Quickstart for Google Cardboard for Unity Plugin for Unity 2019.4.25f & later Doesn't Install The Samples Folder - unity3d

I need to upgrade the Google Cardboard plugin in my VR apps. The Unity documentation says that we should use the Google Cardboard for Unity plugin because Unity no longer includes Google Cardboard. I'm using Unity 2019.4.37f.
I followed the steps to import the plugin using Git on link Quickstart for Google Cardboard for Unity. I saw the progress indicators while the plugin was installed. I went into XR Plug-in Management in Project Settings and checked Google XR Plugin.
I want to create the sample app so I can see what I need to update in my existing VR apps. The instructions say after the plugin is installed I should go to Assets/Samples/Google Cardboard//Hello Cardboard. When I go into the Package Manager window the plugin is not listed so I can't import the sample app.
Has anyone had this problem?
UPDATE: I submitted my issue to the GitHub GoogleVR/Cardboard repository. This link has more details including a Unity screenshot of what happened.

This is the response I received from GitHub. You can see the details in the GitHub link.
"In the top left corner of the package manager, it says "Unity Registry". Click on that button and change it to "In Project". You should now see something similar to what is in the following image:"
I did this and was able to access the Google Cardboard for Unity plugin in the Package Manager window with a link to download the Hello Cardboard project. I suggested that they update the instructions for new people that have never used the plugin.


What is the best way to update the Admob plugin in Unity?

error code pictureI have an old project on an old version of Unity (2018.4.36f LTS) with an even older Google Admob plugin in it. I would like to update the Google Admob SDK to have all the latest features, like the App Open Ad. But I don't know how to do it (PC running Windows 11) Thank you for your help!
You can download the latest sdk from here
It makes no difference what version of Windows you have. After downloading the sdk, open the Unity editor in the project you want and then drag or double click the downloaded file into Unity.

How to add latest Unity version in Unity HUB?

I want to add Unity 2018.4.9 version within Unity HUB so I have tried to download the latest Unity 2018 version from the Unity HUB.
But my surprise I can't able to find the latest Unity 2018 any version within the list. Here is the snapshot for this:
While the actual website has many Unity versions available for Unity 2018 version.
Now how can I download Unity 2018.4.9 through Unity HUB?
try the following:
downloading the version you want from https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive
Hitting the "Locate" button in UnityHub
Navigating to the location of the download, highlighting it and clicking "Select Editor"
location of locate button
Unityhub supports deep linking like this
Simply click this link and it opens downloading through the hub (if it is not clickable try sending it yourself in some chat app like slack or telegram). But to download any other version you need to find it in here https://unity3d.com/ru/unity/whats-new/2018.4.12 and generate a link using hash at the bottom of that page
Changeset: 59ddc4c59b4f
So the ida is
unityhub:// + version + / + hash
Firstly download your desired Unity version from here. link --- Picture
Then you can go to Unity Hub and under the installs tab you can find the button named "Locate". Locate Button

How to configure the Google Services SDK for Unity 5.6?

This is the SDK of google for Unity.
Link: https://github.com/unity-plugins/google-services-unity
I couldn't understand the Quick Setup. How will I replace the google-services.json (see the quick setup guide in the link above) ?
I am using this plugin because I differently imported AdMob SDK & Google Play SDK for Unity and they are giving me nightmares. So trying this SDK.

Google Cardboard SDK not working in Unity 5.4.1f (Gvr Controller script not loaded)

I'm trying to use Google Cardboard SDK with Unity 5.4.1f (Free). After importing the unitypackage with SDK, I tried to run the demo scene, but I see only freezing camera. I can't look around with mouse, just static picture. And I see the errors in Console and Inspector tab. Here is the screenshot:
I tried to import different versions of Cardboard SDK and also tried Unity 5.3, but got the same errors. Please help me, I don't know what's wrong with it.
The project is likely corrupted. Make sure that the version of Unity you have is > the version used to build the Google Cardboard SDK.
If that's not the problem, close Unity, delete the current Google Cardboard SDK project and plugin. Download fresh version here.
After downloading it, import the GoogleVRForUnity.unitypackage file. This should fix your problem.
Things changed in the latest Google VR SDK update. The VR Demo Scenes now require VR
Technical preview to work. You can get the latest Unity version for VR here. Scroll down to the end of the page.
The latest version 5.4.2f2-GVR10.
Once you download this version of Unity UNITY_HAS_GOOGLEVR will be defined in Unity and you can now run the ControllerDemo demo.
You can run the DemoScene scene in Assets\GoogleVR\DemoScenes\HeadsetDemo directory without downloading the Unity GVR version. Right click on the Project tab then click Reimport All.
You just cannot run the ControllerDemo scene in Assets\GoogleVR\DemoScenes directory without downloading the Unity GVR version.

Integrating GPGS and AdMob or Vungle

Using Unity 5.2.3.
Using Android SDK Rev. 23.1.1
Using Google Play Game Services Package 0.9.31a (Services Version 8.4.0) for unity.
Using AdMob 3.0.1
Using Vungle (can't link, stackoverflow not allowing more than 2 links)
Note: I am using AdMob and Vungle separately with Play game services.
I have integrated Play game services with my app and that's work fine but whenever I try to include any other packages like AdMob or Vungle following happens.
AdMob: I have included the package, whenever Compile or Reopen the project play-services-basement-8.4.0 get deleted, Play Games Package has Resolve Client Jars and I am 100% sure that to blame.
Vungle: I configured Vungle Package as described in their documentation but again whenever I compile or reopen the Project several of Vungle files along with Vungle's main file Assets/Plugins/Android/libs/"android-support-v4.jar" get deleted. Again maybe Resolve Client Jars to blame.
In both cases above, I have manually copied the missing files and include them while Unity was closed but those were gone as soon as project opens.
I have issued a bug report with Unity but they said they can't help with 3rd party and they don't have issue on Unity's end.
Please Help and let me know any additional information, ill be happy to assist you.
Since PlayServicesResolver just find dependency by rules and copy "NEWEST" to project folder and Google Play Games already have dependency on support-library-v4 23.1.+. , we can not resolve this within Unity Plugin.
I would recommend:
As work around, you can navigate to Assets>Google Play Services>Settings>uncheck-"enable background resolution"
and manually copy support library from
Assets/Plugins/Android, and run Assets>Google Play Services>Resolve Client Jars and keep 21.0.3"
This will leave "older version" of "android-support-v4.jar", but Google Play Games might not work with this version of "android-support-v4.jar".
Can you please try this?