Unable to send E-mail via Bugzilla Defect Tracking Tool - email

I have installed Bugzilla 4.4.9 in my Cent OS system. When I report a bug to an assignee , only the Bug entry gets stored in the My Bugs section when seen into the assignees account. How does one send E-mail to a assignee to notify the assignee about the bug. The mail_delivery method I am using is SMTP.

You should see a message on the screen after submitting the bug that shows the users that were sent emails and those users who were excluded.
If the assignee was excluded you are looking at one of the following 2 reasons:
Each user can configure whether they receive emails for different
event. Go to Preferences/Email Preferences to see the options.
Additionally all email can be disabled for a user by the
administrator. Go to Administration/Users find the user and look at
the Bugmail Disabled field.
If the assignee was on the send to list and they didn't receive it you need to look at your email system.


Prevent Dynamic CRM Workflow from sending an email to a Disabled User

I am using Microsoft Dynamic CRM Online and have a workflow issue. When the status of a case is modified, there is a workflow that kicks off to send members of the case team an e-mail. The problem is, it is sending the message to members of the team that have been recently disabled.
Example: User Jack Bauer is added to Case FOX24. One month later, Jack's account is marked as disabled. The following week, the status of the case is updated and a workflow is triggered to send team members an e-mail.
Is there a way inside a workflow to prevent the email from being sent if the user is disabled?
So far, I haven't found anyway to stop the email.
I solved my problem by creating a child workflow to remove any disabled users from the case specific attributes before the email is sent. The new process contains the nine checks for disabled users as well as an Update Record action for each check to {clear} the value of the associated attribute. It is marked as "Run on demand" so users can clean the Case record anytime they desire.
The child workflow will be called once per email in the parent workflow because they are sent using different timeout periods. Even if a user is disabled in the week or so between the first and second message, they shouldn't receive the messages.
Add a condition into the workflow which checks the status of the record in the 'To' field of the email.

Re-activated users not receiving Google group emails

I'm an administrator of a Google apps domain and we recently reactivated an account which was suspended for around 6 months. Regular emails to this user are working well but emails to a group to which this user belongs does not seem to reach the user.
I tried deleting the user from the group and adding him again, but to no avail.
What might be the problem? And what is the solution to this?
You may refer with this thread. It suggested to check the email delivery setting and the spam folder. Here's another reference which might also help: Not getting a group’s emails
If you’re not getting emails from your group, check your email delivery setting:
Sign in to Google Groups.
Click My Groups.
Choose a group.
At the top right, click My settings.
Select Membership and email settings.
Check "Email delivery preference." Make sure that you haven’t selected "Don’t send email updates."
After making changes, click Save.

CRM 2011 RU13 Pending email warning causes chrome to hang

How do I turn off the Pending email warning?
In fact how do I turn off all pop-up reminders in CRM 2011 RU13?
To recreate.
Create an email and save it (direction must be Outgoing) . Wait a few days (If you know how to
trigger it earlier tell me). Check in IE that you get the pending
email message. Open the CRM in chrome...note that it fails Go back to
IE Activities -> emails -> pending emails and delete the emails there
Open the CRM in Chrome and rejoice.
I guess my current workaround would be a workflow that finds emails like this:
Direction Equals 'Outgoing' AND (Status Reason Equals 'Pending Send;Sending' AND Activity Status Equals 'Completed' OR Status Reason Equals 'Failed' AND Activity Status Equals 'Open')
and kills them which is really bad.
Yes, it is the latest version of chrome.
I want to turn the popup reminders off in CRM. I have no control over the way people configure their browsers. I should, however, be able to configure CRM but, as seems so often the case, I can't.
Popups and Dialogs break the web. Just look at this site (stackoverflow), plenty of notifications and ways of collecting user input without a sniff of a popup message/dialog.
People turn popup blockers on because they represent a security risk. So this, IMHO, is an awful "Feature".
And even if you needed to add popups, why would you make them blocking? I assume this is why chrome hangs.
Try enabling pop-ups in Chrome for your CRM site. Worked for me.
You may be fixing the wrong problem.
"Pending send" emails tell you that something is wrong.
Saving a new email (a draft, if you like) does not cause this. A user or workflow or marketing campaign can create emails all day long and not send them, and you will not see this warning message (the emails simply appear as activities to be done in your "to-do" list)
An email is "pending send" only if you send en email from CRM 'from' a user configured to use Outlook for outgoing mail but not logged on to Outlook for a while, or via email router but that is mis-configured (eg no credentials for that user) or not running. Figure out why the emails are "pending" and fix this issue, then your Chrome problem will vanish.

Sending scheduled emails that include Bugzilla "reports"

hi i am new to Bugzilla.
I intend to send scheduled emails that include report created by me.
I do realize there is something to include search results in the email, using the 'Whining' feature provided in the admin section, and I am currently using that.
But is there a way to send Reports that are in the tabular or graph style? These emails are intended to be sent to the Business team and they dont care about the Title or Description of the bug, all they care is about how many products have how many bugs and what priority.
i am able to generate the report as per their liking, but unable to figure out how to inlcude that data in a scheduled email
It is not currently possible to send reports via email, although is it a long standing request. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35281

Sharepoint Designer - Disable task has been changed alert

I created the workflow in sharepoint designer using Collect data from user option. The approver receives three automated mail.
1) Notification to approve - Task assigned email
2) After approval, task has been changed alert
3) Another task has been changed alert
Is there an option to suppress the last two task has been changed alert? I would like to send only the Task assigned mail to approver
I faced a similar issue and after a research i found a solution that works well for me. I have used Sharepoint Manager 2007 http://www.codeplex.com/. Just use it and do the following as in screen dump:
The first "You've been assigned a task" email is a feature of the Task list template and can be changed in List Settings > Advance Settings > Send e-mail when ownership is assigned.
The second two emails are "Alert me" emails. (Not sure why you are getting two, I suspect you my have signed up with 2 different users accounts that could even have the same email address.)
To delete the Alert Me for the currently logged on user.
Actions > Alert Me > View my existing alerts on this site
Then select your alert and Delete.
By the way - this is not a programming related question (See FAQ top right) so you may get quicker answers by posting similar questions on sites such as superuser.com or SharePoint.SE
I guess that you created your workflow in a "Task" list that has the email alert to "Assigned To" enabled. You can disable this feature under Settings, List Settings, Advanced Settings.
Your approver likely has "Alert Me" features enabled for this list. You can delete these under Action, All Site Settings, User Alerts.
As a side note. Answer to the question this title sounds like it is asking: The "Send e-mail when ownership is assigned" feature in "Tasks" lists on SharePoint often causes problems by sending unwanted emails like the task has been changed alert this question refers to. For those of us who Own sites below the site collection level and do not have access to the top level. Here is a way to fix such problems.
Turn of the "Send e-mail when ownership is assigned" feature and design a workflow in SharePoint designer that mirrors this feature minus to portion of the functionality that is not wanted.
Check this solution:
"Task has been Changed" Email Alerts Issue