Ireport - JasperServer: PostgreSQL error (Driver) - postgresql

I am trying to run my report created on iReport 4 on the jasperserver with a postgresql database (On my localhost).
The report runs perfect on the preview on iReport. Now when I upload it to the jasperServer I get the following error:
1 - org.postgresql.Driver
java.lang.Exception: 1 - org.postgresql.Driver 
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$ 
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
Then I checked my OLAP settings on my jasperServer and noticed it doesn't have a postgresql driver.
And on my jasperreport I use the following driver:
PostgreSQL (org.postgresql.Driver)
I think this is the problem. Does anyone know how I can add this postgresql driver to my jasperserver?
Or is there a different problem?

The PostgreSQL driver jar should go into the lib directory of your application server.
If you are using the bundled version of tomcat that comes with jasperServer, this will be
More detailed instructions are available here.


Problem with configuring crystal report XI with postgre database

We are using Crystal Report XI with DB2 data base for our Application .Now we have new request to develop a report from some other application which has postgre data base.
So same thing we tried with postgre data base that what we did in DB2 data base.
We installed the postgre odbc driver and Test the connection was successfull. But when i tried open from crystal report design, I dont find postgre data source in the list.
What are all the steps needs to do, to connect Crystal Report XI with Postgre database?
Please help me what I am missing here.
Perhaps you configured a 64-bit ODBC DSN.
Crystal is a 32-bit application.
You need to configure a 32-bit DSN.

Cannot open the connection for the driver: using database postgres

I am working on report using BIRT with postgresql. While I am able to run the report successfully using BIRT viewer, when I try to integrate with tomcat, it gives the below error-
Cannot open the connection for the driver: Cannot load JDBC Driver class: org.postgresql.Driver.
while I have place the oda.jdbc.driver "postgresql-42.2.5" at location "\WEB-INF\lib" but still I'm facing this error.
I am running:
Birt version:-4.8.0
postgres version:- postgres9.5 (1.22.2)
After viewing error it seems the the JDBC driver jar is on at class path into BIRT runtime so it is not able to load the Driver and throwing error.
Please ensure the Driver jars are placed into libs directory of BIRT runtime installed in your server and it is available into class path at runtime.

Updated JasperReports jasperserver to 6.1, but can't start it

I updated jasperreports from version 5.0 to 6.1. I ran the jasperreports update script, and it appeared to run successfully. I installed it to a new folder, following all of the update directions. I am running Tomcat and Postgresql.
However, I previously started jasperreports by running a script called:
./ start
from the main Jasperreports folder in a bash shell. I am now using a different folder, and the file is not there.
Did I not update this correctly? Or am I supposed to copy that file from somewhere?
Is there some other way I should be starting jasper? What do I need to do to start the server application?
1st of all u refer to the jasperreports server or the jasper reports API? or for the iReport or Jasper Studio IDE's? Please rework your question... 6.1 has changed dramatically from the the 5.0 u be more precise on your need.
I looked back at the installation log, and indeed there was a problem with the installation. I wound up starting fresh an ran the installation, not the upgrade, and it worked.

Installing Liferay 6.2 on IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 with DB2 10.1

A little help here. I need to install Liferay 6.2 with WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and DB2 10.1, so I followed the documentation guide for that installation type:
But unfortunately, after doing all the steps in the installation guide, I was not still able to make Liferay work on WAS.
Even though I was able to run the liferay app, it still can't make the setup wizard show.
I installed Liferay 6.1 on DB2 9.7, and I got an error related to the tablespaces. Please, check the installation log file to see the DB2 error. But my problem was that it lacks of a 8KB tablespace
You need to create the database with a 8KB pagesize by default
db2 create db liferay pagesize 8 K
I wrote an article about that (In Spanish, ;) )
If you followed litterally Liferay 6.2 installation guide you must enable wizard setting setup.wizard.enabled=true in
Some more error logs would be great for debugging.
However Liferay 6.2 should run in Websphere 8.5.X without any major issues:
As an alternative you could try to setup an jdbc provider and a data source in websphere to connect to your db2 database.
After that you could setup liferay to use the websphere data source by pointing it to the jndi name of the the data source.
# Set the JNDI name to lookup the JDBC data source. If none is set,
# then the portal will attempt to create the JDBC data source based on the
# properties prefixed with "jdbc.default.".
Comment out the other jdbc configurations.

Connect Crystal reports with mongoDB

I am currently using CrystalREports 2013.
I have following configuration in CRConfig.xml file
I have also copied the mongo-2.10.1.jar file in the lib directory under C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib folder.
downloaded mongo-2.10.1.jar from
When I open Crystal Reports and open new crystal reports. I try to connect to JDBC(JNDI) through the available Datasources option, upon click of finish, I get following error.. Failed to open the connection. Details: JDBC driver not found.
Some help in configuration in CRConfig.xml would be of great help.
MongoDB is a NoSQL database and therefore does not support JDBC connections, there's no JDBC driver for it. You won't be able to connect a standard reporting tool like Crystal reports to MongoDB.
You have a few alternative options:
I've heard that JasperSoft have tools for reporting against MongoDB
You can write a job that exports your MongoDB data into a traditional SQL database and connect Crystal to the SQL database
You can write your own tool to pull information out of MongoDB using one of the language drivers.
Looks like it worked with UnityJDBC :
Settings in CRConfig.xml file are as follows.
<Classpath>C:\mongodb\jdbcdriver\mongo-java-driver- 2.11.2.jar;C:\mongodb\jdbcdriver\mongodb_unityjdbc.jar;