Paypal Express Checkout for Digital Goods hangs when login is popup - paypal

I have been testing Paypal integration - on Sandbox - for a number of days and have found that, when the Paypal login is presented in a browser, everything is fine; However when the login environment changes to a popup/lightbox, the browser hangs and remains on 'loading' after a successful test payment has gone through.
I used PayPal integration wizard to generate the code and then amended it accordingly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as it's doing my head in!

I have seen this issue occur several times lately, as well as reported by a few of my customers. While I can't provide a definitive solution, I have had success with one or more of the following:
Clear the browser cacher. Shutdown and restart the browser.
Login to standard PayPal site, logout and restart browser.
Try a different browser to help identify whether there is something going on with that specific browser.
Switch between sandbox, live, and back to sandbox mode. This may require a repeat of step #1.
Contact Paypal customer support.
I typically resolve the problem before getting to #4, hopefully you will as well. Best of luck!


Having trouble completing paypal payin3 transaction

I have integrated paypal payin3 (paylater) option on my website. I am testing it on sandbox when I try to complete the process at the end it shows an error which I am not able to fix despite I spent many hours to fix it. Anyone has an idea how to fix it. see the below image
Appears to be a sandbox problem. If the PayPal page is opening normally and regular PayPal payments work (not selecting Pay in 3), then there's nothing more you need to do.

PayPal sandbox button goes to My Account Summary

Here's my problem. I've tried being logged into my Developer Account with PayPal, but every time I test the button I made in Sandbox I just get redirected as follows and can't complete the test transaction:
Using my details (obviously I've replaced my details with fake ones here).
I go to my test site and click on the button I created in Sandbox mode:
Which takes me here. I use the buyer sandbox email to login.
Then, no matter what I do, I end up here with an incomplete transaction.
I've been going around in circles, clearing caches, cookies, going incognito but can't make it work! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
We had a known issue at PayPal's end which is causing this issue. The engineering team is working on this issue for a fix. No ETA at the moment. Will update here once the issue gets fixed.

PayPal IPN not working in sandbox

I'm brand new to setting up IPN's. I've built websites, but never a subscription site like the one I'm building now. I'd like to set up a recurring monthly subscription option and a recurring yearly subscription option.
My website is built on Joomla 3 and I'm using a plugin for the subscription module. I set up the PayPal subscription buttons just as explained in the directions, which I followed to the letter. Nevertheless, when I go to test it in the PayPal sandbox, I keep getting the same error, which says that it wasn't sent and the handshake wasn't made, and to check my settings. That's all it says. I don't know if the issue is with my site, my server or the settings I'm entering into the actual sandbox. I checked with my server and they said there's nothing wrong on their end. Do I need an SSL for the integration to work?
Please keep in mind that, while I can follow explicit directions, I'm so new at this that I don't even know how to access my 'listener,' so if you respond, please let me know where to find things, if necessary.
Any help would be very greatly appreciated - I've been at this for 12 hours now and I'm at a complete loss.
This issue has two sides
1. Is Paypal IPN enabled on the sandbox account where you are trying to receive the payments
2. You would need a IPN listener script to get the IPN notifications
This process is the same for Sandbox or live mode
This should help you get started

Paypal Express Checkout: Missing Login Form and Payment Button in Sandbox

I was successfully checking out orders before on Paypal's Sandbox. Today, the login form and the button to complete the payment suddenly fail to display. Anybody encountered this?
Looks like one of the many random browser cookie issues that PayPal's servers tend to have. I'd suggest logging out of any sandbox or live PayPal accounts you might be in, then completely close your browser out, open it up and try again.

PayPal Adaptive Payments login fails

My website uses the PayPal Adaptive Payments API with the Embedded Payments flow and simple payments. On my checkout page I execute a Pay API call, receive successful response, then call SetPaymentOptions and again get successful response. The customer then reviews the order form and upon confirmation of the order is redirected to in the PPDGFrame iFrame with expType set to "light" and the paykey received from the Pay API call.
I have successfully tested it in a sandbox and rolled it out to production. The application worked great for a day or two and then stopped working, with buyers now receiving a "Please try again later" error when trying to login. I am still getting successful responses on both the Pay and the SetPaymentOptions API calls and the customer is successfully redirected to the PayPal login screen. The customer enters the login credentials, clicks the Login button and a couple seconds later gets the "Please try again later" message.
Now here are some really odd behaviours if I've ever seen odd... This problem first appeared about 4 days ago. Since PayPal advised me that it will take them "several weeks" to get back to me, I have tried the checkout again two days ago and experienced the same problem. I have then tried a guest checkout and it worked! Next I tried a regular user checkout and it was successful as well so I thought to myself that the problem has somehow resolved itself.
Yesterday morning I tried the checkout again, and got the same problem as before. Again I tried to checkout as guest, which again was successful, and then immediately after I have tried regular checkout and again this time I was able to login successfully.
Today the flow is broken again. What gives? Nothing is changing on my site. Why does it sometimes work and sometimes doesn't, and how is it that a guest checkout seems to be able to temporarily resolve the issue?
The problem has been resolved with no action on my part and no change to the website or application code. After a couple weeks of the API simply not working, it started working intermittently with gradually improving success rate while my support ticket with PayPal was sitting in a "Waiting" status. I was told that the "engineering team" is waiting for a server code roll-out. The intermittent nature of the problem and a gradually improving situation suggests that PayPal was rolling out a fix to their servers in a staged approach and outcome of the API operation depended on which server the PayPal load balancer happened to send the request to. After about a week of that, the problem was resolved completely. PayPal of course maintains that they have not made any server changes.