How to configure the Google Services SDK for Unity 5.6? - unity3d

This is the SDK of google for Unity.
I couldn't understand the Quick Setup. How will I replace the google-services.json (see the quick setup guide in the link above) ?
I am using this plugin because I differently imported AdMob SDK & Google Play SDK for Unity and they are giving me nightmares. So trying this SDK.


can't load brother SDK to capacitor custom plug in

I have been searching all over and I have not found any good documentation in how can I create a custom ionic capacitor plug-in with an external SDK (Brother printer SDK). This SDK is located locally in my computer.
The Error I keep getting is the following.
No such module 'BRLMPrinterKit'
I'm building the plug in with
npm init #capacitor/plugin#latest
I follow the steps found in
How to embed third party framework on ionic capacitor custom plugin?
I was expecting to use the Brother printer SDK in the custom capacitor plug in. Any tip in how can I implement a custom plug in with any framework?
I don't know very well about ios plugins for ionic, but I recommend you to use this post to create the plugin step by step (I used it for android plugins):
I think you can use this other post to solve that specific issue: How to import framework into XCode project?
I know it's not the best answer, but I hope it helps.

Quickstart for Google Cardboard for Unity Plugin for Unity 2019.4.25f & later Doesn't Install The Samples Folder

I need to upgrade the Google Cardboard plugin in my VR apps. The Unity documentation says that we should use the Google Cardboard for Unity plugin because Unity no longer includes Google Cardboard. I'm using Unity 2019.4.37f.
I followed the steps to import the plugin using Git on link Quickstart for Google Cardboard for Unity. I saw the progress indicators while the plugin was installed. I went into XR Plug-in Management in Project Settings and checked Google XR Plugin.
I want to create the sample app so I can see what I need to update in my existing VR apps. The instructions say after the plugin is installed I should go to Assets/Samples/Google Cardboard//Hello Cardboard. When I go into the Package Manager window the plugin is not listed so I can't import the sample app.
Has anyone had this problem?
UPDATE: I submitted my issue to the GitHub GoogleVR/Cardboard repository. This link has more details including a Unity screenshot of what happened.
This is the response I received from GitHub. You can see the details in the GitHub link.
"In the top left corner of the package manager, it says "Unity Registry". Click on that button and change it to "In Project". You should now see something similar to what is in the following image:"
I did this and was able to access the Google Cardboard for Unity plugin in the Package Manager window with a link to download the Hello Cardboard project. I suggested that they update the instructions for new people that have never used the plugin.

Google Analytics Unity throws ClassNotFound since upgrade to play-services-analytics-9.4.0.aar

Google Analytics V4 was working well in my Unity project linking with play-services-analytics-8.4.0.aar. I've now upgraded to the latest Play Services including play-services-analytics-9.4.0.aar. I can build an apk successfully but calls to Google Analytics fail:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class ""
I also tried adding libGoogleAnalyticsServices.jar from the git project (a long shot) but that made no difference.
Instead of play-services-analytics-9.4.0.aar, copy play-services-analytics-impl-9.4.0.aar. But you may still need play-services-analytics-9.4.0.aar for some of the analytics feature. If you want to be sure, copy both.
My best guess is this is related to Unity Google Analytics v4 works for Editor and iOS, not for Android
Having spent a day on it, I'm just removing Google Analytics for now; hopefully there will be an update to the Unity Google Analytics plugin that makes it compatible with Google Play 9.4

react-native-fbsdk for Windows app

I am using react-native-fbsdk for my React Native Project.
It is working fine for Android and iOS , as I followed the steps mentioned on their official site.
But, there are no resources for fbsdk Windows integration.
Is it possible to integrate fbsdk with Windows react-native app ?
Depending on what features you want, we ported some of the react-native-fbsdk features for the F8 Developer Conference app here:
And we leveraged a shared wrapper around the FB SDK that encapsulated the slight differences in the API:

Port existing android game to unity

I already have a game on android. It uses leaderboards, achievements and admob. These features come from google play services.
Now how do I connect these services on android to the game on Unity. I wont be updating the android version right now as it will just be same.
It's pretty straight forward to integrate Google play services into your unity application. There is a plugin you can download and add to your project. The plugin includes scripts that link in the native c++ libraries for both Android and IOS.
The plug in is on GitHub: