Trouble integrating Facebook into iPhone app - iphone

I've been following this guide on integrating Facebook into my app. Everything is going well except for when I add in the Facebook SDK to my project.
I have added in all the code to enable SSO, however when I build and run my project I get loads of errors caused by the Facebook SDK:
I think it may be due to the sdk being out of date but I got it from the git page so I would have thought it should be compatible with iOS 5.
Maybe I need to carry out some extra steps when adding it into my project? All I did was literally drag and drop the src folder in (not the .pch and .xcodeproj files).
Please can someone help me out - I've tried searching for help online but couldn't find anything of use.

The SDK is outdated for the ARC yes. You have to turn off ARC for the SDK, check this answer out: How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?

go to project navigator->Build Settings
set Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting to NO.


phonegap 2.2 and facebook integration

I have been recently begin working with phonegap and I notice that there is no tutorial for phonegap 2.2, the most recent version. What's more, since phonegap 2.0 there has apparently been drastic changes. I am having lots of trouble with using phonegap since I am new to web-iphone apps.
I am trying to make an application with phonegap to use facebook log in to get your data (pics, friends, etc) and then post on your facebook page, update status, etc. Basically a social App.
It seems that no tutorial is clear on any facebook-phonegap integration and social web based app.
I have seen a video with phonegap 1.8 tutorial and have followed it very close, only to get many errors.
I followed the one on:
and have had protocol.
I have tried many different things, but it seems that xcode simply is not able to recognize some functions or protocols. I am looking to see if I missed anything, but Ive added everything according to steps followed.
Ive tried adding the facebook.Framework, the extra headers, heck, Ive even added all of the files from the facebook SDK in the src file of the package:
I cant seem to put together a simple facebook log in app...
anyone got it to work? what are the exact steps to follow? Im good with a new 2.2 cordova project and up until I put the files: FacebookCOnnectPlugin.h and .m that is where everything gets messed up.
I DO have the libsqlite3.0.dylib and HAVE followed the steps, added all the stuff in various .plist and all these weird long and annoying procedures many times...
Ive tried adding various libraries and just can't come up with anything else so why can't I just start a simple cordova project and get the option to log-in connect fb. like a simple hackbook sample.... I get it working in Objective-c demo (new single view application project)... Why does everything have to be so difficult and not working. I just want to get a page to start coding at. Just to get to this point, not even starting is so difficult.
very frustrating....
any help is much appreciated.
-- Im new to web apps and iphone...
I got it working but there are lots of issues and tweaks you need to do in order for it to fully work.
In my experience PhoneGap Plugins do work but you have to play around a lot. E.g. I know for sure the new Facebook SDK is not supported by the PhoneGap plugin. Even if you import the Deprecated Headers. I had to use the older version of the SDK. And also with version 2.7 not all plugins are supported so I had to stick to an older version 2.5 so I could get my project to work.
Even tough I got this plugin to work on iOS, it doesn't work on Android. It's a really good platform to develop on if you're looking for fast productivity but i'm still a bit spectacle on being heavily dependant on the plugins which are not being maintained continuously.
Hope this helps.

#import "PhoneGapDelegate.h" error message in phonegap?

Am very new to iPhone development and also am looking to work with PhoneGap Framework to create iPhone apps. I have created HTML, JavaScript in my PhoneGap project. I have imported those files in my project. When i compile my project the XCode shows the below error,
'PhoneGapDelegate.h' file not found
I have searched google to solve this error, but i can't find any single ideas from there. And also am very fresher in development. I have found this below link from google search i don't know how to use this in my project,
In project i don't have any PhoneGap Framework. And I have downloaded the sample app from PhonGap site.
Could you please help me to solve this issue and run the project?
Did you say it was inside a framework? You may need to do something on the lines of
#import <PhoneGap/PhoneGapDelegate.h>

Library not found for -lOAuthConsumer_iPhone

I have an iphone app to upload to the AppStore and I am stuck with Xcode.
It keeps telling me when I want to create a build:
Library not found for -lOAuthConsumer_iPhone
I have checked everywhere on the web and haven't really found what the problem is.
Please bear in mind that I am not an iphone developer. I just know how to submit the apps but this bug here is really annoying as I can't find what it is.
Where can I find that library and how can I install it?
And where to install it??
It seems like the project is asking for the OAuthConsumer Library which can be found at:
You first need to check if your Project actually needs the library and ensure that the Security.framework is included as described in the OAuthConsumer readme

unable to add Facebook SDK in iphone application

I am working on an iphone application where i am uploading video to youtube i have successfuly worked around that.
Now when i try to integarte the facebook in app it is creating a problem due to SBJason.h file in both the sdk. as both the sdk have SBJason file in their SDK kit.
So i need to have any workaround you can suggest.
Thankx in advance.
You have to remove one of the SDK's SBJson.
First see which is the updated one
If you see any updated one, keep it and remove the older one.
If Both are same, so you can remove any of them, it will not effect the project (hopefully)

Facebook API not working perfectly for IOS5

I ve Downloaded Facebook API fro IOS 5....But its showing some errors regrading the memory release...Since apple has introduced autorelease in IOS 5....
I referred this and tried blocking ARC for certain files ,bt it doesn't work for me...
Is there any other methods to stop ARC in IOS 5?
How to overcome this?
Any one plz provide me the link for downloading the Facebook API for IOS 5...
If you use official SDK, you should compile it as a static library, not with your code, and then link your app with that library. You could see how it is done in SDK examples, and also here is some information about building process. Hope it will help.
Here is the link with working Source Code:
Download complete source code from "Source Code/Downloads"