DB2 - migrate schema from v9.5 to v10.1 - db2

I have a schema in a DB2 v9.5 database, which has 20 tables under it. Now I need to migrate all the tables under this schema to a new DB2 v10.1 database. What is the easiest way to achieve this?

As of Now I am using db2move export/import to move data between two sets of tables (v9.5 and v10.1)

IBM has an Upgrade Guide on Info Center that goes through all the steps needed to upgrade from a lower version to DB2 v10.1 (I'm guessing you're on Linux/Unix/Windows here, since you say from 9.5 to 10.1).


Migrate from db2 9.7 express-c to db2 11.5 developer

I have an old application handling data on a DB2 server (Linux version, 9.7 express-c) and I need to upgrade the server. I searched on the IBM site and I found that the last "free" version (11.5) is the only one available, but I cannot restore a backup taken from a 9.7 directly into the 11.5.
Is there any other way instead of using db2look and db2move?
Do anyone know if it's possible to find the 11.1 developer Linux version?
You can download the server-fixpack via https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6427871
( IBM registration is required ),
This is an indirect way to IBM passport advantage website. It's important to choose the "DB2 Server Fix Pack" as distinct from other images. It is wise to always download the most recent fixpack for the release when using the Server-Fixpack, these fixpacks are cumulative and do not require the base version to be preinstalled.
You can get a trial license with it and just do the intermediate restore (from the v9.7 backup-image into a disposable Db2 v11.1 instance, then backup that database offline and copy the image to a place accessible to your Db2 v11.5 new instance.
You can then drop the v11.1 db2instance, and uninstall the Db2 v11.1 product.
Finally restore that Db2 v11.1 backup image into your Db2 v11.5 instance. This will upgrade the database to the Db2 v11.5 release, consider running db2updv115 afterwards, and revalidating all objects with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTS etc.
Whether the above indirect method is quicker (or easier) than using db2move to export and load, will depend on the complexity of your database. Worth checking...if your Db2 v9.7 instance is still running of course.
Other methods are possible, if you want to spend $$ on recovery tools that extract data from backup images.

PostgreSQL 9.4 to 9.5 upgrade

i have a dotnet client application with PostgreSQL 9.4 as my backend database.
When i upgrade my PostgreSQL 9.4 to 9.5 , should i not change anything in the dotnet client application to make it work with the 9.5 version of postgreSQL ?
Please help
At this point, do not upgrade to 9.5.
The release notes contain a comprehensive list of all incompatibilities that would help you.
At any rate, you need to test your application thoroughly, no matter what.

What are the steps to upgrade from Db2 10.5 to DB2 11.1 with loosing any persisted data

We are currently using 10.5 version of DB2 and we are planning to upgrade to 11.1 version of DB2. I would like to know if the upgrade scenario does backup of the persisted data of 10.5 DB2 version to a specific location and after the upgrade the Db2 picks same data from the backup location?
If there is no provision in such a way of a backup location, would like to know the steps to backup the persisted data and other things I have to take into consideration while making the upgrade.
During a Db2 upgrade, it is your responsibility to take a backup copy of the database prior to the the upgrade.
There are instructions here within the overall Database Fundamentals - Upgrating section of the manuals

Migrate Postgresql 8.4 to 9.1

I currently run Postgres 8.4 on Centos 6. I need to migrate to Postgres 9.1 on a Windows machine. I have my reasons for this...Anyway, what is the best way to move the data from one DB to another without interrupting service and losing any of the functionality particularly with PostGIS? The PostGIS version (2.0) that installs with 9.1 has some features that I want to take advantage of but at the same time I don't want to lose any of the features in 8.4. Can anyone provide some insight in to this?
As far as I know, the only thing that will let you upgrade without downtime is a trigger-based replication system such as Slony-I.

Use Postgresql as a datasource for Microsoft Analysis Services

Has anyone managed to use Postgresql as a datasource for SSAS? The Postgresql .NET connector seems promising, but the SSAS view wizard does not seem to be able to see the tables in the database.
Try using the ODBC connector. I've had success getting other tools to connect to PG using it. The EnterpriseDB installers not only include a well packaged, working version of PG for windows, they include working, correctly installed drivers.
try pg_bulkload for load from via c# & from mssql to pgsql
copy & bcp (ssis) for second direction (pgsql->ssas)
It is actually possible to hack the Postgresql .NET connector and implement a "MSSQL compatibility mode", where the [ and ] around tables and schema names are removed. Using this, the list of tables does not appear in MS SSAS, but it is possible to replace them by views.