Ionic Native: how to trigger some function at an absolute time - ionic-framework

I am new to Mobile development and I am using Ionic Native. I want to trigger a function at a fixed time point, e.g. every 12:00 pm on Friday, no matter my App is running or not.
I guess I need to register this function into the system service level but have no idea how to achieve this. I currently run my App on Android but maybe IOS later. I assume the solution will be different.

First: ionic is a css and angular directive and services framework binding your app with Cordova framework. As general rule of thumb if something is unrelated on how your app look or feel it is Cordova related issue
Second: It is not currently possible to keep running a code in background if the user kill your app in IOS.
if you want to run a background services in Andorid you can look at this
If you want to push a notification you can add Cordova(or ngCordova) plugin for local notificationhere. you can read


Will every change in Ionic force the customers to update the Ionic app again and again?

If I make changes to the HTML/CSS/JS code of my ionic code, will the customer have to update the app or will it be updated dynamically?
As far as I know, we just push a website into an app and deploy it. When we change the code of your website and deploy it, the website changes show up automatically.
I wonder if Ionic runs the same way? Some people suggest that it is just running the app in a web view. So the app is intact, I change the website, what will it do?
I really want to know about this because we are trying to modernise our application. Our application depends on the server too much for view rendering and for all the logic. I want to make the client a little independent but at the same time keep the changes dynamic like they are right now.
Thank you so much.

is it possible to embed an ionic application within a flutter application?

To be more precise, I already have a huge app writen in Ionic and now we're considering to migrate it to flutter, but we can't rewrite it from scratch, both ionic and flutter should coexist.
So my question is: can I have a flutter app as a "host" and import / run the ionic app inside it? Something like a micro frontend.
Until now I was able to build the target ionic app and import it on the flutter app, under android folder, but it does not feels like a productive way to approach the problem.
I also googled a little bit about this integration, but did not find anything that solves this problem.
I appreciate any help on this topic.
Yes, it is possible, but very cumbersome.
I did it for a project and embedded 3 ionic apps inside flutter.
I'll not list every problem that i faced but just go through some points to give you an idea.
You will need to take care of some cordova plugins that use native code, for Android copy and paste some folders like CordovaLib,cordova and use it as a library. For iOS you must add the plugin files like *.h to the compiles list inside Xcode and create an Pod to get the cordova resources (that's the way i did)
To "launch" the app for android you need to start the cordova activity and for iOS you need to play with UINavigationController and FlutterViewController, and of course create a method channel to be possible to call it from Flutter.
For multiple apps, you have to mess inside de cordova code to get the app from the right www folder and be sure to equalize every plugin version between apps.
Some packages from flutter may clash with ionic/cordova libs
Every change you do to your ionic application it must be tested outside flutter and within it to see if there's any mismatch behavior that you didn't expect, specially when adding new plugins.
Maybe some permission issues will arrive between applications like camera or localization.
I know thats not the answer, but when searching on how to do it, i stumbled upon this question a few months ago and it still without any answer on this problem.
But my final take is that the effort of joining together all pieces using multiple languages and frameworks together with the job of maintaining this spaghetti behemoth is not worth it and you'll save yourself of a tremendous headache.

Flutter : Run an app as a background service

I want to show a custom popup message whenever the user disconnects a cellular call. The problem is how to detect when the app is not running. any leads would be helpful.
It's been a while and there have been many developments.
First, there are some answers at How to create a service in Flutter to make an app to run always in background?
Also, flutter/Background processes will basically point you to medium/Executing Dart in the Background with Flutter Plugins and Geofencing (Sept 2018)
which is a Geofencing sample that involves a partnership between isolates, native Android/iOS code via MethodChannel, and PluginUtilities.getCallbackHandle (PluginUtilities)
Alas, there are many plugins available now: (Android)

How to share ionic app to clients?

What is the best way to share an ionic app to clients in our time?
I was using diawi service. It works great for me but it is not easy for clients. I should explain every time what should they do to run APK file for example.
Ionic provides Ionic View for iOS & Android
You can push your source code to their server and it is built automatically, and gives you a code to hand out to clients.

Running an ionic app inside ionic app

Is there any way to develop the main app with logins using ionic and develop subparts of that app as individual apps and use the main app to access the sub-apps and pass the login info to sub apps. Flow Diagram For Better idea 1
One ionic app can launch another through the InAppBrowser, for instance. Or socialsharing plugin, etc. And then you need to pass on variables through the launch code. And then going back again.
But the UI experience will be awefull this way if functionally the apps actually are quite similar/related/dependent. So from a UI perspective not a very nice thing to do.
So basically, if you manage the code for all these apps, you may be better off integrating as modules/components in one code base. If you don't own the other apps, make sure the UI is smooth.