GitLab not sending email notifications (smtp) - email

I did set up GitLab with the official CE AMI and used the SMTP configuration setup (with AWS SES) as described here. Sending a test mail works without problems. What is not working is receiving mail on notifications (like "new comment" or "merge request").
For example my notification setting is watch(= all notifications). Now I add a new comment and mention myself, everything works fine, my TODO counter (right top) increases but no email is sent. I checked the sidekiq.log file and it says ...
2017-04-24_18:35:38.21211 2017-04-24T18:35:38.212Z 3800 TID-os4gzzujo NewNoteWorker JID-a1f08d6db7451695d6830a6a INFO: start
2017-04-24_18:35:38.29925 2017-04-24T18:35:38.299Z 3800 TID-os4gzzujo NewNoteWorker JID-a1f08d6db7451695d6830a6a INFO: done: 0.087 sec
... but no email is sent. Using grep 'mail' sidekiq.log doesn't yield anything useful either.

I figured it out. The important part is the last sentence on the Notifications help.
You won't receive notifications for Issues, Merge Requests or Milestones created by yourself. You will only receive automatic notifications when somebody else comments or adds changes to the ones that you've created or mentions you.
So when you're setting up GitLab on your own, create another dummy user, then impersonate that user and mention your actual account. That way you will receive an email notification.


Unable to shut off notifications for test-related items that have link changes

In Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.2, is there a way to turn off e-mail notifications for test-related work items for my projects? Specifically, when testers make links with user stories or add steps to tests, I get flooded with e-mails. This didn't used to happen before, and yes, I did something to cause it but don't know what that was. But I now want to explicitly shut test-related types off. All my other notification types seem to be working/filtering as desired.
Thank you.
According to you description, it seems related to the notification of the work items. You could try to go to the Notification settings and then disable the subscription of "A work item assigned to me is change" to check the result.
If not, please check if you have installed Email report extension or other email notification extensions.

I don't receive email notification from Azure Devops when someone use #mentions

We normally receive email notifications when we use #mentions in workitems on Azure Devops and it is not working anymore for all of us. I checked on the notifications settings everything seems fine but still not working.
If you can help on that.
Thank you
I used to copy the comment in the previous work item instead of typing # and selecting the person, and then I found that no one would receive emails.
Although the format looks correct, it will not register as a real mention and will not send email notifications.
Like this, only the comment below will send me an email.
per documentation:
Don't copy/paste #mention users from a previous comment. While the resulting formatting looks identical to a properly entered mention, it doesn't register as a true mention nor send an email notification.

How to get new message detailes via Gmail push notifications?

I have java server application. And I need to monitor a lot of gmail accounts to be able to send push notifications to mobile devices about new Inbox messages.
I need to know sender email and message subject to send push notification.
And I tried Gmail push notifications system (webhooks option)
If I understood everything correctly in order to get needed info for each new message for each user there is a following scenario:
Google sends me email and history id via https request.
I call history API and get new message ids for user
I request message info by message id
That means that I need 2 additional requests for each new message of each user. And it looks quite hard if server needs to handle several new messages each second. And I still don't see other way.
Is there any way to make it shorter? (e.g. to make google send me not only history id but needed new message details or at least make one additional request, but not two)
We tried using Push notifications but the volume of requests generated has meant that we poll on a timed basis instead. It is worth noting that you will get Push notifications for any change to the message such as a label change, a read status change etc. As you say there are many requests.
If you need the notifications real-time I don't see how you can avoid the process that you outline.
If you don't need it real-time then you can poll or at the least check for Push notifications per account on a timed basis and if some have been received retrieve any new messages in a batch rather than a single request.
I was facing the same problem. History API was not giving recent messageId. I solved this problem by hitting THREAD API where i set Q = last 5 min timestamp.
Webhook push notification is helping to notify a new mail has come. After i get all messages last 10 min with THREAD API.

Gmail Event UI not syncing up?

I used PHP to mail myself an email that has an attachment invite.ics.
The first few times I sent an email, I DID NOT get the following UI in gmail:
But then after a few more test sends, that UI started showing up for some reason.
I then changed the contents of my invite.ics so that the title changed from John Production Status to James Production Status. WHen I sent myself another email,, gmail displayed the UI with the title John Production Status. But when I downloaded invite.ics, it showed James Production Status.
Why does this happen? And how do I get the UI to reflect the contents of invite.ics?
Ok, i fixed the issue in gmail. Apparently in the contents of my invite.ics, I had to make sure that the field UID had a unique value for each deployment. For some reason, that would force gmail to clear it's "cache".
By changing the UID, you are not clearing any cache but rather are creating a brand new, unrelated event. If gmail is not taking into account new invitations, you may want to increase the SEQUENCE property to indicate that this is a new version of the same event.

Github notifications - Mail to PR creator

If I raise a Pull request and if I need to be notified by a mail saying --
You have created a Pull request for "bla bla" on "so and so" date.
On merge - I get a notification
On comment - I get a notification
So my question is...
Are there any such settings in github which sends a mail to PR creator?
Can I tag myself in the PR comment ?
Any help !!
Are there any such settings in github which sends a mail to PR creator?
There's currently no setting in GitHub that makes the platform work in that way. Note: You can send an email to to request for such a feature.
Can I tag myself in the PR comment ?
Yes, you can. But that won't trigger an email sent to your mailbox
However, if what you're after is keeping track of your own activity on GitHub, there may exist another alternative: GitHub exposes atoms feeds for various endpoints. The user is one of them. Register your own feed in a RSS reader and you're done.
I'm surprised that despite being up for so long, this question hasn't really been meaningfully addressed. Axibase designed a cool little tool which can do exactly what you're describing here: if a PR is raised in one of your repositories you'll be notified via email or third-party messenger service.
By default the rule will fire when anyone raises a PR, but it can be configured to only respond to specific users as that seems to be one of your requests.
The workflow here describes the underlying mechanics of the tool and this guide will take you through the entire set-up. The whole process should only take about 10 minutes from start to finish.
Disclaimer: I've worked for the team that develops ATSD, which is the database at work here.