Sales confirmation emails not sent after SUPEE 10266 - email

I'm on a CE, already patched with previous patches available. It has a custom theme, based on rwd theme.
As I install SUPEE 10266, the sales confirmation emails are not sent anymore. All the emails don't seem to be affected by this issue, as the registration confirmation is sent to a new customer who registers through "create a new account" or during checkout process.

... Just a Noob error!
As I'm trying to install SUPEE 10266 in a test environment, I just had forgotten to set up cron jobs correctly in it!


How does one add an email to an automation in Sendgrid?

In Sendgrid, I have a live automation of welcome emails.
I need to add a second email to that series but I do not see the option to do so.
Can someone guide where it might be available?
In the sendgrid Help-center, it states the following:
To add more emails to this automated series, click Add an Email.
However, I am not able to find the option of 'Add an Email' on the UI
Twilio SendGrid developer evangelist here.
Once you set an Automation live you can no longer add emails to it, though you can edit the existing email content.
To add a new email to an Automation, you can duplicate the Automation (under "Automation options") then add the new emails. Once you are happy, you can set the new Automation live and disable the old one.
You will need to disable and then duplicate the automation before you can add an email. However, good luck trying to reorder emails on the duplicated automation, you can't, which is tragic 😂.
SendGrid has one of the worst UI/UX for a company of its size. We have been using them for years and are finally tired enough to leave them, every person on our team finds it so tiring to use.

GitLab not sending email notifications (smtp)

I did set up GitLab with the official CE AMI and used the SMTP configuration setup (with AWS SES) as described here. Sending a test mail works without problems. What is not working is receiving mail on notifications (like "new comment" or "merge request").
For example my notification setting is watch(= all notifications). Now I add a new comment and mention myself, everything works fine, my TODO counter (right top) increases but no email is sent. I checked the sidekiq.log file and it says ...
2017-04-24_18:35:38.21211 2017-04-24T18:35:38.212Z 3800 TID-os4gzzujo NewNoteWorker JID-a1f08d6db7451695d6830a6a INFO: start
2017-04-24_18:35:38.29925 2017-04-24T18:35:38.299Z 3800 TID-os4gzzujo NewNoteWorker JID-a1f08d6db7451695d6830a6a INFO: done: 0.087 sec
... but no email is sent. Using grep 'mail' sidekiq.log doesn't yield anything useful either.
I figured it out. The important part is the last sentence on the Notifications help.
You won't receive notifications for Issues, Merge Requests or Milestones created by yourself. You will only receive automatic notifications when somebody else comments or adds changes to the ones that you've created or mentions you.
So when you're setting up GitLab on your own, create another dummy user, then impersonate that user and mention your actual account. That way you will receive an email notification.

Unable to send E-mail via Bugzilla Defect Tracking Tool

I have installed Bugzilla 4.4.9 in my Cent OS system. When I report a bug to an assignee , only the Bug entry gets stored in the My Bugs section when seen into the assignees account. How does one send E-mail to a assignee to notify the assignee about the bug. The mail_delivery method I am using is SMTP.
You should see a message on the screen after submitting the bug that shows the users that were sent emails and those users who were excluded.
If the assignee was excluded you are looking at one of the following 2 reasons:
Each user can configure whether they receive emails for different
event. Go to Preferences/Email Preferences to see the options.
Additionally all email can be disabled for a user by the
administrator. Go to Administration/Users find the user and look at
the Bugmail Disabled field.
If the assignee was on the send to list and they didn't receive it you need to look at your email system.

CRM 2011 RU13 Pending email warning causes chrome to hang

How do I turn off the Pending email warning?
In fact how do I turn off all pop-up reminders in CRM 2011 RU13?
To recreate.
Create an email and save it (direction must be Outgoing) . Wait a few days (If you know how to
trigger it earlier tell me). Check in IE that you get the pending
email message. Open the CRM in chrome...note that it fails Go back to
IE Activities -> emails -> pending emails and delete the emails there
Open the CRM in Chrome and rejoice.
I guess my current workaround would be a workflow that finds emails like this:
Direction Equals 'Outgoing' AND (Status Reason Equals 'Pending Send;Sending' AND Activity Status Equals 'Completed' OR Status Reason Equals 'Failed' AND Activity Status Equals 'Open')
and kills them which is really bad.
Yes, it is the latest version of chrome.
I want to turn the popup reminders off in CRM. I have no control over the way people configure their browsers. I should, however, be able to configure CRM but, as seems so often the case, I can't.
Popups and Dialogs break the web. Just look at this site (stackoverflow), plenty of notifications and ways of collecting user input without a sniff of a popup message/dialog.
People turn popup blockers on because they represent a security risk. So this, IMHO, is an awful "Feature".
And even if you needed to add popups, why would you make them blocking? I assume this is why chrome hangs.
Try enabling pop-ups in Chrome for your CRM site. Worked for me.
You may be fixing the wrong problem.
"Pending send" emails tell you that something is wrong.
Saving a new email (a draft, if you like) does not cause this. A user or workflow or marketing campaign can create emails all day long and not send them, and you will not see this warning message (the emails simply appear as activities to be done in your "to-do" list)
An email is "pending send" only if you send en email from CRM 'from' a user configured to use Outlook for outgoing mail but not logged on to Outlook for a while, or via email router but that is mis-configured (eg no credentials for that user) or not running. Figure out why the emails are "pending" and fix this issue, then your Chrome problem will vanish.

Team alert for build completion not firing

In TFS 2012, I've created a new Team, and then a new group that includes just me, and finally a new Team Alert that fires on build completion. I manually kick off a build and do not get any emails. Still trying to figure out if I can get alerts if I setup my own individual alerts. I know others are getting emails for code reviews so I suspect email settings are correct. Any tips appreciated.
Never mind. Problem sorted. I had the wrong email address in my TFS Profile.