Unity Admob Ads doesn't appear in some projects - unity3d

I know this is so similar topic to others but I need help about that and I couldn't find any solution since 3 days. I found a guide for Unity Admob Ads and I applied it. It works on the project that I new created. But doesn't appear on my existed project, I checked all layers,cameras etc. but couldn't find any mistake.
I'll attach a video here, about what I exactly did (1.30 min);https://youtu.be/pLpQWHvYMDk
End of this video, I installed the apk to my device and ads doesn't appear.
My english is bad, sorry about that.

OK, I have a few theories.
First, Admob is based on auctions. Which means that they will sell your ads to the best bid. Your app is still in configuration phase to them and that is the reason that is not showing.
Second, if you are testing on the editor, ads will never show up. You have to test on your phone (not recommended to click on this ads, you can lose your account).
Third, I don't use admob but are you sure that everything is created and set properly on the admob dashboard? There is no "test mode" active?
I highly recommend using the official unity pluggin by google: https://github.com/googleads/googleads-mobile-unity
The docummentation is well-made and everything should work great.


Why are none of my Google Actions Alpha releases appearing in the Google Assitant store?

In my developer account, I can succesfully test the app using the simulator.
I also sucessfully deployed an Alpha version, and waited 24 hours.
However the opt-in link doesn't work. Every time I navigate to it, I see:
We can't find what you're looking for at the moment. Please try again later.
YES, I have the activity controls all enabled
YES, I have a google home device connected to this account
YES, I am the developer of this action, and have verified permissions
in IAM
This is driving me bananas. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get it to appear?
The problem is that I was not opening these links using Google Assistant (I was trying to open them using Safari). The documentation says "open on mobile", but it doesn't tell you to use the Google Assisant.
If you have iOS, make sure you download Google Assistant!
I know this is an old question, but for the past few days I have been in the same situation with no answers to be found on the internet.
The situation is represented in the image below:
My opt-in link was the following:
Removing the trailing ?hl=en at the end of the link worked for me.
The Action's settings have become available via the link https://assistant.google.com/services/a/uid/uuid?hl=en after Alpha deployment.
Still, the Action doesn't look good in the Actions explore menu and settings button is missing.

Difference between two similar Goodle Unity Ads plugins

Tere is a two plugins for Unity from Google for having Ads in your app.
First, based on firebase and provided via google play services:
Second one, also well-updated, used by some people plugin for similar purposes as as well as first plugin.
I am new in Ads in Unity3d, and I want to make it clear, what is the difference between them ?
I think someone can give a proper answer.
Maybe this can help.
Should we prefer AdMob in Google Play services compared to "old" AdMob SDK
But I think to read more their docs and choose, is best solution to choose.
I checked https://github.com/unity-plugins/Unity-Admob project and as you may check also in the doc there is no way for you to set the applicationID.
Google Ads cannot play without that ID. Also that plugin would try to take storage and WiFi access and as we know this is not needed for Admob.
I suggest you better use https://github.com/googleads/googleads-mobile-unity which is a official plugin at the moment.

Does AdMob uses IDFA?

I am trying to submit an update of my app but it shows me some questions and I don't know what to check. I am using AdMob in my app just showing banners. I saw this post Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - AdMob 6.8.0 and they say that AdMob does use IDFA, but
my question is: Do I need to add some extra code to my project? and
What should I check?
im always submitting the apps with chcked box, it's better to do even if you know it has IDFA.. so your on the good side.. otherwize you need to upload new build if its going to be rejected!
You do not need to add code to your project.
You should check the "serve ads within the app"

Chartboost test scene not working in unity

I made an app for android with unity3d, and want to include chartboost into it. I imported the plugin for unity, and added an app as well as a campaign on chartboost. I also made sure that the signature and app name were put into the strings.xml file. When I tried running the demo scene, the buttons appeared, but when I tried to click them, nothing happens, not even a message in the console. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the help in advance!
As far as I know, chartboost does not work in the editor. You will need to build to a device and use logcat to see the log messages. However their unity plugin seems to be in need of some fixing- in the meantime, email them at support#chartboost.com and they should send you a workaround .jar file that will get the ads showing in the demo.
See my answer to This Question for details about why the ads aren't showing up using the newest Chartboost unity plugin.
I think their plugin is broken because my other apps DO show ads, and i did nothing different except using their latest plugin, which also for me does not work.

Problems with integrating Millennial Media with Admob Mediation

I'm currently trying to integrate Millennial Media with Admob Mediation so I can display its interstitial ads on my iPhone app. Everything is working OK and I'm able to display the test ad (my app hasn't been approved yet), but when I close an ad, interstitialDidDismissScreen is not being triggered. I know that I've implemented the delegate correctly and it works with other ad networks so I know the problem is not on my end. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I was hesitating on responding until I got a definite ETA on the adapter fix. We're posting updated adapters this afternoon, so check the download page two hours after the time-stamp on this post.
If this is an urgent request, put in a request on the support page and I can send you the updated adapter library that way, too. Thanks!
I contacted Millennial Media support, and the guy told me this was a known bug that they're currently trying to fix and will have an updated adapter sometime early next week (I'll update my answer when it's available).