Flyway - JDBC query - postgresql

Do I have to install the JDBC driver to use flyway with PostgreSQL?
If YES - then which JDBC - do I have to download?
I am completely new to data migration - need to know which JDBC I have to install?

Currently the PostgreSql 42.2.19 JDBC driver comes as part of Flyway.
If you are using the command line app, you can see this under the drivers folder, where you can also override it with a later JDBC.


Postgres version compatibility

I was using PostgresSQL version 9.6 with JDBC driver 9.4-1206-jdbc42 to connect to Java. I was using the SimpleJDBCCall of Springs to connect to the database.
However, after the upgrade of PostgreSQL to 10.5, we are unable to use the SimpleJDBCCall API. Any light on this issue will be of great help.
You should never use a version of the JDBC driver that is older than the PostgreSQL server release.
The recommendation is to always use the latest driver version. A new driver will know how to talk to an old server, while an old driver might not know how to talk to a new server.

Using ddl data in teiid

Using jboss EAP 7 and Teiid Designer 10.4 and wildfly 10.
I have DDL file of MySQL .how can I make VDB using that.
Can I run it using teiid?
when I tried to import ddl data as Teiid ddl ,it showed parsing error,but the same was able to import as general ddl.
Please take look at documentation on this
and then select appropriate dialect while doing so.

Wildfly JDBC for Postgres

In order to deploy an application in Wildfly I needed to setup a JDBC module for database connection so I deployed the JDBC driver
After that, I added a datasource.
The problem I found no postgresql driver:
Any idea how to solve this?
I'm using Wildfly 10 and PostgreSQL 9.5 with Java 7
You didn't deploy the driver as a module but as a deployment. You have to create the module manually or use the jboss-cli like this:
module add --name=org.postgres --resources=/tmp/postgresql-version.jar --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api
Then register the module as a JDBC driver like this :
Then you'll be able to create your datasource.

Spring-Boot is not working with Flyway

I am using Spring-Boot v1.1.10.RELEASE for my spring based web application. My DB is Postgres & used Flyway for my DB migration.
The postgres sql script file is successfully executed by flyway-maven-plugin by the following maven command i.e. mvn compile flyway:migrate
But the same Postgres sql script file is throwing PSQLException: ERROR: COPY from stdin failed: The JDBC driver currently does not support COPY operations error when running through the Spring-Boot file.
NOTE: From spring-boot I am executing the script file on fresh DB i.e. at least there is no SCHEMA_VERSION table in DB.
Any inputs?
By default, Spring Boot 1.1 uses Flyway 3.0 which does not support COPY FROM STDIN. Support was added in 3.1. You can either upgrade to Spring Boot 1.2 (which uses Flyway 3.1 by default) or stick with Spring Boot 1.1 and try overriding the version of Flyway to 3.1.

Use Postgresql as a datasource for Microsoft Analysis Services

Has anyone managed to use Postgresql as a datasource for SSAS? The Postgresql .NET connector seems promising, but the SSAS view wizard does not seem to be able to see the tables in the database.
Try using the ODBC connector. I've had success getting other tools to connect to PG using it. The EnterpriseDB installers not only include a well packaged, working version of PG for windows, they include working, correctly installed drivers.
try pg_bulkload for load from via c# & from mssql to pgsql
copy & bcp (ssis) for second direction (pgsql->ssas)
It is actually possible to hack the Postgresql .NET connector and implement a "MSSQL compatibility mode", where the [ and ] around tables and schema names are removed. Using this, the list of tables does not appear in MS SSAS, but it is possible to replace them by views.