paypal sandbox not receiving $_POST["txn_id"] - paypal

I am using a PayPal SandBox for testing purposes. All was working fine, but all of a sudden I stopped receiving the txn_id. I am using
to check whether it is a request or a response. Help Please.
I just realized that it is not about $_POST["tex_id"], the "notify_url" is not working in the PayPal response. It was working up till yesterday, not sure what went wrong. Any Suggestions?


Paypal - woocommerce - sandbox working by intermitence

we have a strange problem here on our paypal payment gateway on woocommerce.
The paypal stopped working and all orders gets cancelled. We upgraded everything (woocommerce, plugins, etc). Nothing worked as before.
So we tryed to debug via the sandbox. And here there is a strange behaviour. When we make an order and click on checkout with paypal, the first time we have a error 500 from the paypal server. Then if we click on back from the browser and try again it works perfectly.
Anyone has already faced this issue ?
Thank you for your help,
Cookies and cache from the browser, then it works.

Paypal IPN works from sandbox but not from IPN simulator

When I test IPN from my sandbox it works- but when I test it from the IPN simulator
I get this message:IPN was not sent, and the handshake was not verified. Please review your information.
I use the exact same IPN url in my sandbox as I use in the simulator. Does anyone have any ideas of what is causing this?
To be honest, I struggled with getting the sandbox to work for some reason. I got the IPN simulator up and running, ditched the rest of the sandbox, and then tested it live with $1 payments. For the IPN sim, all of the php code in the verified column has to work perfectly or it rejects the handshake. I hope this give you peace of mind.

PayPal Sandbox does not send IPN's

I am having trouble testing IPN with Sandbox.  I have been testing my setup with the IPN Simulator and that works very well. However when I make a test transaction using the Sandbox I get no output.  I have looked in the IPN history and there is nothing shown there.  I have also checked my url's.
I am new to this aspect of PayPal so there may well be something I'm missing. Any help would be much appreciated.

Paypal Payments Advanced - Issue with payment processing

We have successfully implemented PayPal Payment Advance in TEST mode. Till yesterday, we were getting proper response http data from paypal after the order has been placed. However, today, after I enter test visa number and expire date/ year.. It shows following message instead of giving me back post data.
"Thank you for your purchase, we are currently reviewing your order."
Due to this, I am not able to work further. This is test sandbox account where i have setup PPA.
Got the answer... By mistake, i had update settings in paypal for "Payment Review" to Enable. I disabled it and got it working again. Hope this helps anyone in future to check this basic stuff first.

do direct payment api: no response from paypal sandbox

I'm using the codeigniter library from angelleye's library (
For a few days, it worked smoothly without any errors. Today when I tested it I got no response from paypal.
I contacted the author(Andrew), and he said that the paypal sandbox server is timing out with the do direct payment.
My question is, how do I fix this?
The PayPal sandbox does that at times, and unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it but wait on PayPal to get things working smoothly.
The sandbox has been running great for awhile now, but it seems that with many of the recent changes they're making (they're working on a new sandbox, and they're pushing PayFlow more than DirectPayment now) the DirectPayment API on the sandbox has been suffering.
In fact, just now I was about to respond and let you know that last time I tried it was working fine. I went to test it and sure enough, it timed out again. I tried again, though, and it worked fine. So unfortunately, the sandbox is just pretty hit and miss these days with DirectPayment.
You could always switch to PayFlow, which is what they're pushing these days, and my library supports it now if you have the latest version.