How can I customization local notification in Ionic 3 for every 3 days local notification for iOS & Android? - ionic-framework

I am creating a simple local notification for Android & iOS both.
Technology using ionic 3 frameworks it's working fine with every second, minute, hour, day, week, month & year but I need local notification for every 3 days so what can I do for that?
Please help me.
I am using plugin of ionic is
ionic cordova plugin add de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification
Karmdip Joshi

There is no option to change any customization in ionic local notification plugin. If you want to change any customization then you have to go with native code. Because currently there are few options available.
But It might be possible customization in next version.

Finally I found the solution for it.
I am updating the cordova plugin and please refer my github url.


Using Ionic Calendar for PWA's

I'm new to Ionic (and web apps in general) and I'm looking to grab a list of events and display them in a progressive web app (pwa). I looked into Ionic Calendar and some of the other Cordova-Phonegap plugins that allow you to add events to a devices native calendar, but it seems to be unclear whether or not this is for Ionic Native apps or if you can do this with a pwa as well. If this isn't possible with pwa, do I still need to use Calendar to display a list of events and push notifications for upcoming events based on date and time from the app? I appreciate any help in advance. Thanks!
You can use the Ionic Framework to build Hybrid Mobile Apps (requires Cordova/PhoneGap) or PWA's (i.e., Cordova/PhoneGap not required).
N.B. Ionic Native is a suite of TypeScript wrappers for popular Cordova/PhoneGap plugins.
Re "What can a PWA do", see:

Do I need to start over? - Ionic 4

I have spent about 2 weeks creating an app and have made good progress. However, when I have been looking in to eventually deploying my app I encountered the Ionic Dashboard. Here it gives options to create an app, not to link an existing app. I created my app using the Ionic CLI, and have it connected to GitHub.
Since I’ve not got it synced with my app Dashboard and the only option given is to “Create New App”, do I need to start over?
Thanks in advance.
No you don't have to start over, you have to create a new app in the Ionic Dashboard and then link it to your existing app, following these instructions.
Let me know if you have anymore questions.

How to share ionic app to clients?

What is the best way to share an ionic app to clients in our time?
I was using diawi service. It works great for me but it is not easy for clients. I should explain every time what should they do to run APK file for example.
Ionic provides Ionic View for iOS & Android
You can push your source code to their server and it is built automatically, and gives you a code to hand out to clients.

How to implement azure push notifications in ionic 2 for iOS. (Closed)

I tried all possible way but not able to implement azure push notifications in ionic 2 .
Thanks in advance :-)
This link shows how to plug everything.
And instead of use the phone gap version, you can install the Ionic Native version of that plugin.
Note: It's better if you post the code of what have you tried so we can give you a specific answer.

Ionic Native: how to trigger some function at an absolute time

I am new to Mobile development and I am using Ionic Native. I want to trigger a function at a fixed time point, e.g. every 12:00 pm on Friday, no matter my App is running or not.
I guess I need to register this function into the system service level but have no idea how to achieve this. I currently run my App on Android but maybe IOS later. I assume the solution will be different.
First: ionic is a css and angular directive and services framework binding your app with Cordova framework. As general rule of thumb if something is unrelated on how your app look or feel it is Cordova related issue
Second: It is not currently possible to keep running a code in background if the user kill your app in IOS.
if you want to run a background services in Andorid you can look at this
If you want to push a notification you can add Cordova(or ngCordova) plugin for local notificationhere. you can read