Sharepoint column not appearing in generated email - email

I am modifying an existing SharePoint 2013 site that has an existing web form with various textboxes that the user can fill in. When this data is saved it generates an email with the info the user has entered. I added in another column and textbox for the user to fill in. Although it displays within SharePoint(After it saves), the new column & data does not display in the generated email. Any ideas what may be wrong?

If the notification email is generated by workflow on the list, you would need to modify the workflow mail activity to include the new field.
Use SharePoint designer to check workflows for that specific list.


Google Apps Script > Google Forms - Automatically sending email to address on cell each time a response is submitted

don't know if this is the right place to ask for this:
I'm currently working on a in-house control system in Google Sheets. Everytime a sales rep enters a work order, this work order with info filled in the form needs to be send to the designer team via email.
The form contains a field for the designer's ID (The form is here).
I've got two problems, first the designer's emails are in a different sheet and the email must be send to the designated designer each time a response is submitted.
This is the spreadsheet I am working on this link.
The email must contain all the fields in the form.
Thank in advance.

share point 365 - workflow only work for me

Good day. I am not getting solution any where so finally i decided to post here.
I am using share point 365 . I created 1 list . once list data updated Email needs to trigger.
I created work flow in share point designer 2013.
In my List i have only 1 Filed.
Field : Manager email id ( Text Box )
in work flow i trigger email for me and manager email id.
But email trigger only for me not my manager.
So check the permission and given contribution permission to "everyone except external users"
Again i tried email not triggered.
Again i given permission for Particular manager .
Then i tried , Email trigger happen.
I have more than 5000 People i cant able to add individual for all 5000 so i used "everyone except external users" but this is not working.
Is this Bug ? or we have work around for that.
Waiting for your response.
You have to create workflow in SharePoint designer.
Follow these steps
Create a list
Click on edit . Add a field Email having type string.
save it.
Open this list in SharePoint designer. Create a workflow.
Click on action.
Under core action, click on send a email option.
Click on these users.
Then a define email message window will be displayed.
Click on a icon of To section.
Choose Workflow Lookup for a user from the list. Click on Add.
Select Current Item in Date source section and the Email field of our list in field section. Press OK.
Draft a email that you want to send. Press OK.
Follow same steps for you as user also.
In transition to stage section,select go to end of workflow.
Click on workflow setting.
In Start option, tick all the options.
Publish it.

How to allow user to only submit an infopath form without read/write access?

I have a infopath form already built, how do I achieve the following?
user is able to access the form via infopath form web part.
user is able to fill out the form and submit via the web part.
user cannot go to Site Contents to even view the result, neither their own, nor others'
user cannot view/edit any results. Submit data only.
Is this possible in SharePoint 2013? So far the closest I could get to is use custom permission level to allow user to only view but not edit item. But I don't want them to even view the result of others. They should only see the form via the web part and submit data there.
Create custom Event receiver on item added event. once the item added just break the permission inheritance and assign the permission for admin only.
So now user can submit the data but they can't able to see that
I think it is possible to submit the form data to another site by web services.

Suggest best way to do this approval workflow for share point form library to send email to the user

I have created the Info path form.
Once the new form created i need to send the email to users which the user selected in the people picker field.
Is that possible to do this using Designer,or VS 2010.
Give some reference to do this.

SharePoint send an email to users specified in a Field

I have a SharePoint list of Issues and have set a column (called Alert) to a “Person or Group” (allowing multiple names).
I would like the system to send an email to all the users listed in the Alert field, if the respective Issue is modified.
How do I set the Workflow to send an email the users as specified by the data in the Alert field (if there is any)? I know how to use the Workflow etc – the problem the “To” part of the Workflow's email.
(Sorry if this item has already been tackled – I've searched Stack Overflow and Googled around but could not find an answer)
Preferably through SharePoint Designer. i.e. preferably with no Code.
I have limited experience with SP Designer workflows, but have you tried the email action with "Workflow Lookup" selected in the To field? This allows you to use specific fields from the submitted list item.
You'll want to use the SPUtility.SentEmail method which will send an email to the string you pass it from using the context of the SharePoint server, saving you from writing the code youself to send it.
Use the "Build Dynamic String" workflow action to compose the list of email addresses. You can then use the dynamic string variable in the TO field. You can find the variable under "Workflow Data" in the lookup dialog.
I believe that the SPD workflows can only send to a person field that allows single selections. If you need to send an email to multiple users you will have to find a custom action (similar to or develop a Windows Workflow Foundation workflow using Visual Studio.
I have found a workaround to make the workflow send emails to multiple users entered under the field type Person/Group:
Create a workflow variable with type String
Assign the variable to Current Item field name and return type String
Then send an email To: Variable Name