How to share ionic app to clients? - ionic-framework

What is the best way to share an ionic app to clients in our time?
I was using diawi service. It works great for me but it is not easy for clients. I should explain every time what should they do to run APK file for example.

Ionic provides Ionic View for iOS & Android
You can push your source code to their server and it is built automatically, and gives you a code to hand out to clients.


What is a good development setup for Ionicframework

I’m using Ionic with Angular to write an iOS and Android app.
But most of the development I use ionic serve with Chrome, it’s fast and simple.
But now I realized that it’s getting harder when I have to use the native HTTP API to do fundamental things like talking to a rest api on my server. The native HTTP api is working for the iOS/Android app in production, but not in the web app mode I’m using for development.
I know that I there are options like live reload for iOS and Android but they are still lazy in my point of view.
So I’m asking you:
Do you prefer developing directly with iOS/Android emulator/devices or are you also using the web app and found a way around the troubles above?
there is no way you can test native HTTP on the browser. you have to use an emulator or a native device. BUT, for testing UI you can run the command ionic serve --lab instead of ionic serve. do it and see the difference.
to test HTTP on the browser you must use HttpClient.

Reaching Ionic specific page from URL

Is it possible to reach a specific page in an Ionic3 app , from an external source , like another website , or a python script.
I would like to know if I can transfer data to the app, but without having the app asking for the data
such functionality is typically called “deep links” for apps. Its not easy to build such experience with apps due to platform differences (ios vs android). There are solutions that abstract differences and provide good overall implementation path:
Branch features native plugins for Ionic 3+.
You can google guides for actual implementation.

Desktop Application with Ionic framework

is there anyone who will help me about ionic framework.
I want to know that can we develop desktop and mobile application both with single codebase in ionic framework.
I want to know that can we develop desktop and mobile application both with single codebase in ionic framework.
Yes, this is exactly the purpose of Ionic.
Check out what is Ionic.
Yes, however you will find a few Ionic components do not provide an ideal user experience on the desktop. For example, ion-datetime should probably work as a dialog on a large screen, instead uses a mobile and touch only friendly slide-up UI with selection characteristics that make number choice with a mouse quite difficult.
Give Electron a try, on youtube search with: Ionic Framework with Electron for building Desktop Application.

Ionic : create web app and native apps with same code?

I'am about to start learning ionic to create a project for web and mobile.
What i want is : writing code once, and having a classic website and an iOS and Android native apps.
The design is different between website and apps, so it can't just be responsive, it kinda must have different html for different platforms.
Is this possible with this version of ionic or should i create two different projects for web and apps ?
Thank you!
First of all, Ionic does not create native apps for iOS and Android, they are hybrid apps.
That being said yes, there is a way to achieve what you want but it probably isn't the best way. Ionic build does produce a plain web project inside a www/ folder which you can deploy as a website.
That however is probably not the best option if you want a great website, as web and mobile app design is quite different.
Ionic already creates hybrid applications, i would not use it as a tripartite technology and rather create a separate project for a web application.

Building app, mobile web app and desktop web app using Ionic

We will develop an app that we would like to distribute in through the following channels:
Android and iOS apps through Google Play and iTunes (the app will
use notifications extensively and presence in Google Play and App store is required)
Web app to run in web browsers on mobile devices
Web app to run in web browsers on laptop and desktop computers. We would like to support Chrome, Internet Explorer (starting from IE9),
Firefox and Safari browsers.
Our understanding is that Ionic is developed targeting primarily 1. and that the web apps in 2. and 3. above are not really what Ionic is intended for. We have looked around to try to understand if Ionic likely works for 2. and 3. and also made some quick tests ourselves.
From one of the links at the end: "Your webapp will run in desktop browsers yes, as it is made of html, css and javascript. The phonegap specific javascript calls (accelerometer, compass, file, etc) won't. Basically, if you stick to standard yes you will be able to port relatively easily your app to most browser, the job at this point being mostly a work of theming."
From another one: "I do know that FireFox is simply not supported. I don't know how well Ionic works in IE X."
To try it out we have built a limited version of our app in Ionic. From what we can see the app works for 1, 2 and 3. For example, it runs without issues on FireFox that is mentioned as not supported in the quote above. This means that to us it looks like the first quote saying that the web app will work in desktop browsers is correct.
I understand that this is a fairly generic question and might be hard to answer, but since we have found contradicting information when looking we are trying to understand more before making a decision.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Is it a good idea to use ionic to build mobile web version of a website?
Can Ionic Framework run in desktop web browser like Chrome, Mozilla, IE9+?
Phonegap web app in regular desktop browsers
Ionic is tested for mobile only. Internet Explorer for example is not tested and does not properly handle a number of features in Ionic. Desktop browsers act differently than mobile browsers.
Ionic is focused on building native/hybrid mobile apps rather than
mobile websites.
As such, our browser support tends to be whatever Web View API is
available to native apps on a given platform. For Ionic 1.1.0
"xenon-xerus", that means UIWebView for iOS 7+, and Android 4.1 and
up. Windows Phone and FirefoxOS support is on our roadmap.
If it's cheaper for you to test everything on all different desktop browsers than to develop a version for it sharing the same controllers and services --- go ahead but it won't come "out of the box".
Also, I recommend looking at Electron to build desktop apps from webapps.
ionic is targting mobile apps only , but you can develop your desktop app using node webkit and angular material for example and share some code between your apps