cacher. Shutdown and restart the browser.
Login to standard PayPal site, logout and restart browser.
Try a different browser to help identify whether there is something going on with that specific browser.
Switch between sandbox, live, and back to sandbox mode. This may require a repeat of step #1.
Contact Paypal customer support.
I typically resolve the problem before getting to #4, hopefully you will as well. Best of luck!

do direct payment api: no response from paypal sandbox

I'm using the codeigniter library from angelleye's library (
For a few days, it worked smoothly without any errors. Today when I tested it I got no response from paypal.
I contacted the author(Andrew), and he said that the paypal sandbox server is timing out with the do direct payment.
My question is, how do I fix this?
The PayPal sandbox does that at times, and unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it but wait on PayPal to get things working smoothly.
The sandbox has been running great for awhile now, but it seems that with many of the recent changes they're making (they're working on a new sandbox, and they're pushing PayFlow more than DirectPayment now) the DirectPayment API on the sandbox has been suffering.
In fact, just now I was about to respond and let you know that last time I tried it was working fine. I went to test it and sure enough, it timed out again. I tried again, though, and it worked fine. So unfortunately, the sandbox is just pretty hit and miss these days with DirectPayment.
You could always switch to PayFlow, which is what they're pushing these days, and my library supports it now if you have the latest version.