Using ddl data in teiid - wildfly

Using jboss EAP 7 and Teiid Designer 10.4 and wildfly 10.
I have DDL file of MySQL .how can I make VDB using that.
Can I run it using teiid?
when I tried to import ddl data as Teiid ddl ,it showed parsing error,but the same was able to import as general ddl.

Please take look at documentation on this
and then select appropriate dialect while doing so.


Flyway - JDBC query

Do I have to install the JDBC driver to use flyway with PostgreSQL?
If YES - then which JDBC - do I have to download?
I am completely new to data migration - need to know which JDBC I have to install?
Currently the PostgreSql 42.2.19 JDBC driver comes as part of Flyway.
If you are using the command line app, you can see this under the drivers folder, where you can also override it with a later JDBC.

Connecting to DB2 using SQL Developer

I trying to connect to DB2 database through SQL Developer. I followed following steps create connection:
1. Open SQL Developer
2. Go to Tools > Preferences > Database > Third Party JDBC Drivers.
3. I added third-party JDBC driver path entries (db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar)
As soon as I try to create connection I get below error
Oracle SQL-Developer Version 17.2 works fine for me with Db2 Version 11 for Linux x64 and I am using a recent Type-4 jdbc (db2jcc4.jar) driver from IBM.
You question shows that your Db2 jdbc driver version is very old (Version 9.7 fixpack 5) and out of support, so you should upgrade to the latest available Db2 client for your (unspecified) operating-system. Also you should ensure you are using the latest release of the Oracle-SQL-Developer for your operating system.
As your question gives no facts about your versions of Oracle or Db2 products or operating systems, this is the best advice that is possible.
I got the same problem, it turned out SQL Developer doesn't display tables for DB2, but still allows to perform SQL queries. If you know table names, you will be able to select data from those tables if you have enough permissions to do so.
You can test ability to perform SQL queries by selecting DB2 version (SQL below is valid for DB2 12.0)
Make sure you don't forget to specify schema while selecting data from your tables!
select * from schema.table_name;

DB2 - migrate schema from v9.5 to v10.1

I have a schema in a DB2 v9.5 database, which has 20 tables under it. Now I need to migrate all the tables under this schema to a new DB2 v10.1 database. What is the easiest way to achieve this?
As of Now I am using db2move export/import to move data between two sets of tables (v9.5 and v10.1)
IBM has an Upgrade Guide on Info Center that goes through all the steps needed to upgrade from a lower version to DB2 v10.1 (I'm guessing you're on Linux/Unix/Windows here, since you say from 9.5 to 10.1).

Use Postgresql as a datasource for Microsoft Analysis Services

Has anyone managed to use Postgresql as a datasource for SSAS? The Postgresql .NET connector seems promising, but the SSAS view wizard does not seem to be able to see the tables in the database.
Try using the ODBC connector. I've had success getting other tools to connect to PG using it. The EnterpriseDB installers not only include a well packaged, working version of PG for windows, they include working, correctly installed drivers.
try pg_bulkload for load from via c# & from mssql to pgsql
copy & bcp (ssis) for second direction (pgsql->ssas)
It is actually possible to hack the Postgresql .NET connector and implement a "MSSQL compatibility mode", where the [ and ] around tables and schema names are removed. Using this, the list of tables does not appear in MS SSAS, but it is possible to replace them by views.

Ireport - JasperServer: PostgreSQL error (Driver)

I am trying to run my report created on iReport 4 on the jasperserver with a postgresql database (On my localhost).
The report runs perfect on the preview on iReport. Now when I upload it to the jasperServer I get the following error:
1 - org.postgresql.Driver
java.lang.Exception: 1 - org.postgresql.Driver 
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$ 
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
Then I checked my OLAP settings on my jasperServer and noticed it doesn't have a postgresql driver.
And on my jasperreport I use the following driver:
PostgreSQL (org.postgresql.Driver)
I think this is the problem. Does anyone know how I can add this postgresql driver to my jasperserver?
Or is there a different problem?
The PostgreSQL driver jar should go into the lib directory of your application server.
If you are using the bundled version of tomcat that comes with jasperServer, this will be
More detailed instructions are available here.