Safari plugin rejected by Apple: "does not use a custom icon" - plugins

My team has attempted several submissions of a Safari Plug-in to Apple and have been rejected with the following message:
"Thank you for submitting your extension [name removed] to be
considered for a listing on the Safari Extensions Gallery. During
review, we discovered that your extension does not use a custom icon.
For instructions on how to use a custom icon for your extension,
please see the Safari Extensions Development Guide. Please investigate
and address this issue, then resubmit your extension so that it can be
reviewed and considered for a listing on the Safari Extensions
We've read the Safari Extensions Development guide several times and believe we are submitting correctly. Does any one have any experience receiving and then overcoming this error who might be able to provide some guidance?

Think I figured this one out Sean. You should have the following icons (with the exact name you see) in your Info.plist directory:


Open the app from an external link with universalLink or deeplink

I want to open app from an external link, for example a link that I get in iMessage, the question is, I should use deepLink or universalLink, I want to open the app when I tap on the link, then having ability to read the url in the app is enough for me.
And for this matter, I should set a Json file in the website as well? something like this:
It's a bit confusing for me, could anyone gives me a real example and steps?
Thank you
Yes, basically both the app itself and the website need to be aware that you are going to be using Universal Links. There are a few steps to do this:
First you need to include the website as an Associated Domain inside of your Xcode project.
Then for the website you do have to create what is known as the apple-app-site-association file. This lets the the website know which apps are associated with the website.
This tutorial has a step by step on How to setup your website to work Universal Links.
Lastly you will have to have to update your AppDelegate file to handle when a Universal link opens the application.
More info can be found in the official Apple Documentation on Creating Universal Links.

Is there a way to better configure JWPlayer's sharing functionality?

Sharing videos is critical, and it is great that JWPlayer comes with sharing functionality, but so far, I don't believe is usable for the following reasons:
The select button does not seem to work on iOS
The email button does not seem to work on iOS
The facebook does not add a thumbnail/poster of the video, which IMO, means it is too basic to expose to users on a real site.
I can accept (even if I am disappointed) that the facebook interface is not too fancy but the iOS issues are a killer, preventing me to using this feature at all. I don't know if they work on Android.
Is anybody using this feature successfully? Or is this just a marketing bullet but everybody just writes their own real implementation?
Here is one link that shows how I was trying to use:
To answer my question on at least the facebook issue, the solution is to add the proper facebook tags to the page being shared. To display an image, the following tag needs to be added:
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
But I still don't know if there are solutions/workarounds for the iOS issues

How to launch and share from google+ app if installed

I have just implemented sharing feature for google+ using google+ SDK.
I have just used similar code like here
When I try to share something, It launches the safari and shares. Everything is OK.
I would like to launch the google+ app if installed. I could not find anything about it in docs.
Does anybody know URLScheme of google+ app? If yes which parameters can be used?
Is it officially supported by google?
Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. But you can always request a feature like this in our Issue Tracker, which you can find at
I also recommend reading the question linked in the comment above, as it does provide information about a more general use-case.

Trouble integrating Facebook into iPhone app

I've been following this guide on integrating Facebook into my app. Everything is going well except for when I add in the Facebook SDK to my project.
I have added in all the code to enable SSO, however when I build and run my project I get loads of errors caused by the Facebook SDK:
I think it may be due to the sdk being out of date but I got it from the git page so I would have thought it should be compatible with iOS 5.
Maybe I need to carry out some extra steps when adding it into my project? All I did was literally drag and drop the src folder in (not the .pch and .xcodeproj files).
Please can someone help me out - I've tried searching for help online but couldn't find anything of use.
The SDK is outdated for the ARC yes. You have to turn off ARC for the SDK, check this answer out: How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
go to project navigator->Build Settings
set Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting to NO.

PhoneGap (iPhone / Xcode 4) All links open in Safari

I installed PhoneGap in Xcode but every link I place in the HTML open in Safari, is there a way to get around this? (Even window.location = ''; opens safari)
Also does anyone know how you can start with a remote address instead of a local?
Late response, but here's what I found out if anyone stumbles across this that doesn't require using the ChildBrowser plugin mentioned earlier.
Cordova.plist (found in the Supporting Files folder) has some settings for determining this behavior:
The URLs need to be added to "ExternalHosts" in order for them to be whitelisted (add as
many as needed & you can use * as a wildcard).
Set "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView" to YES.
There might be other settings worth configuring there as well, but those two should prevent links & window.location from opening via Mobile Safari.
I've never used it, but often see others referencing the ChildBrowser plugin, which looks like it may fit your needs. You can check out the readme.txt for more info.