Paypal Express Checkout: Missing Login Form and Payment Button in Sandbox - paypal

I was successfully checking out orders before on Paypal's Sandbox. Today, the login form and the button to complete the payment suddenly fail to display. Anybody encountered this?

Looks like one of the many random browser cookie issues that PayPal's servers tend to have. I'd suggest logging out of any sandbox or live PayPal accounts you might be in, then completely close your browser out, open it up and try again.


Paypal Sandbox SSL Issue & Redirect Issue

I am attempting to use Paypal Sandbox for testing and making payments with Paypal on a test copy of my website. It appears to have stopped working correctly and I haven't made any changes my end so it looks like the issue is on Paypal's end.
If I click on a pay/buy now button for example, it takes me to Paypal where it offers me to create a paypal account or pay login with Paypal.
If I chose to login with Paypal by clicking "Log in" on the image below:
I am met with a warning in Chrome as you can see below, their certificate hasn't expired (expires in September 2017) so I am not really sure what NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID means.
If I tell chrome to proceed anyway it allows me to view a generic login screen:
However after logging in doesn't redirect me back to my website, nor does it even ask to confirm payment instead it just takes me to "My account" for that test Paypal account.
If I look at the "Complete payments" there is a correct £5 payment but it's listed as a pre-approved payment and isn't sending an IPN notification to my website.
Not sure what is going wrong... anyone have any advice?
Paypal have fixed the issue for payments & redirects, as for the SSL warning for now just Click "Advanced" and then "Proceed to"

OpenCart: Paypal Session Time-Out

I am using the standard paypal payment method with my opencart website. When I go through the checkout process and get redirected to the PayPal website, I get to login and choose my payment source on the paypal site. However, when it starts processing, it just returns "Your session has timed out, please log in again." and logs me out of Paypal.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had facing this problem also. If you are using sandbox mode, You should be gave test account for buyer(buyer account must be business account) and also seller account must be individual account(personal). for example is buyer account you should put it in admin panel paypal extension,then you should login in E-store website with seller account( and proceed to paypal it will works well.
Some times the cookies that Paypal sets are really annoying, try cleaning all of them, it helped me with other Paypal related errors.

paypal sandbox empty after login

The Paypal sandbox system is completely out of order. After dealing with many different issues (such as login cookies issue), now a new issue has come and I cant find a way to solve it.
Using express checkout, after reaching paypal sandbox page it will show cart preview on the left, and on the right it will show login section. Then when I login with sandbox buyers id, the right section just goes blank... nothing... no redirect, no pay button, no nothing.
Anyone got any idea?
I solved this issue after deleting test accounts from and creating new test accounts....
It must have been some internal issue in BugPal (I mean PayPal)....

Paypal Express Checkout for Digital Goods hangs when login is popup

I have been testing Paypal integration - on Sandbox - for a number of days and have found that, when the Paypal login is presented in a browser, everything is fine; However when the login environment changes to a popup/lightbox, the browser hangs and remains on 'loading' after a successful test payment has gone through.
I used PayPal integration wizard to generate the code and then amended it accordingly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as it's doing my head in!
I have seen this issue occur several times lately, as well as reported by a few of my customers. While I can't provide a definitive solution, I have had success with one or more of the following:
Clear the browser cacher. Shutdown and restart the browser.
Login to standard PayPal site, logout and restart browser.
Try a different browser to help identify whether there is something going on with that specific browser.
Switch between sandbox, live, and back to sandbox mode. This may require a repeat of step #1.
Contact Paypal customer support.
I typically resolve the problem before getting to #4, hopefully you will as well. Best of luck!

How to test IPN from website with the new Paypal Sandbox?

I used to use the old PayPal sandbox to simulate a payment using IPN (posting a payment, and then confirming the IPN). This used to work fine with the classic sandbox.
With the introduction of the new Sandbox - I try to submit the request as I used to (redirecting the user to which should take the user to the payment page - but this link now takes the user to the logon page for the sandbox.
Is this no longer supported?
I see there is still an IPN simulator, but I want to test the end-to-end round trip process from the user-perspective. This does not seem possible anymore.
Try clearing your cache and cookies prior to opening up the site and logging in. Also try using Firefox or Chrome if you are using Internet Explorer.