Team alert for build completion not firing - email

In TFS 2012, I've created a new Team, and then a new group that includes just me, and finally a new Team Alert that fires on build completion. I manually kick off a build and do not get any emails. Still trying to figure out if I can get alerts if I setup my own individual alerts. I know others are getting emails for code reviews so I suspect email settings are correct. Any tips appreciated.

Never mind. Problem sorted. I had the wrong email address in my TFS Profile.


SharePoint - How do I change senders email address from "User Name <>"

Here is the problem:
Sharepoint was working fine on and before the 9th of December, 2022.
And by this, I mean and still want to be able to have use of the ability for the internal users of our Business Premium 365 accounts to send file or folder share notifications to external users. Where these share notification emails are from the sender's outlook account associated with their Sharepoint account, with the correct sender's name and email address.
Also, these emails were stored in the internal user's sent items folder.
UNTIL after the 9th of December 2022, something changed, and we have no idea what.
The change is that now the process still works, but the sender's email address has been changed to
And these share notification emails are no longer stored within the user's outlook sent items folder, these share notification emails now appear in the sender's inbox from SharePoint.
We are sharing SharePoint files and folders with our customers and we are now receiving a huge amount of calls asking where these notifications have gone. Although we have sent them. We have to explain to our customers that this change from SharePoint has meant that any share notification emails we send may now be in there spam or junk systems.
And please, please, please do not tell me that Microsoft sent us notifications in 2016 warning us that this would happen. It's 2022/2023 and it's only just happened!
This leads me to believe that this feature change is something temporary and or recent within SharePoint.
Can anyone shed some sensible light on this issue and give me some peace of mind that Microsoft is still not in the habit of changing things in live platforms and then hiding under their desks?
Help please, my sanity is waning!!!
Well, I never, almost a month later, Microsoft replied:
Thank you for your patience on this.
We advise that a fix for this has been recently rolled out and completed last night.
Please can you try replicating the issue again and let me know if the same behaviour occurs.
So they fixed it, and let me know - there is a first!!!
My apologies for wasting peoples time.

Unable to shut off notifications for test-related items that have link changes

In Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.2, is there a way to turn off e-mail notifications for test-related work items for my projects? Specifically, when testers make links with user stories or add steps to tests, I get flooded with e-mails. This didn't used to happen before, and yes, I did something to cause it but don't know what that was. But I now want to explicitly shut test-related types off. All my other notification types seem to be working/filtering as desired.
Thank you.
According to you description, it seems related to the notification of the work items. You could try to go to the Notification settings and then disable the subscription of "A work item assigned to me is change" to check the result.
If not, please check if you have installed Email report extension or other email notification extensions.

Get more details in Azure DevOps post deployment approval mail

I set up a DevOps post-deployment approval system successfully. When the user gets a mail to approve my changes in my project, the summary looks like this:
Summary screenshot
Is there a way to show the commits I made which are getting installed in this version. The idea is to make it easier for the customer to get the newest changes out of this mail.
Thank you in advance!
Is there a way to show the commits I made which are getting installed
in this version.
For this issue , if your release pipeline uses build as the artifact source, then the build version will be displayed in the pending approval email. Clicking build version will jump to the corresponding build page. In this build summary page, you will see the corresponding commits. Then click on this commit to view detailed changes.
If you want to display detailed commit information in the email summary, I am afraid this is currently not supported. The content that can be displayed in the notifications email is designed and cannot be changed. You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions. Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.

Woocommerce Follow Up Emails Plugin - email issue

OK so im just gonna ask this question, as I am at the end of the rope, with hopes someone out there will have some advice.
I have installed the Woocommerce Follow Up Emails plugin on my site, and for the life of me I cannot get it send the email.
The settings I have are:
Trigger: 3 days after the order total is above $1.00
Setting: Customer recieves the email once
There is nothing in the "scheduled emails" of the plugin showing up, however and this is the part that throws me off, in the Tools>Scheduled Actions of the wordpress dashboard i get multiple entries of the below:
which tells me that it the emails are being scheduled but are not being sent out (even though it says, action complete). I have checked the WPMail log nothing, i have checked Cpanel Email Tracking and theres nothing. I have a WP Cron plugin installed that tells me it is functioning correctly.
Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions that i could do or check that I havent done already? Is there something I'm missing?
Any help will greatly be appreciated.
P.S, I purchased the plugin from a third party site and cant ask Woocommerce for support without paying for subscription (which i will do as my absolute last resort)
The plugin works fine on my side, although it is very basic in its functionalities and you reach super quickly its limitations.
I'd suggest you buy the plugin from WC. They tend to have special offers of 30-50% off few times a year. Their support is typically very good and has a live chat so you get answers often directly.
Hope you got it figured out by now.

EMail Filters For DevOps Emails

I receive emails from a couple of Azure DevOps environments, my company system and a suppliers system. I had rules for the email notifications to move them based on the From address, which was different. Now all the emails come from
Does anyone know if there is any way to easily distinguish where the email has come from ?
Is it possible to change the From address used by DevOps? I don't believe it is possible to customise the body, and basing the filter on the body is too much maintenance
Thanks in advance
Is it possible to change the From address used by DevOps?
The answer is No. The notification from could not be modified by users.
But, I can get what you are suffering. While have the notification emails comes from several organizations, its too messy to know exactly where they come from.
Now, for build or release notification emails, you can create filter subject rules to distinguish them. Because in the subject of email which about build or release, it contains the info of organization name.
But, unfortunately, until now, the org info just displayed in build and release notification. And also you could not customize the email content of notification.
You can raise the demand to Microsoft Developer Community, follow and vote it.
When there are enough communities vote and add comments for this feedback, the product team member will take this feedback seriously.
I have found a work around in order to filter my emails, in case anyone else has the same issue.
The emails contain links to take you to the work item or other DevOps page that the email is related to. I've been able to create a filter based on the Url that the link is pointing to, so I'm looking for the specific DevOps URL in the Body of the message, as filing the email based on that. It seems to work for my requirements at least.