Do I need to start over? - Ionic 4 - ionic-framework

I have spent about 2 weeks creating an app and have made good progress. However, when I have been looking in to eventually deploying my app I encountered the Ionic Dashboard. Here it gives options to create an app, not to link an existing app. I created my app using the Ionic CLI, and have it connected to GitHub.
Since I’ve not got it synced with my app Dashboard and the only option given is to “Create New App”, do I need to start over?
Thanks in advance.

No you don't have to start over, you have to create a new app in the Ionic Dashboard and then link it to your existing app, following these instructions.
Let me know if you have anymore questions.


Will every change in Ionic force the customers to update the Ionic app again and again?

If I make changes to the HTML/CSS/JS code of my ionic code, will the customer have to update the app or will it be updated dynamically?
As far as I know, we just push a website into an app and deploy it. When we change the code of your website and deploy it, the website changes show up automatically.
I wonder if Ionic runs the same way? Some people suggest that it is just running the app in a web view. So the app is intact, I change the website, what will it do?
I really want to know about this because we are trying to modernise our application. Our application depends on the server too much for view rendering and for all the logic. I want to make the client a little independent but at the same time keep the changes dynamic like they are right now.
Thank you so much.

How to receive a push notification when you are near a specific place using a map?

I'm new to Ionic, and I'd like to know if you can give me some guidance. I am using Ionic 1. I have seen tutorials, and they use Google or one signal. But they are always basic tutorials and I have many doubts. I hope to do this for both iOS and Android.
My application has some coordinates in the database, I get them with a web service. I would like that when I'm near a place I get a push notification. I am currently using the Google Maps plugin cordova-plugin-googlemaps and the geolocation plugin cordova-plugin-geolocation.
I would like you to give me advice or if you have had the experience of doing something like this.
I also want to know if doing this has any cost.
I am using Ionic 1 and the database is built in MySQL using PHP. I think the push notification is generated from the back-end?
When I tap on the notification, can it contain an iconor redirect to a specific place in my app?
In conclusion:
What is the best alternative? I was thinking of some plugin that detects in the background when my location changes and when this happens (does the cordova-plugin-geolocation do it?) verify if I'm close to a certain place and send a local notification. For example, and when I tap on this notification I can get the id of that place and redirect to a place in my app.
I think you should try geofence
repo link
example links: built with Ionic framework built with Ionic 2 framework

How to share ionic app to clients?

What is the best way to share an ionic app to clients in our time?
I was using diawi service. It works great for me but it is not easy for clients. I should explain every time what should they do to run APK file for example.
Ionic provides Ionic View for iOS & Android
You can push your source code to their server and it is built automatically, and gives you a code to hand out to clients.

How to create offline ionic app ?

I have an app in ionic, I want to make it offline. What procedure should I follow..? if I have to start from beginning please explain it step by step.Simply i want to create a offline app using ionic, explain each and every step. I tried lot's of thing.
Please Thank you.

Ionic - What about the real time and the database?

I want to code a web app which can runs on IOS, Android, Mobile browser, Desktop browser.
I tried for 6 hours Meteor but I had a lot of problems ... so I just switched to Ionic.
In 2 hours I created a simple app with a Geolocation system + Google maps and I runned it with my Iphone with Ionic View, that was a good start.
Now I need to persist my datas with a real database (please don't reply firebase) and add a real time system.
What are they the right tools and the right structure to reach that goal ?
If you want firebase-like capabilities, I would recomend rethinkdb:
Otherwise, you can try mongodb:
The structure is up to you to define according to your data.